I have
confirmed that Alice Bailey on several occasions put real absurdities and
enormous aberrations in her books, and in this chapter I am going to compile
them for you:
In the theosophical
teachings, Christ is the name given in the West to the Cosmic Consciousness
that cares for humanity, but for Alice Bailey, Christ is a very spiritual man
who lives in the Himalayas and whose main disciples are the trans-Himalayan
« Around Him [Christ] —in that High
Place on Earth where He has His abiding place [Himalayas]— are gathered today
all His great Disciples, the Masters of the Wisdom, and all Those liberated
Sons of God Who, down the ages, have passed from darkness to Light, from the
unreal to the Real, and from death to Immortality. They stand ready to carry
out His bidding and to obey Him, the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher
alike of Angels and of men. »
“The Reappearance of Christ”, chapter 3, p.37)
And for
Alice Bailey, Christ is also the creator of religions, which he founded through
his messiahs:
« Christ used the body of the
initiate Jesus, taking possession of it at the moment of Baptism. »
“Treatise on Cosmic Fire”, p.339)
unfortunately his new disciple Krishnamurti failed to be the next messiah:
« One of the first experiments He made
as He prepared for this form of activity was in connection with Krishnamurti.
It was only partially successful. The power used by Him was distorted and
misapplied by the devotee type of which the Theosophical Society is largely
composed, and the experiment was brought to an end: it served, however, a most
useful purpose. »
“Discipleship in the New Era II”, p.172)
And that is
why on this occasion Christ will have to come personally to the West to create
his new religion:
« They [his disciples] will
prepare and work for conditions in the world in which Christ can move freely
among men, in bodily Presence; He need not then remain in His present retreat
in Central Asia. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.590)
And to
travel from the Himalayas to the West, Christ is going to take a plane:
« The Christian concept of the
return of a triumphant Christ, coming in the clouds of heaven to Jerusalem,
there to reign for a thousand years, is true in one way and utterly false as to
design, location and method. Christ will return; the Jerusalem referred to
(literally "the place of peace") is not the chief city of a small
country called Palestine or the Holy Land; the word is simply symbolic of a
peaceful world—a world which, through its own self-initiated efforts, has
attained a general quietude and has acquired a certain measure of right human
His coming
in the air might be interpreted literally to mean that at the right time He
will come by plane from the place on earth where He has been for many
generations, watching over the sons of men; the words "every eye shall see
Him" might mean that, by the time He comes, television will have been
perfected and He will then be seen, by its means, from even the most distant
spot on earth.
To the
orthodox Christian, the above will sound like the rankest blasphemy, but the
question immediately arises: Why should it be blasphemy for Him to use modern
methods? »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.575)
In her
ignorance Alice Bailey did not realize that the Christ she worshiped was in reality
a fictional character invented by the charlatan Charles Leadbeater to promote
Krishnamurti as the next messiah.
And although
Krishnamurti gave up this charade, Alice Bailey continued with this story by
saying increasingly crazy things.
Alice Bailey
claims that war is the natural complement to peace, just as yin is the natural
complement to yang.
« Peace and war are not a true
pair of opposites. Peace and change, peace and movement, are the real ones. War
is but an aspect of change, and has its roots deep in matter. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”,
But this is
absurd because wars are not necessary for there to be peace, and wars are not
necessary for changes to occur. And the proof is that most countries have not
entered wars during the last eighty years, and yet the changes that have
occurred in the world have been spectacular.
But Alice
Bailey does not accept this asseveration and she also associates wars with the
cycle of life and death:
« This stage of death and of
birth (for the two are proceeding simultaneously) can be easily grasped by the
esotericist as he studies the world war in its two distinctive periods: 1914 to
1918, and 1939 until 1942.
The first
stage (if you could see the situation as it truly is) was most definitely the
death stage; the second stage, in which we now find ourselves, is literally the
stage of birth—the birth pangs of the new order and of the new civilization
through which humanity's sense of life can express itself. The mother dies in
order that the child may live. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”,
But this is
also absurd because the cycle of life and death is a necessary cycle because
nothing exists forever, but it is not necessary for wars to exist.
And as
humans continue to evolve, they will want to kill each other less and less. And
in fact currently it only requires that humans no longer allow themselves to be
manipulated by their politic leaders for most wars to cease.
Alice Bailey
assures that humans have to develop their psychic faculties, and to achieve
that, the First World War was very beneficial because the numerous cannon shots
caused the border that separates the physical world from the astral world to be
« One of the results of the
world condition at this time is the speeding up of all the atomic lives upon
and within the planet. This necessarily involves the increased vibratory activity
of the human mechanism, with a consequent effect upon the psychic nature,
producing an abnormal sensitivity and psychic awareness. It would be of value
here to remember that the condition of humanity at this time is not the result
of simply one factor, but of several—all of them being active simultaneously,
because this period marks the close of one age and the inauguration of the new.
The factors
to which I refer are, primarily, three in number. One of them being the First
World War, which marked a climax in the history of the human race and its
subjective effect was much more powerful than we believe.
Through the
power of prolonged sound, carried forward as a great experiment on the
battlefields all over the world during a period of four years (1914-1918), and through
the intense emotional strain of the entire planetary populace, the web of
etheric matter (called the "veil of the temple") which separates the
physical and astral planes was rent or torn asunder, and the amazing process of
unifying the two worlds of physical plane living and of astral plane experience
was begun and is now slowly going on.
It will be
obvious, therefore, that this must bring about vast changes and alterations in
the human consciousness. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”,
But what
Alice Bailey says is completely opposite to what the Masters of Wisdom and
their true disciples say, who strongly discourage humans from wanting to
develop their psychic faculties because they do not yet have the necessary
spiritual development to be able to apply those psychic faculties in a
harmonious way, and therefore if they wake them up today they will end very
And neither
are the Masters in favor of the border between the physical plane and the
astral plane decreasing, because already in the current situation humans are so
tremendously badly influenced and besieged by the harmful entities of the lower
astral. So if the border between those two worlds were reduced, the pernicious
effects of these harmful entities on humanity would be even worse.
Alice Bailey
claims that the Masters caused World War II:
« Due to the extraplanetary
stimulus, the immediate planetary crisis and the current invoking demand of
humanity, the energy of Shambhala has been allowed to act on the "center
we call the race of men", producing two powerful results: first, the
precipitation of world war, and second, the fission of the atom, resulting in
the atomic bomb. »
“The Rays and the Initiations”, p.647)
But this is
completely false because the Masters of Shambhala must respect the free will
that humans have, and therefore everything that happens on Earth is a
consequence of men, not of the masters.
And Alice
Bailey claims that the real reason the Germans lost the Second World War is
because they are psychologically and physically unbalanced:
« None of the men involved in
the direction of the Axis effort in Europe is today normal psychologically;
they are all suffering from some form of physical deterioration, and this has
been a real factor in their defeat, though one that may be difficult for you to
realize. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.491)
This is also
false since Germans are the same as other humans, and in reality the main
reason why the Germans lost the Second World War is because the United States
became involved in this conflict.
And Alice
Bailey got upset at the countries that remained neutral because those countries
didn't want to participate in the Second World War, and even she got upset at
the Jews for being so hateful:
« It is the smug greed of the nations
which escaped the war which is hindering progress; it is the devious actions of
the Jews and the hatred which they cultivate which tend also to undermine the
hope of peace. »
“The Problems of Humanity”, p.173)
And Alice
Bailey is bothered by these countries because she claims that World War II was
« It must be grounded in the
knowledge that the war—with all its unspeakable horrors, its cruelties and its
cataclysmic disasters—was but the broom of the Father of all, sweeping away
obstructions in the path of His returning Son. It would have been well-nigh
impossible to prepare for the coming in the face of the pre-war conditions.
Upon these facts the New Group of World Servers must today take their stand. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”,
In other
words, for Alice Bailey, the Second World War was very beneficial because it
eliminated the obstacles that prevented the coming of the Son of God (that is,
the fictional character invented by Leadbeater...)
And it makes
me want to ask Alice Bailey:
And given that more than 80 years have passed, and
more than 60 million people died in this Second World War, and there have
already been a multitude of changes that have occurred, then why the Lord
Christ-Maitreya still not worthy of taking a plane to come visit the West?
Is he having problems with his passport?
Or does it require more killings, more changes and
more years to finally get motivated about making this trip?
And yourself
Alice Bailey said that when “the time He comes, television will have been
perfected and He will then be seen, by its means, from even the most distant
spot on earth”.
So why not better the Lord Christ-Maitreya send his
message through social networks and thus save himself having to make this
(I'm being
For Alice
Bailey, the atomic bomb is the most spiritually important event that has arisen
since the appearance of humanity:
« I would like at this time to
touch upon the greatest spiritual event which has taken place since the fourth
kingdom of nature, the human kingdom, appeared. I refer to the release of
atomic energy, as related in the newspapers this week, August 6, 1945, in
connection with the bombing of Japan. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.491)
If for Alice
Bailey a weapon of mass destruction is the most important thing that has
emerged spiritually during all the development of humans, I feel that Alice
Bailey is madness.
And also
Alice Bailey said that the atomic bomb was secretly made by the Masters of
« The atomic bomb emerged from a
first ray Ashram, working in conjunction with a fifth ray group; and from the
long range point of view, its intent was and is purely beneficent. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.548)
Which is
completely false since the masters seek to develop love between humans, not
Alice Bailey
has already forgotten the words of Jesus who recommended forgiving your
enemies, doing the good, and not doing to others what you would not want them
to do to yourself.
But for
Alice Bailey, it was very positive that the United States exploded its two
atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thereby causing the death
of 250’000 Japanese and 130’000 wounded:
« This destruction and the consequent
release of their imprisoned souls, is a necessary happening; it is the
justification of the use of the atomic bomb upon the Japanese population. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.496)
I wonder how
happy Alice Bailey would have been if those atomic bombs had killed her three
daughters, her grandchildren and her husband...
And Alice
Bailey also affirms that the atomic bomb will serve to establish a New World
« The atomic bomb will change
the human way of life and inaugurate the New Age in which we will no longer
have civilizations (and their emerging cultures) but rather a world culture and
an emerging civilization, thus demonstrating the true synthesis that underlies
humanity. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.548)
And Alice
Bailey affirms that this New World Order has to be led by the United Nations and
that this organization is the one that has to have control of nuclear energy:
It is up to
the United Nations to protect this released energy so that it is not misused or
prostituted for selfish ends and purely material purposes. ... But my brothers,
men will fight to prevent it; reactionary groups in all countries will neither
recognize the need nor desire this new world order. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.499)
And Alice
Bailey wants the United Nations also control the atomic bomb and use it against
countries that oppose it:
« The atomic bomb does not belong
to the three nations who perfected it and who own the secrets at present—the
United States of America, Great Britain and Canada. It belongs to the United Nations
for use (or let us rather hope, simply for threatened use) when aggressive
action on the part of any nation rears its ugly head. »
“The Externalization of the Hierarchy”, p.549)
But since Alice
Bailey also wants to return to a theocratic government:
The long
divorce between religion and politics must end. »
“The Reappearance of Christ”, Chapter 2)
I don't want
to imagine the horror it would be to have a government leaded by religious
fanatics who would control the entire planet and who would have atomic bombs.
Alice Bailey was really madness!
There is a
book titled “Between War and Peace” that Alice Bailey published in 1942, but
since then the Lucis Trust foundation (which is the organization in charge of
disseminating Alice Bailey's teachings) does not want to know anything about
the existence of this book.
Which is
very disconcerting because this organization does greatly promote Alice
Bailey's other books, but the Lucis Trust says nothing about this book.
And I
suspect that this organization acts this way because in this book Alice Bailey
has to say many more aberrations that the Lucis Trust does not want the public
to know about.
If Alice Bailey's defenders would start to study more
carefully what Alice Bailey wrote, then they would stop idolizing her.