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In his book "The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception" (1909), in chapter five entitled "The relation of man to God", Max Heindel put the following diagram:

But what Max Heindel did not specify is that he did not elaborate this diagram, he took it from an article published by The Theosophist journal, December 1899, v .21, p.146-157, written by A. Schwarz, and entitled "Study on the relation of man to God":

And contrary to the Max Heindel’s diagram, the original diagram shows a connection between the Divine Hierarchy and humanity, which justifies the title of the article, while Max Heindel omitted that aspect (but still he put the same title in his chapter).

I suspect that the reason why Max Heindel omitted that aspect is because he did not want to be accused of plagiarism (he even reversed the diagram), but also because he did not understand that connection very well, since in his chapter he speaks nothing about it, while the original article did it.

So, this indicates to me, that probably Max Heindel simply put this diagram in his book to impress his readers, but without really understanding what it represents.

Because the following diagram of the original article, Max Heindel no longer dared to put it:

And the Max Heindel's explanation in his chapter five is very simplistic in comparison with the Mr. Schwarz’s explanation, although, unfortunately Mr. Schwarz has mixed original Theosophy with Neo-Theosophy.

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