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can read translated in English in this


There is a well known photograph circulating on the internet where Madame Blavatsky appears with Kuthumi, Morya and Saint Germaine, and which many people have unquestioningly accepted as being genuine. But in reality that photo is false as I am going to show you below.

1)It becomes immediately apparent that if Blavatsky were to stand up from her seated position, she would then be of almost the same height as the three men behind her. But this cannot be so, especially since the real Master Morya is described as being a very tall individual of at least 6’5″ tall.

2) These are not the real faces of Kuthumi, Morya and Saint-Germain, below I put their real portraits:

3) When Blavatsky and Masters Kuthumi and Morya talked about the other Adepts with whom they interacted (Serapis, Hilarion, Dwjal Khul, etc.) they used the present tense to refer to them.

But when they talked about the Count of Saint Germain, they always used the past tense to refer to him and they never mentioned a “Master Rakoczy”.

And that indicates to me that the soul of Saint Germain was not present with them when they proceeded out the resurgence of the Theosophical Movement at the end of the 19th century, and it is most probable that someone of the deceitful instructors who emerged afterwards commanded to falsify this image.

The first who invented that the Count of Saint Germain was present and working with the Masters and Blavatsky was the controversial Charles Leadbeater, who claimed that Saint Germain was reincarnated in a man named “Master Rakoczy” who was born in Hungary.

It was Leadbeater who first sowed the initial seeds for today’s New Age obsession with the “Ascended Master Saint Germain” who is channeled by many charlatans.

And Madame Blavatsky did indeed have personal knowledge of a “Hungarian Initiate” (her words) or “Magyar Philosopher” (Colonel Olcott’s words) but they never named or identified this individual as the reincarnation of the Count of Saint Germain.

He is only very briefly mentioned a few times and it is apparent that his connection and involvement with the Theosophical Movement was not as close or direct as that of other Adepts.

On the other hand, we know that Leadbeater was a very liar man, and for example on one occasion he showed a picture that he claimed that Master Kuthumi had offered him as a gift. But we know now that this statement is false and in reality Leadbeater ordered make that painting to cajole people.

However, it is most likely that it was Guy Ballard who ordered create that false image because he claimed to be in contact with the Count of Saint Germain, and therefore it was very convenient for him to have this image because his followers would relate Saint Germain with the Theosophical Masters and that would reinforce the idea that Guy Ballard was the new messenger of the Brotherhood of the Masters.


1) A person who has an original photo said the following:

« This photograph has been in our family since the mid 1960’s. It is heavily silvered, which makes it likely that the photograph is old. It is clearly of a picture in an album and includes the typewritten comment:

“This magnificent picture was taken in Adyar, India about 85 years ago. A picture of the great soul, Madame Blavatsky and the three Masters with whom she worked to found the Theosophical Society. These great ones are shown as they appeared in the physical at that time. Reading from left to right they are Lord Kuthumi, Lord Morya and Lord St Germaine.”

My personal guess is that the original artwork is in a style that dates from the late nineteenth or early twentieth century, and that Kuthumi’s style of clothing is extremely unlikely. But it can’t be as old as claimed.

Searching the Internet for indication of the actual age and artist of the original painting I once found another photo which shows it in a frame, with an indecipherable artist’s signature, usually cropped out, on the bottom left hand corner. »

Searching I have found another identical photo, but it is quite damaged, which makes me consider that the guy who took it made several copies probably to distribute them.

2) There is also another similar image

But you can see that someone edited the original photograph by changing the images of the heads for others that resemble more, and to show you, below I put the photos of the portraits that were used:

3) And there is also a drawing of an unknown artist.

Some researchers believe that the photo was taken from this drawing, but I think that is the contrary and the drawing were made from the photo because the faces are darker.

And the person who did the drawing, not conceiving that the Indians could have a fair complexion, he decided to darken the faces of Kuthumi and Morya much more, which shows that he did not have much knowledge because if he having investigated more, then he would have known that the Masters Kuthumi and Morya accepted that the German painter Hermann Schmiechen painted their portraits and in them we can perceive that their complexion is clear.


  1. June Vallyon14.7.19

    I'm the person who made the statement that you quoted (without my permission, by the way) The "unknown artist" who did the original painting - the bottom one - which has a signature in the bottom left-hand corner was J A Knapp. Guy Ballard was a good guess, since he was a follower of The Compte de St Germain, but there is an almost identical picture labelled as "Franz Joseph Ragoczy" with the "Napp" part of the signature clearly in the bottom left-hand corner in one of Manley Palmer Hall's books, along with other pictures by the same artist. This painting, with its signature, is seen more clearly in Google Books' cover picture of "The Masters Revealed" by K Paul Johnson.

    1. Thank you for to provide more information and I apologize for not asking you for permission, but I didn't know how to contact you and your comment on this link seemed very interesting:

  2. This is not a real photo. It is a painting by J. Augustus Knapp (1930) displaying an imaginative representation of HPB and her Teachers. The original painting is held at the Philosophical Research Society in Los Angeles, California.

    1. The drawing, yes, it is, but the image in the photography too?

  3. You wrote:
    ... Charles Leadbeater, who claimed that Saint Germain was reincarnated in a man named “Master Rakoczy” ...
    But there's an information from Rudolf Steiner: Saint-Germain himself was born as Rákóczi Lipót György in 28th May of 1696 as the son of lord II. Rákóczi Ferenc.
    Or, this occasion was claimed as his reincarnation? Maybe.

  4. The origin of this information is Karl von Hessen-Kassel. Saint-Germain spent long time in Kassel.
    Karl von Hessen-Kassel claims, that Saint-Germain himself told him,
    that he is the son of II Rákóczi Ferenc, hungarian lord.

    1. Most likely Saint-Germain was the bastard son of Rakoczi II and Princess Violante, see:

      But Saint-Germain was only an occultist and an agent of the Masters of Wisdom, he was not a master. It was Leadbeater who invented this lie that Saint Germain in XIXth century was the “Master Rakoczi”.
