Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English
in these links:
Part 1 and Part 2.


Among the many promises that Guy and Edna Ballard made to their followers was that the members of their organization would no longer age, and even those who were already aged could escape from the ravages of old age using the I AM decrees.
But none of the Ballard followers have escaped from old age, and the photos taken to Guy and Edna Ballard show that they have not escaped old age either.
For example, here is a photo of Guy and Edna Ballard when they were still handsome:
And here is another photo taken several years later when the Ballards already look quite aged; Guy Ballard looks like an anemic vampire, and Edna Ballard looks like an early-morning zombie:

And they couldn't continue taking photos of Guy Ballard because he died shortly after, but they could continue taking photos of Edna Ballard, and these photos show that she continued to get older and older:

It is obvious that this promise of eternal youth was just another lie told by the Ballards to fool people.

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