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can read translated in English in this


Masters Kuthumi and Morya almost did not talk about this topic, and this is mainly because they responded essentially to the questions asked by Mr. Sinnett and Mr. Hume, and by the end of the 19th century, sexuality was still a very taboo subject from which people avoided addressing in the conversations, but despite this we find in the Mahatma Letters some interesting information that Master Kuthumi mentions about it.

Master Kuthumi explained that to be able to develop superior powers one needs to be chaste:

« The disciples who believe that they will be able to reach the great initiations through "a reasonable temperance and self-control" where they resist a little and the same succumb to their desires. These disciples are wrong because Esoteric Science is a jealous mistress and allows not a shadow of self-indulgence; and it is "fatal" not only to the ordinary course of married life but even to flesh and wine drinking. »
(ML 18, p. 122)

But he also pointed out that it is useless to abstain from sex to develop higher faculties, if in one still wants it, and that is why on one occasion he told to Mr. Hume:

« You ask me to teach you to communicate with me through the astral Light, but you must know that the development of the psychic power of hearing that you mention (the Siddhi of hearing occult sounds) would be not at all the easy matter you imagine.

It was never done to any one of us, for the iron rule is that what powers one gets he must himself acquire.

And when acquired and ready for use the powers lie dumb and dormant in their potentiality (like the wheels and clockwork inside a music box).

And only then does it become easy to wind up the key and set them in motion.

Of course you who are a vegetarian now have more chances than my zoophagous friend Mr. Sinnett, who, were he even to give up feeding on animals would still feel a craving for such a food.

A craving over which he would have no control and the impediment would be the same as if he continued to physically eat the meat of the animals.

Yet every earnestly disposed man may acquire such powers practically. That is the finality of it; there are no more distinctions of persons in this than there are as to whom the sun shall shine upon or the air gives vitality to. »
(ML 11, p. 65)

Here Master Kuthumi referred to those who in his mind cannot stop wanting to eat meat, but it can be deduced that the same thing must happen to those who, although physically chaste, inside cannot stop wanting to have sex.

But Master Kuthumi also pointed out that it is not necessary that humans should already advance on the path of occult initiation and they can very well enjoy sexual life and at the same time evolve:

« It is true that the married man cannot be an adept, yet without striving to become a "Raja Yogi" he can acquire certain powers and do as much good to mankind and often more, by remaining within the precincts of this world of his.

Therefore, shall we not ask you to precipitately change fixed habits of life, before the full conviction of its necessity and advantage has possessed you. »
(ML 4, p. 17)

And finally Master Kuthumi pointed out that sexual activity is not bad, but the abuse that humans do with it:

« Food, sexual relations, drink, are all natural necessities of life; yet excess and degradation in them brings on disease, misery, suffering, mental and physical, and the latter are transmitted as the greatest evils to future generations. »
(ML 10, p. 57)

As for Master Morya, he explained that our activities and beliefs generate energies that attract subtle entities related to those vibrations that we produce because they are nourished by the magnetic and energetic fluids that we emanate.
In this regard, Master Morya wrote:
« Mr. Hume and Mr. Sinnett may have had influences around them [he refers to those astral entities] due to the bad magnetic emanations that the result of drink, Society and promiscuous physical associations (resulting even from shaking hands with impure men) but all this is physical and material impediments which with a little effort we could counteract and even clear away without much detriment to ourselves.
Not so with the magnetism and invisible results proceeding from erroneous and sincere beliefs. Faith in the Gods and God, and other superstitions attracts millions of foreign influences, living entities and powerful agents around them, with which we would have to use more than ordinary exercise of power to drive them away.
We do not choose to do so. We do not find it either necessary or profitable to lose our time waging war to the unprogressed Planetaries who delight in personating gods and sometimes well known characters who have lived on Earth»
(ML 134, p.462)
And this is one of the reasons why those who already want to become accepted disciples and walk the path of initiation, have to abandon all those profane activities and erroneous beliefs, in order to no longer be vampirized and badly influenced by all those subtle entities that prevent entering a deep connection with the White Hierarchy.

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