Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English
in these links:
Part 1 and Part 2.


By Gerald B. Bryan
A week or so hobnobbing among the Ballard followers at their “I AM Temples” is usually enough to convince the visitor that a gigantic warfare is being waged between the decreeing I AM-er and his “entities.”
We must here explain that by “entities” is meant the teeming horde of “psychic” creations that are supposed to populate the world around us, of which, most fortunately, the average person is unaware until certain teachings and practices begin to make such people “entity conscious.” The Ballard cult has done much to bring on well-developed cases of psychophobia in otherwise normal people.
Everywhere, it seems, there are entities. They peep out at I AM-ers from every antique. They nestle in the auras of people who oppose their movement. They bump their heads against protective “walls of Light” thrown around the faithful students. They are as numerous as a plague of locusts, and highly suggestible students are constantly doing battle against them.
Thousands of dollars worth of valuable antiques have been burned or otherwise destroyed by fanatical students because they were told by the Ballards that such things always swarm with entities.
Until the Ballards came along, these possessions were most harmless. But with the advent of the Accredited Messengers of Saint Germain, they suddenly became alive with haunting spirits of the dead. The Ballards have a “decree,” supposed to take care of the matter, and the students go around shouting it at any suspicious thing or person that appears to harbor an entity.
But these “entities” are persistent little imps. They scurry for cover when an irate I AM-er gets after them, and appear to sneak right back again when the coast is clear.
And so despite their decrees and other safeguards, the undeclared war on entities in America still continues, and the outcome of the matter is as yet quite uncertain. So much so that the primordial battle between the dog and his fleas has nothing on the battle which rages between the average I AM-er and his latest crop of entities.
The technique of giving an “Entity Decree” for a well-directed blitzkrieg against the enemy seems to be about as follows:
First, the student calls on the “Mighty I AM Presence,” and, usually, some one or more of the “Ascended Masters.” Most of them always manage to include the “Blessed Saint Germain,” as, under all circumstances, he is a most potent protection. But for absolute safety, they include some of the others, at least a “Goddess” or two, or one of the “Lords of the Flame” from Venus.
“Oromasis” is a favorite with some of the students, but latterly it appears that “Mighty Astrea” is a close runner-up for favor among really discriminating I AM-ers.
After selection of suitable gods and goddesses has been duly accomplished, the student raises his or her hands heavenward and vehemently commands these “Mighty Beings” from the “Seventh Octave of Light” to —
“Send Legions of Thy Angel Devas of the Blue Lightning of Divine Love to seize, bind, and remove from within and around me and my world all entities —carnate and discarnate— forever! If they be of human creation, annihilate them, their cause and effect this instant. If they be discarnate, take them out of the atmosphere of earth . . .” etc.
I AM-ers, when they want quick action over some entity or other evil, frequently use the words “Blast! Blast! Blast!”
For instance, one stopped with her companion in front of a downtown shop window. On display was a black gown with red trimmings! These are hated colors among the I AM-ers — the color of the black magician and the communist! All she did was to stop at the window for a second, looked at the gown; then, the amazement of her companion, uttered very vehemently the words “Blast! Blast! Blast!” in an aspirate voice, and passed on, evidently feeling a duty had been performed.
The ancient Babylonians, it seems, had similar methods of dealing with the “entity” situation in those dark days.
Compare the following Babylonian decree with the Ballard one. It is a translation from cuneiform writing on ancient Babylonian clay tablets, copied from a book at the Los Angeles Public Library, and is addressed to the Babylonian god “Gilgamesh” — almost as odd a name as the Ballard god “Oromasis.” We quote:
“Gilgamesh, thou Mighty of the Mighty! Lord of the Red Flames, Lord of the Blue Flames, of the clouds and darkness.
“Hear, O Mighty One, Let they Thunder descend and Blast the Spirits that haunt my pathway!
“Amen, Lord of the Golden Light, King beyond all Kings.
“Command thy Messengers of the Yellow Flame to consume and destroy all obstacles that mock me! “Hear, I command!”
We find ourselves wondering what it was that destroyed Babylon, and wonder at the forces of evil playing through the modern Babylon of today.
But out of all this warfare upon entities has emerged a Cosmic hero, a generalissimo, who has been assigned to clean up the entity slums of the nation — and right royally has he done it!
His name is “Mighty Astrea,” and he comes from far away regions of the Cosmic deep to help rid our cities of the entities that torment us.
Indeed, he is a veritable Pied Piper of Hamelin, who with magic flute lures away the evil psychic hordes infesting out townships, with or without sanction of the Lord Mayors, and with the Ballard “Children of Light” trailing joyfully in his wake.
According to Messenger Ballard, he came forth November 1st, 1937, on the stage of the auditorium in Philadelphia, where he announced his heroic mission.
“You will be interested to know,” said he, “that they [the Ballard staff] have been calling for all black magicians and their emissaries to be sought out, seized and taken from the earth.
“Tonight, I have come forth to fulfill this call . . . That is why the Messenger saw entities going in every direction.” (p. 141, A.M.L.)
Poor man! Rather disconcerting to see scampering armies of mischievous “entities,” some perhaps more than mischievous, “going in every direction!” And this, despite the fact that Guy Ballard has so frequently insisted to his students that he is not a spiritualist, and sees only “Ascended Masters”!
Could the Mighty Astrea have slipped up in making this statement, or did the Messenger actually see Mighty Astrea routing “entities” out of Philadelphia?
However that may be, it was reported that “over four hundred thousand discarnate entities” were removed from the city of Philadelphia! And quite rightly, at so great a victory, the audience arose to its feet and applauded lustily! (p. 9, Jan., 1939, V.)
But this was only the start of the generalissimo’s work. At the head of his grand army of many divisions, he has not let up one iota in his intentions to clean the “entities” out of our cities. And from that time on, wherever the Ballards went, Mighty Astrea and his entity-cleaning squad was sure to go.
Not to be left out of it, Saint Germain reported at the Washington class:
“Since yesterday three hundred thirty-two thousand discarnates were removed from the environs of New York City. (applause — audience standing)” (p. 8, Dec., 1938, V.)
A month later he adds up the net total for a single day, and reports to the applauding I AM-ers:
“In exactly twenty-three hours, one million discarnates have been taken from America. (applause)” And then he wisely adds:
 “It is necessary for you to take Our Word for these things for a short time.” (pp. 26-27, Jan., 1939, V.)
We might here ask the question: “Why, with all this ‘entity’ clean-up, conditions in our cities and in the world continue as they do?” But, as usual, no explanation worthy of intelligence is ever given.
Nevertheless, Mighty Astrea’s clean-up squad continues to mop-up the entity situation in our cities. He follows the Messengers around on their lecture tours and does what he can to have an entity-free city — even though the Lord Mayors of those cities pay him no tribute or acknowledge in any way his heroic services as a modern Pied Piper of Hamelin.
(Psychic Dictatorship in America, chapter 7)


Esotericism explains that the Earth is full of harmful astral entities created by humans themselves through the negative vibrations that people generate, but the Ballards made a whole circus out of this matter, causing paranoia among their followers, proposing ineffective techniques to eliminating those entities, and inventing fictitious beings that fight against them.



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