Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


“The Mahatma Letters” is a book that collects the letters that Mr. Sinnett and Mr. Hume received from Masters Kuthumi and Morya.

And in the Theosophical world, it is one of the most important books, since this book contents the teaching given directly by the Trans-Himâlayan Masters, and personally this book was very important in my life because it allowed me to understand the esotericism with more clarity.

Let me to explain you why:

When I was young I became interested in Theosophy, but I quickly discovered that there were two very different versions and when I asked to the leaders of the Theosophical Society:

Why was that?

They replied me that it was because the original messenger (Helena Blavatsky) had made many mistakes and consequently later disciples of the Masters (Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant) they needed to correct those mistakes.

At first I was somewhat skeptical with that explanation, but when I later discovered the teachings of Alice Bailey and her instructors told me that Leadbeater and Besant had become corrupt and that therefore the Masters had to send a new messenger to finish transmitting their knowledge.

When I observed that the structures given by Alice Bailey were similar to those taught by Leadbeater and Annie Besant, I came to the conclusion that what they had been telling me (that Blavatsky had been wrong) must be true. And that's when I decided to completely forget about Blavatsky and concentrate me in the Neo-Theosophy.

But a few years later, I discovered the existence of “The Mahatma Letters” and I was very excited to be able to access to the occult teaching given from one of its highest sources.

So, I started looking for that book. Which by the way at that time was very difficult to find, since I could only get it in making copies of the copies that someone lent me in exchange for a sum of money.

But I had a lot of frustration, because when I tried to read it, because I did not understand anything of what the Masters taught, so in my mind, I said to myself:

"I prefer the simplest explanations given by the most modern instructors."

Leadbeater, Besant and Bailey

Twenty years passed before I received a book entitled “HP Blavatsky - Students: Friends and Enemies” and it was a great shock to read it because this book detailed all the misdeeds that Leadbeater and Annie Besant had committed against the Theosophical Movement.

Full of stupor and wanting to find out the truth, I started to investigate and every time the facts showed me more and more than what that book said was true.

But wanting to have greater certainty, I returned to be interested in the book “The Mahatma Letters” but this time calmly and without caring that I had to read twenty times some letters to be able to understand them.

And what was my surprise when I discovered that the teaching found in these letters was not only identical to the one taught by Blavatsky, but also the one taught by Williams Judge.

  • And there I had no more doubts that those who had distorted the teaching had been Leadbeater and Besant, and NOT Blavatsky as the leaders of the Theosophical Society in Adyar had made me believe it at the beginning of my search.
  • And Alice Bailey, ignoring this matter, had copied the falsehoods that Leadbeater and Besant had invented, thus demonstrating their trickery as well.

And that is why I tell you that “The Mahatma Letters” have a very important value for me, because that book allowed me to realize what teaching is the real Theosophy and what teaching is only a pseudo-Theosophy.


The first thing that stands out is that he almost did not use them.

While “The Secret Doctrine” mentions it every time. On the other hand, in her voluminous work of more than 30 books, Alice Bailey only makes six references to “The Mahatma Letters” and to top it off, she often makes inappropriate references because they are outside of the subject.

As a continuation, I show you:


In her book “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” she wrote:

« During the period of the first solar system, the third aspect logoic, that of Brahma, Mind, or Intelligence, was being brought to the point of achievement.* »
(Section “The centers and the rays”, p.174)

And as an explanatory note, he places a portion of the Mahatma Letter 12 where Master Morya explains to Mr. Sinnett the process of death and rebirth through which the planets also pass.

And that has nothing to do with what Alice Bailey writes!

And to show them, here is an excerpt from that letter:

« When the last cycle of man-bearing has been completed by that last fecund earth; and humanity has reached in a mass the stage of Buddhahood and passed out of the objective existence into the mystery of Nirvana — then “strikes the hour”; the seen becomes the unseen, the concrete resumes its pre-cyclic state of atomic distribution.

But the dead worlds left behind the on-sweeping impulse do not continue dead. Motion is the eternal order of things and affinity or attraction its handmaid of all works. The thrill of life will again reunite the atoms, and it will stir again in the inert planet when the time comes. »
(Mahatma Letters, p.67)


In her book “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” she also wrote:

« Devachan* is a state of consciousness, reflecting, in the life of the Personality, that higher state which we call nirvanic consciousness. »
(Section “The Nature of Pralaya”, p.736)

And as an explanatory note she puts a portion of the Mahatma Letter N°16 where Master Kuthumi explains about the Devachan.

But if Alice Bailey had paid more attention to what she copied, she would have noticed that Master Kuthumi defines Devachan as "a state of perpetual Maya."

Which contradicts the definition that Alice Bailey put of the Devachan, because what precisely characterizes the nirvanic consciousness is that it is freed from “Maya” (that is, from the illusion). Whereas on the contrary, the souls during their stay in the Devachan are immersed in an illusion that makes them very happy.

And this also Master Kuthumi specified in what Alice Bailey copied !!!!

And to show them, here is an excerpt from that letter:

« Devachan is a state. One, so to say, of intense selfishness, during which an Ego reaps the reward of his unselfishness on earth. He is completely engrossed in the bliss of all his personal earthly affections, preferences and thoughts, and gathers in the fruit of his meritorious actions.

No pain, no grief nor even the shadow of a sorrow comes to darken the bright horizon of his unalloyed happiness: for, it is a state of perpetual "Maya". . . Since the conscious perception of one's personality on earth is but an evanescent dream that sense will be equally that of a dream in the Devachan — only a hundred fold intensified. »
(Mahatma Letters, p.101)

And that is why William Judge explains that humans after dying, are still submerged within the illusion, and so will continue to be throughout their evolution until they finally reach enlightenment (which is the nirvanic consciousness) and in this way they can liberate themselves from the Maya (that is, the illusion) and later from Samsara (which is the cycle of reincarnations):

« The Ego is deceived by ignorance, and hence incarnates and reincarnates in different states, and for each state he obtains a vehicle that accentuates his ignorance. And so it is that during his life on Earth he gets a physic vehicle (which is his body and personality) which is deceptive and binds the Ego as long as he continues his ignorance of the Truth.

And when the human dies, he leaves his physic vehicle and enters the other state (in the devachanic state) where he has another vehicle appropriate for that sphere and there he is tricked again and held back by ignorance, but in this case, the mind It is completely related to the pure, noble and pleasant thoughts that the human had during his stay on Earth.

[This is exactly what Master Kuthumi said in his letter, and William Judge ends by saying:]

And so the human being continues to reincarnate and reincarnate, remaining in the illusion that he perceives alternately in the terrestrial sphere (when he is on Earth) and in the celestial sphere (when he is in the Devachan), until the day when ignorance it is finally destroyed»
(Echoes of the Orient, vol. II, p.312)

And this is one more example that shows that Alice Bailey does NOT know what she says and that her teaching is often contrary to what the Masters and their true disciples teach.


In her book “A Treatise on Cosmic Fire” she also wrote:

« Just as the Moon is a deterrent or malefic force where the Earth is concerned, and productive of evil "influences," so all such disintegrating bodies are equally destructive. Such bodies exist within the solar ring-pass-not.* »
(Sección “The evolution of petals”, p.837)

And as an explanatory note he puts a portion of Mahatma Letter N°23 where Master Kuthumi explains to Mr. Sinnett that there are planets that have not yet been discovered because they are barely in their formation process and therefore cannot be perceived with a normal telescope, but you can perceive them with a telescope that captures the radiation invisible to the human eye.

And to show them, here is an excerpt from that letter:

« Not all of the Intra-mercurial Planets, nor yet those in the orbit of Neptune are yet discovered (though they are strongly suspected).

We know that such exist and where they exist; and that there are innumerable planets "burnt out" they say (in obscuration we say) planets in formation and not yet luminous, etc. But then "we know" is of little use to science, when the Spiritualists will not admit our knowledge.

Edison's tasimeter adjusted to its utmost degree of sensitiveness and attached to a large telescope may be of great use when perfected.

When so attached the "tasimeter" will afford the possibility not only to measure the heat of the remotest of visible stars, but to detect by their invisible radiations stars that are unseen and otherwise undetectable, hence planets also. »
(Mahatma Letters, p.169)

And once again Alice Bailey puts a reference outside of the theme because while she is talking about dying planets, Master Kuthumi is talking about sleeping planets.

And Alice Bailey probably puts that reference because Master Kuthumi mentions that there are planets in "obscuration". But this shows Mrs. Bailey's ignorance in esoteric matters because the term "obscuration" does not mean that the planet is in degradation, but rather that temporarily the wave of life that evolves on that planet is outside of that world.

And for information from the reader, that term "planet in a state of obscurity" was invented by Mr. Sinnett, but since it does not seem appropriate because it confuses people, I prefer to say that "the planet is temporarily in pause" until life emerges in that world.


One would think that “The Mahatma Letters” being a book in which the Theosophical teaching is directly transmitted by the Masters, Alice Bailey (who pretended to be a disciple of the Master Kuthumi) would often use it to supplement her own explanations. But we see that not only Alice Bailey used it very rarely, but also used it very incorrectly.


1) First, because it is a difficult book to read, since the Masters use many words in Sanskrit that if their meaning is not well known, it greatly disturbs the understanding of what they mean.

2) Second, because Alice Bailey happened her, the same thing as me, and that is that when you immerse in the pseudo-Theosophy of Leadbeater and Annie Besant, the explanations given by the original Theosophy become very difficult to understand because they are other structures, other definitions and other concepts that are often opposed as demonstrated above.

3) But there is also a third reason, and this reason Alice Bailey mentions it in her book “Rays and the Initiations” where she wrote:

« The Master Kuthumi, in one of the few (the very few) paragraphs in the Mahatma Letters which are genuine and not simply the work of Blavatsky. »
(Sección “Introductory remarks”, p.342)

And there we see that Alice Bailey thought that most of the letters had been elaborated by Blavatsky. And this shows that Alice Bailey did NOT investigate seriously and she believed in the slander that Blavatsky's enemies did it to her accusing Blavatsky of having falsified the letters of the Masters.

But if Alice Bailey had investigated this matter more deeply, just as I did (because after being cheated by so much charlatan instructor, now I am very suspicious and I seriously investigate a teaching before accepting it).

If Alice Bailey had made a minimum effort to investigate instead of just accepting what she was hearing, she would have realized that those accusations were false.


Alice Bailey, unaware of the true Theosophical teaching, did not know how to value or understand “The Mahatma Letters”. And if she had done it, then she would not have put so many errors in her books.

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