Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this



    1.  Explanation of Master Pasteur
    2.  Examples of desynchronization given by science
    3.  My opinion about it
    4.  Theosophical explanation
    5.  Conclusion


When people asked this question to Master Pasteur, this is what he answered:

«          This type of surgery has its good side and its bad side.

But there is no need for it to be debated in this way and come to the conclusion that because it also has a bad side, then it should be avoided.
No, that is a wrong decision.

What you should do is also looking at the useful side and consider which of the two aspects is most beneficial to the possibilities that humanity has today.

Because although it is true that organ transplants carry problems in the energy body, this does not mean that they have to stop doing them.

For the reason that

What other option do you have to achieve the same result?


Then you must use the service that science has achieved until this moment to develop.

(Although that also brings disadvantages.)

* * * * * * *

And what are the disadvantages that there are in the transplants of organs?

You must know that an organ is not a simple piece of living matter, but rather it is like a small being, which, along with other beings are part of a whole family that is the body of a person.

And the drawback with this type of surgical interventions is that the person will have a desynchronization.

Let's suppose that a patient has a heart transplant and everything turns out well physically. Well, in spite of that, that individual is going to have an alteration in his energetic aura. Which does not necessarily lead to a spiritual problem or other diseases. But even so, in a certain way he will not have the same note.

However, there are less disadvantages with organ transplants that with blood transfusions, and that is where the researchers will approve more to find another method in the future that can replace them. »
(Conference 09-27-86)


The American biologist Bruce Lipton sees evidence that individual characteristics are still present even after death in the fact that patients who have received organ transplants sometimes report behavioral and psychological changes.

For instance, one conservative, health-conscious American was astonished when she developed a taste for beer, chicken nuggets, and motorcycles after her heart-lung transplant.

Her donor turned out to be a young motorcycle enthusiast who loved chicken nuggets and beer.

In another case, a young girl began having nightmares of murder after her heart transplant, and her dreams were so vivid they led to the capture of the murderer who killed her donor.

Lipton offers the following explanation:

« The transplanted organs still bear the original identity receptors of the donor and are apparently still downloading that same environmental information. Even though the body of the person who donated the organs is dead, their broadcast is still on. »
(The Biology of Belief, p.192)

But what is the nature of this individual information?

How does it originate and where is it stored?

Lipton seems to be saying that it takes the form of electromagnetic radiation in our physical environment.

He adds that each of us downloads only a narrow band of the spectrum, which in its totality constitutes “God”.

However, Lipton rejects the notion of ‘cellular memory’, since he does not recognize the existence of astral bodies or of nonphysical forms of energy-substance of any kind.

But according to Theosophy, every physical object or entity, from atom to human to galaxy, has a more ethereal inner constitution in which memories can inhere.

And this means that if an organ is transplanted into another person, that person may under certain conditions tap into the memories associated with it.


Personally, I think a good option that will serve to replace the need to use the blood of other people in blood transfusions, is the use of synthetic blood.

And for organ transplantation exist the possibility of building the reference organs from our stem cells, nothing more than the church is very antagonistic in reason of their religious beliefs.

But you should also be aware that many of these situations result because men do not care for their bodies, and so for example: there is the drunk who destroys his liver, or the anger man who predisposes him to get cancer..

So, try the more that you can to have a balanced life, both physically and emotionally so that you do not have to go through extreme situations of having to replace an organ.

And if one of your organs is sick, but you have enough time (unfortunately that is not always the case) but if you do not have the urge to transplant an organ.

Seek yourselves also will heal your organ through visualization and also through an awareness of you were damaging it.

Apologize to your cells and add the appropriate nutrients so that your body recovers. And in that aspect, a healthy diet and the use of botanical medicine can yield great results, although the healing process is slow and gradual.

But even if you are on the waiting list for an organ transplant, do this what I have to tell you because even if it does not solve the problem, it can help to improve the situation and allow you to have more time to live before a donor has been assigned to you.


To deepen more on this subject, you can also read the article published by the United Lodge of Theosophists of England, where it gives the theosophical point of view about organ transplant, and you can read this article here.


Organ transplantation and blood transfusion are not the most suitable methods because they involve energy problems, but as we currently have to save lives, we must continue to take advantage of them until we discover other more appropriate methods.

And obviously you have to apply those methods with fraternity, ethics and respect.

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