Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


Mr. Thor Kiimalehto was a printer by profession and became a great friend of Harvey Spencer Lewis (the main founder of AMORC) when Lewis was working in advertising.
In 1915 when AMORC was founded in New York, Mr. Kiimalehto was elected Secretary General, then in 1917 the Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC moved to Tampa, Florida, and later to San Jose, California.
Subsequently, Mr. Kiimalehto's widow sued the AMORC leadership for the rights that she claimed belonged to her, and she also stated that AMORC had been created to profit from the people.
And this was reported by Time magazine on April 1949 (link):
MONASTERY SECRETS . . . the Forbidden Knowledge of Tibet . . . Like the streams that trickle from the Himalayan heights to the plateau below, the great truths of these brotherhoods have descended through the ages.
Last week this ad, like hundreds of others before it in such respectable publications as the New York Times Magazine Section, was bringing sacks of letters to the headquarters of the Rosicrucians in San Jose, Calif. After receiving their free Sealed Book, some of the ad-answerers would go on to become members of AMORC (the Ancient Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) and pay dues of $2.50 a month to learn "through alchemy, metaphysics and cosmology" how to be happy. But many a faithful U.S. Rosicrucian might be jolted by the picture of the San Jose order painted in a lawsuit filed by the widow of the cofounder.
Mrs. Myra Kiimalehto, sixtyish, sued for her late husband's share in what she claims he and his partner had conceived as "a business of conducting rituals, ceremonials, lessons, instructions and the sale of books and periodicals . . ." They founded AMORC, she says, "as a device to disseminate information, lessons and instructions to others for a profit." The take, she contends, is good. According to Widow Kiimalehto, the AMORC membership is now around 2,000,000 (which Rosicrucian officials claim is a gross exaggeration).
This successful blend of faith and finance, according to Myra Kiimalehto, was at first administered jointly by Thor, her slight, pince-nezed Swedish immigrant husband, and ex-Methodist Harvey Spencer Lewis, former president of an "Institute for Psychical Research." Together they applied modern U.S. selling methods to a potpourri of lore derived from the ancient esoteric Rosicrucian cult which dates back beyond the isth Century.
In 1928, the Lewis-Kiimalehto brand of Rosicrucianism found in San Jose a happy combination of favorable weather and favorable authorities. There Lewis incorporated it as a nonprofit organization, and settled down to be "Imperator of the Supreme Grand Lodge." Kiimalehto sold his New York printing shop and came along to San Jose in 1936 as "Sovereign Grand Master."
Today the mosquelike structures of Rosicrucian Park house an Egyptian and Oriental museum (complete with genuine mummies), an auditorium, a library, a shrine dedicated to Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, a planetarium and Rose Croix University, with its Colleges of Fine Arts, Mundane and Arcane Sciences and Humanities.
Lewis died in 1939, Kiimalehto in 1948. Mrs. Kiimalehto, who has not been a practicing Rosicrucian for four years, says that she is not interested in money but in rescuing AMORC from the control of Lewis' son, daughter-in-law and widow.
Last week Rosicrucian leaders filed their answer to Widow Kiimalehto's suit: the Kiimalehto-Lewis team, they said, had not been a business partnership. Meanwhile, the checks and money orders continued to roll in from those who yearn to learn about "the system of metaphysical and physical philosophy intended to awaken the latent faculties of the individual whereby he may utilize to a better advantage his natural talents and lead a more happy life." »
(Section: religion)
The leaders of AMORC say that their organization is not a commercial company, and on paper it appears that way, but the facts show that AMORC is a very commercial organization that seeks to obtain the most money from its members.


The first time AMORC published something about Master Morya was in its magazine The American Rosae Crucis, June 1916.
On page 16 AMORC put the following portrait:
Below I put a zoom of the text where the doodles that appear in the middle are supposedly the writing used by the trans-Himalayan masters and represent the sign and seal of the master Morya:

And on the next two pages appeared the following biography:
(In the Masters' Service in the U. S. A.)
The new order of Ages has begun!
NOTE: The Publisher, the Editorial Staff and the Department of Publication of the Supreme Council, R. C., wish to preface the following biography with the declaration that they have accepted such biography and publishes it solely as the opinion of an admiring grateful student of his Master whom he met in person. The biography is typical of the tributes paid to these Masters of the Orient by students who live there in the environment and atmosphere of the monasteries. Very little of the history as here given is susceptible to verification, therefore, it is not endorsed by the Publishers or Editors or by the American Order. It is, however, very interesting and at least psychologically illuminating. We also understand that some of these pictures have been brought to America before by admiring students and offered to certain institutes and assemblies possibly without authority. Brother Immanuel alone vouches for the statements made in this weird biography.
_ _ _
The Order Rosae Crucis is here in America well established and spreading its great Light throughout the land.
In accordance with the spirit of the times and through the only official, warranted, regular and authorized channel and by order of the Supreme Masters in whose service I am appointed with special power, I herewith introduce to the American people through the Official Organ, the American "Rosae Crucis" and with the permission of the Imperator in America, the portrait of the Most Worshipful Supreme Perfect Grand Master General of the Order Rosae Crucis throughout the World.
Preparatory to his official visit to this country within the next twelve months in behalf of the work of the Order Rosae Crucis. I wish to formally introduce the Illustrious Master and speak briefly of his life work.
The Master, Moria EI, is also known as Prince Mori-wang of Koko-Nor (Morial). He is the last of the Morya Kings. His work in behalf of the Rosae Crucian Order has made him internationally famous and, proud though Rosaecrucians may be of his official capacity in their Order, they must not forget his work along other lines and his titles and position in other similar movements. That all may know of his great advancement and marvelous developments and attainments, I will give his complete titles and positions.
He is Supreme Master of the Order Rosae Crucis of the World. As such he is Prezedanto of the Supreme R. C. Council of the World. He is also Master R. C. of the Orient and Grand Master of the Lodges in Tibet, where he is now residing. He is Chief Magian of the lend, Inner Head of the Eastern Schools of Philosophy and Science. Master of the Great White Lodge and Master of the Lodges of Perfection. (See Matthew 28. verse 3; also Mark, 16:5; Luke 24:4; John, 20:12). He is also Supreme Head of the Orders of Nazarites, Nazarenes. Essenes, Hermits, Covenanters, Illuminati, the Strangers and The Magi, Moryasons (Masonic) Abbas. Pioneers, the Mel-Kayi-Zend-Ek, commonly called the Order of MeIchisedec and Arya-Sangha (White Men).
The Egyptian, Tibetan, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Australian and (American) Divisions or branches of these Orders owe allegiance to him and are governed by the Temple Association of which he is the Supreme Head.
The life of the Illustrious Master is exceedingly interesting. His previous incarnations have been well established. The archives of the Order record his life as follows: He was present at the birth of Jesus and was known then as Ma (El-Kai) Ra-Ya, (El Kai Marya) or Kai-Moria El, called Melchior in these days. He resided at that time in Sa-Marya (Samaria) and was the Grand Master of the Order of the Hu Sa-Maryans (The Good Samaritans). (See John, Chapter 4, verses 4,5,6,7 and 9, etc., and verses 39, 40,41 and 42.) Jesus was Master of this Order during his life time.
Morya was also the Initiator, Guide, Master Friend, Guardian, Chohan (Angel) of Jesus and of Zar-Ka-Rai-Ya (Zachariah). He founded and named the Temple and mountain then called (and still called), Mount Moriah. All the Avestan, Zend, Mithran, Ro-man (Ra-Hu-Man) A-Ru-Man, Zorastrian orders were under his direction and instruction. Even the Order of the Centurions of which Longinus was the Chief and Pontius Pilate was legate, was allied with him. He it was who instituted the Mithras' Birthday December 25th A. D. 5, and which was later proclaimed the birthday of the man Jesus.
The Illustrious Master Morya lived at Lake Moryas (Lake Moeria) in Fayum, Egypt and supervised the erection of the Pyramid of Zizehs, copying the plan from the Constellation of Cheops. He was the Master Mason at the time. He assisted in planning the Egyption civilization and his work was continued by the King Thutmose (Kai-Ta-Hu-Ti-Mi-os), the founder of the present form of the Order Rosae Crucis, whose obelisk is in Central Park, New York. King Thutmose is at the present time an associate of The Illustrious Morya in Tibet and is Deputy Master General of the Order throughout the World. His portrait and biographical sketch will appear in the next issue of this magazine.
Our Illustrious Master also founded and planned the Greek Civilization and Grecian Masonry. He was Governor of the Province of Moorea which was named after him. He was also the one who planned the Malayan Civilization on the continent of Lha-Marya (Lemuria) which was submerged in the Pacific Ocean when it departed from the covenant of Asha (Purity). The Islands of Moorea and Marya, north and west of Tahiti still bear his name and can be seen on any U. S. Government chart. (Latitude 17 degrees 30 minutes south and 150 to 153 degrees west longitude.)
The continent of America — the true home of Rosaecrucianism and the future seat of the world government of all the Orders of the East, was named after our Illustrious Master. This is why the Great Pyramid was used on the Great Seal of this Government as explained in the History of the Order previously published in this magazine. The correct spelling in the Zend language (which was the language of the Atlanteans and is the official language of the Rosaecrucians) was A-Marya-Kat in the Zend it means that it is the place to be visited by him who will direct the savior nation. For verification of this point see the origin of the word American (which had naught to do with the discovery of the continent or the personality of any of the early voyagers. Amara-ka, A-Marya-Hu-Kai in the old Zend, called Zend-zar and by some Sen-Zar.
In closing I wisp to advise that the Master Order and the Order of the Masters is the Rosae Crucis. It is the vehicle and the instrument through which the Masters will work and to which all other Orders will some day owe allegiance. Through the Order Rosae Crucis all the Master Truths, Teachings and Master Builders will direct the rise of the Master Nation, —America.
Done in the Rosaecrucian Month, Kor-Shat (Korshed-The Sun) June, Day Abba-Na (10th), by Gehousha Morya-son, named AMBROSIUS IMMANUEL, Sampa of the Bodyul Roz-Chros Tibetan Division of the Order Rosae Crucis and Legate to the Order Rosae Crucis in America. Anno R. C. 3,269.
(Note: All the foregoing matter is fully copyrighted and copy of this matter is strictly prohibited.)
On the magazine The American Rosae Crucis, January 1917, the following text appeared announcing the death of Master Morya:
It is with profound regret that we announce to our readers that a Higher Call has come to the great Master Morya.
For many years occultists and especially Theosophists have learned to know, love and respect the character known to them only as the Master Morya. To Madame Blavatsky do we owe all that we know of this wonderful personage for she introduced him to the Occidental world and gave to him the renowned reputation which he and the Master K. H. have borne so many years.
We have looked forward anxiously and with deep interest to the promised coming of Master Morya. Only a year ago and up to six months ago we were informed almost daily that Master Morya was coming to America on the first of January, 1917, to visit all Occult Orders, Societies and Lodges and after due investigation select those which were right and give them his blessing, and cause all others to meet their fate and pass from material expression.
To those who loved the Master we extend our sympathy. We deeply feel for the loss of any ideal and especially one so dear to the hearts of thousands who have never seen him, heard his voice or even knew of him all that we would like to know.
To those who have been waiting to have all the questions raised by Immanuel settled by the Master Morya as promised, we can only say, in the words of the Temple Artisan: "There are events in life so sacred that even words cast a shade upon them, and the yielding up of his physical body by a Great Master comes very near to being one of them". »
And subsequently Master Morya was no longer mentioned in AMORC literature
I very strongly suspect that those two articles were written by Spencer Lewis (the founder of AMORC) and are further proof of what a charlatan this individual was because they are pure fabrications full of fantasy and untruths.
And as usual Lewis did not even pay attention to the numerous contradictions he wrote, since in the first article he specified that Master Morya was actually called Moria El and resided in Tibet, but only three months later in the publication of September 1916 Lewis wrote in this same magazine:
« The name of the highest Officer of the Order in the world is not Moria EI as a few would have it in order to commercialize some facts, but is EI Moria Ra, a very different name with a very different meaning, and he resides in Memphis, not Tibet»
But later in the posthumous article Lewis calls him "Morya" again.
And this is one more example of how careless Spencer Lewis was.