Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


Alice Bailey wants to make her followers believe that the Masters of Shamballa know very little about reincarnation and that they are totally ignorant about how reincarnation works.

And this why Alice Bailey in her book "The Reappearance of the Christ", she claims that Djwal Khul stated the following asseveration:

« The teaching (hitherto given out on reincarnation) has done more harm than good. Only one factor remains of value: the existence of a Law of Rebirth is now discussed by many and accepted by thousands.

Beyond the fact that there is such a law, we [the Masters] know little and those who know from experience the factual nature of this return reject earnestly the foolish and improbable details, given out as fact by the theosophical and occult organizations.

The Law exists; but the details of its working, we [the Masters] know as yet nothing. Only a few things can be said with accuracy about it and these few warrant no contradiction. »
(Chapter five: “The teachings of the Christ”, p.117-118)

But this statement by Alice Bailey is false because when you study The Original Theosophy (which is the true esoteric teaching transmitted by the Masters) you realize that the Masters know enormously about reincarnation. And in the blog I will go detailing the extraordinary teaching they gave us about the reincarnation.

For example, in this other article, I have compiled the information Master Kuthumi gave about reincarnation, and if you read it, you will be able to verify that he has a very deep knowledge on that subject (see link).

But also what Alice Bailey says often is opposite what Master Kuthumi taught, for example:

1) Alice Bailey stated:

« Some Egos cycle through their incarnations and their pralayas very rapidly; others spend untold aeons, and hence it is impossible to say that there are even "averages" connected with the appearance of Egos on the physical plane»
(A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p.1036)

This is false because the masters and their disciples did reveal that average.

2) And also Alice Bailey assured that:

« The periods in which the spiritual man is out of incarnation and has withdrawn into egoic consciousness. They practically do not exist for the one who is little evolved, since they pass cyclically and with amazing speed inside and outside the incarnation

Life interludes, or those periods where in the spiritual man is out of incarnation, and has withdrawn into the egoic consciousness. These, for the little evolved, are practically non-existent; they cycle in and out of incarnation with amazing rapidity»
(A Treatise on White Magic, p.513)

This is also false because Master Kuthumi pointed out that on average the duration to reincarnate is 1200 to 1500 years.

3) And also Alice Bailey stated that:

« Basically, it is not desire which prompts return but will and knowledge of the plan»
(Esoteric Astrology, p.324)

This is also false because Master Kuthumi pointed out that one of the main factors that drives souls to want to reincarnate is the strength of Tanha (which in Sanskrit means the desire to have earthly experiences).

4) And also Alice Bailey assured that:

« It is not the need for achieving an ultimate perfection which goads the ego on to experience in form, for the ego is already perfect»
(Esoteric Astrology, p.324)

This is incorrect because Master Kuthumi explained that humans at the beginning of their evolution are like “cosmic seeds,” that is, they already contain in them the full potential to become divine beings, but there is still nothing built into them, and that is why humans have to reincarnate, in order to carry out that development.

5) And also Alice Bailey wrote that:

« An instance of this inaccurate and foolish attempt to throw light upon the theory of rebirth, can be seen in the time limits imposed upon departed human souls, between incarnation on the physical plane, and the return to physical rebirth - so many years of absence are proclaimed, dependent upon the age of the departed soul, and its place upon the ladder of evolution.

If, we are told, the soul is very advanced, absence from the physical plane is prolonged, whereas the reverse is the case. Advanced souls, and those whose intellectual capacity is rapidly developing, come back with great rapidity, owing to their sensitive response to the pull and obligations, interests and responsibilities already established upon the physical plane»
(Esoteric Healing, p.403)

This is also false because Master Kuthumi pointed out that more your life on Earth has been enriching in knowledge, experiences, development, spirituality and positive karma. More time you will remain in the divine world before reincarnating again. And only in exceptional cases the humans quickly reincarnate.

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And this shows that Alice Bailey was very ignorant of how reincarnation works, but it also shows that Alice Bailey was not a Master Kuthumi's disciple as she intended, because if she had truly been her disciple, then she would have taught same teachings and not the lies she put in her books.

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