Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


In his book "The Rosicrucian Mysteries", Max Heindel summarized these four different types of ethers:

« The occult investigator finds that ether is of four kinds, or grades of density:

·        The Chemical Ether,
·        The Life Ether,
·        The Light Ether,
·        The Reflecting Ether.

1) The Chemical Ether is the avenue of expression for forces promoting assimilation, growth and the maintenance of form.

2) The Life Ether is the vantage ground of forces active in propagation, or the building of new forms.

3) The Light Ether transmits the motive power of the sun along the various nerves of living bodies and makes motion possible.

4) The Reflecting Ether receives an impression of all that is, lives and moves. It also records each change, in a similar manner as the film upon a moving picture machine. In this record mediums and psychometrists may read the past, upon the same principle as, under proper conditions, moving pictures are reproduced time and again»
(Chapter 3)

And in his book "The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception", Max Heindel gave many more details about it:

« To the trained clairvoyant ether is as tangible as are the solids, liquids, and gases of the Chemical Region to ordinary beings. He sees that the vital forces which give life to the mineral forms of plant, animal and man flow into these forms, by means of the four states of ether. The names and specific functions of these four ethers are as follows.

Chemical Ether

This ether is both positive and negative in its manifestation. The forces which cause assimilation and excretion work through it. Assimilation is the process whereby the different nutritive elements of food are incorporated into the body of plant, animal and man.

This is carried on by forces with which we shall become acquainted later. They work along the positive pole of the chemical ether and attract the needed elements, building them into the forms concerned. These forces do not act blindly nor mechanically, but in a selective way (well-known to scientists by its effects) thereby accomplishing their purpose, which is the growth and maintenance of the body.

Excretion is carried on by forces of the same kind, but working along the negative pole of the chemical ether. By means of this pole they expel from the body the materials in the food which are unfit for use, or those which have outlived their usefulness in the body and should be expurgated from the system.

This, like all other processes independent of man's volition, is also wise, selective, and not merely mechanical in its operation, as seen, for instance, in the case of the action of the kidneys, where only the urine is filtered through when the organs are in health; but it is known that when the organs are not in health, the valuable albumen is allowed to escape with the urine, the proper selection not being made because of an abnormal condition.

Life Ether

As the chemical ether is the avenue for the operation of the forces the object of which is the maintenance of the individual form, so the life ether is the avenue for the operation of the forces which have for their object the maintenance of the species — the forces of propagation.

Like the chemical ether, the life ether also has its positive and negative pole. The forces which work along the positive pole are those which work in the female during gestation. They enable her to do the positive, active work of bringing forth a new being. On the other hand the forces which work along the negative pole of the life ether enable the male to produce semen.

In the work on the impregnated ovum of the animal and man, or upon the seed of the plant, the forces working along the positive pole of the life ether produce male plants, animals and men; while the forces which express themselves through the negative pole generate females.

Light Ether

This ether is both positive and negative, and the forces which play along its positive pole are the forces which generate the blood heat in the higher species of animal and in man, which makes them individual sources of heat. The forces which work along the negative pole of the light ether are those which operate through the senses, manifesting as the passive functions of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling. They also build and nourish the eye.

In the cold-blooded animals the positive pole of the light ether is the avenue of the forces which circulate the blood, and the negative forces have the same functions in regard to the eye as in the case of the higher animals and man. Where eyes are lacking, the forces working in the negative pole of the light ether are perhaps building or nourishing other sense organs, as they do in all that have sense organs.

In plants the forces which work along the positive pole of the light ether cause the circulation of the juices of the plant. Thus in winter, when the light ether is not charged with sunlight as in summer, the sap ceases to flow until the summer sun again invests the light ether with its force. The forces which work along the negative pole of the light ether deposit the chlorophyll, the green substance of the plant and also color the flowers. In fact, all color, in all the kingdoms is deposited by means of the negative pole of the light ether.

Therefore animals have the deepest color on the back and flowers are deepest colored on the side turned towards the light. In the polar regions of the earth, where the rays of the sun are weak, all color is lighter and in some cases is so sparingly deposited that in winter it is withdrawn altogether and the animals become white.

Reflecting Ether

It has heretofore been stated that the idea of the house which has existed in the mind can be recovered from the memory of nature, even after the death of the architect. Everything that has ever happened has left behind it an ineffaceable picture in this reflecting ether. As the giant ferns of the childhood of the Earth have left their pictures in the coal beds, and as the progress of the glacier of a bygone day may be traced by means of the trail it has left upon the rocks along its path, even so are the thoughts and acts of men ineffaceably recorded by nature in this reflecting ether, where the trained seer may read their story with an accuracy commensurate with his ability.

The reflecting ether deserves its name for more than one reason, for the pictures in it are but reflections of the memory of nature. The real memory of nature is found in a much higher realm. In this reflecting ether no thoroughly trained clairvoyant cares to read, as the pictures are blurred and vague compared to those found in the higher realm.

Those who read in the reflecting ether are generally those who have no choice, who, in fact, do not know in what they are reading. As a rule ordinary psychometrists and mediums obtain their knowledge through the reflecting ether. To some slight extent the pupil of the occult school in the first stages of his training also reads in the reflecting ether, but he is warned by his teacher of the insufficiencies of this ether as a means of acquiring accurate information, so that he does not easily draw wrong conclusions.

This ether is also the medium through which thought makes an impression upon the human brain. It is most intimately connected with the fourth subdivision of the World of Thought. This is the highest of the four subdivisions contained in the Region of Concrete Thought and is the homeworld of the human mind. There a much clearer version of the memory of nature is found than in the reflecting ether. »
(Chapter 1)


Unfortunately, all these affirmations Max Heindel said, are falsehoods because in reality the ethers do not exist for the reasons that I explain in this other article.


On this subject, in his book "The Rosicrucian Mysteries ", Max Heindel wrote the following:

« As already said, the ether is physical matter and responsive to the same laws which govern other physical substances upon this plane of existence. Therefore it requires but a slight extension of physical sight to see ether, (which is disposed in four grades of density), the blue haze seen in mountain canyons is in fact ether of the kind known to occult investigators as chemical ether.”

Many people who see this ether, are unaware that they are possessed of a faculty not enjoyed by all. Others, who have developed spiritual sight are not endowed with etheric vision, a fact which seems an anomaly until the subject of clairvoyance is thoroughly understood.

The reason is, that as ether is physical matter, etheric sight depends upon the sensitiveness of the optic nerve while spiritual sight is acquired by developing latent vibratory powers in two little organs situated in the brain: the Pituitary body and the Pineal gland.

Nearsighted people even, may have etheric vision. Though unable to read the print in a book, they may be able to “see through a wall,” owing to the fact that their optic nerve responds more rapidly to fine than to coarse vibrations.

When anyone views an object with etheric sight he sees through that object in a manner similar to the way an x-ray penetrates opaque substances. If he looks at a sewing machine, he will perceive, first an outer casing; then, the works within, and behind both, the casing furthest away from him.

If he has developed the grade of spiritual vision which opens the Desire World to him and he looks at the same object, he will see it both inside and out. If he looks closely, he will perceive every little atom spinning upon its axis and no part or particle will be excluded from his perception.

But if his spiritual sight has been developed in such a measure that he is capable of viewing the sewing machine with the vision peculiar to the World of Thought, he will behold a cavity where he had previously seen the form.

Things seen with etheric vision are very much alike in color, they are nearly reddish-blue, purple or violet, according to the density of the ether, but when we view any object with the spiritual sight pertaining to the Desire World, it scintillates and coruscates in a thousand ever changing colors so indescribably beautiful that they can only be compared to living fire, and the writer therefore calls this grade of vision color sight, but when the spiritual vision of the World of Thought is the medium of perception, the seer finds that in addition to still more beautiful colors, there issues from the cavity described a constant flow of a certain harmonious tone.

Thus this world wherein we now consciously live and which we perceive by means of our physical senses is preeminently the world of form, the Desire World is particularly the world of color and the World of Thought is the realm of tone.

Because of the relative proximity or distance of these worlds, a statue, a form, withstands the ravages of time for millenniums, but the colors upon a painting fade in far shorter time, for they come from the Desire World, and music which is native to the World furthest removed from us, the World of Thought, is like a will-o-the-wisp which none may catch or hold, it is gone again as soon as it has made its appearance. But there is in color and music a compensation for this increasing evanescence.

The statue is cold and dead as the mineral of which it is composed and has attractions for but few though its form is a tangible reality.

The forms upon a painting are illusory yet they express life, on account of the color which has come from a region where nothing is inert and lifeless. Therefore the painting is enjoyed by many.

Music is intangible and ephemeral, but it comes from the home world of the spirit and though so fleeting it is recognized by the spirit as a soul-speech fresh from the celestial realms, an echo from the home whence we are now exiled, and therefore it touches a cord in our being, regardless of whether we realize the true cause or not.

Thus we see that there are various grades of spiritual sight, each suited to the superphysical realm which it opens to our perception: Etheric vision, color vision and tonal vision. »
(Chapter 3)


Unfortunately, these Max Heindel’s explanations gave on the etheric clairvoyance are full of lies he invented, because in reality there no exist the ethers due to the reasons that I explain you in this other article.


On this subject, in his book "The Rosicrucian Mysteries ", Max Heindel wrote the following:

« In addition to the solids, liquids and gases which compose the Chemical Region of the Physical World there is also a finer grade of matter called Ether, which permeates the atomic structure of the earth and its atmosphere substantially as science teaches.

Scientists have never seen, nor have they weighed, measured or analyzed this substance, but they infer that it must exist in order to account for transmission of light and various other phenomena.

If it were possible for us to live in a room from which the air had been exhausted we might speak at the top of our voices, we might ring the largest bell or we might even discharge a cannon close to our ear and we should hear no sound, for air is the medium which transmits sound vibrations to the tympanum of our ear, and that would be lacking. But if an electric light were lighted, we should at once perceive its rays; it would illumine the room despite the lack of air.

Hence there must be a substance, capable of being set into vibration, between the electric light and our eyes. That medium scientists call ether, but it is so subtile that no instrument has been devised whereby it may be measured or analyzed and therefore the scientists are without much information concerning it, though forced to postulate its existence.

We do not seek to belittle the achievements of modern scientists, we have the greatest admiration for them and we entertain high expectations of what ambitions they may yet realize, but we perceive a limitation in the fact, that all discoveries of the past have been made by the invention of wonderful instruments applied in a most ingenious manner to solve seemingly insoluble and baffling problems.

The strength of science lies vested in its instruments, for the scientist may say to anyone: Go, procure a number of glasses ground in a certain manner, insert them in a tube, direct that tube toward a certain point in the sky where now nothing appears to your naked eye. You will then see a beautiful star called Uranus.

If his directions are followed, anyone is quickly and without preparation, able to demonstrate for himself the truth of the scientist's assertion. But while the instruments of science are its tower of strength they also mark the end of its field of investigation, for it is impossible to contact the spirit world with physical instruments, so the research of occultists begins where the physical scientist finds his limit and are carried on by spiritual means. »
(Chapter 3)


In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, scientists theorized the hypothesis that there was an invisible substance in space (which they called "ether") that allowed light to propagate. However, the negative result of the Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887 suggested that the ether did not exist, and the theory of relativity published in 1905 by Albert Einstein ended up causing the scientific community to discard the theory of the ether.

And this shows how little Max Heindel did research because by the time he published his book (1911), what he wrote was already out of date. But also in his ignorance, Max Heindel believed that Leadbeater's "clairvoyant" investigations of the ether were genuine, when in fact they turned out to be completely false as I show you in this other article (see link).


Edward Lewis Gardner was an eminent member of the Theosophical Society in England (1907-1962). He founded and led a Theosophical Community at Stamford House, Wimbledon, 1926-1940, and was one of the founders of the Tekels Park Estate, Camberley, in 1928. He was the General Secretary of the English Section of the Theosophical Society, 1924-1928, and he travelled widely as an international lecturer for the Theosophical Society.

And about his investigations on Leadbeater, the researcher Gregoy Tillet wrote the following:


In November, 1963, he published a booklet entitled “There is No Religion Higher than Truth. Developments in the Theosophical Society”, which you can read here.

Front cover and opening page

Published by the Theosophical Publishing House in London. It was a serious questioning of Leadbeater’s clairvoyance and presented a theory explaining his supposedly psychic powers. Gardner began by reminding his readers of that most painful experience in the history of the Theosophical Society – the failure of the Coming of the World Teacher.

“About forty-five years ago announcement of the Coming of the World Teacher was made by Annie Besant and Bishop Charles Leadbeater. Most of the Sections and Lodges of the Theosophical Society accepted this proclamation with confidence and diverted much of their energy to the Star Campaign – in preparation for his Coming. Obviously there has been no Coming.”

After a brief outline of the Theosophical career of Leadbeater, Gardner then examined his clairvoyant investigations, noting that all his discoveries confirmed and endorsed the views that Leadbeater himself held.

Gardner’s basic thesis was this: Leadbeater unconsciously created an entire, artificial system, based upon his own strongly held views, and, again unconsciously, used his occult power to visualize this system into a state where it had the appearance of reality, and appeared as an objective reality to him when he viewed it clairvoyantly.

Leadbeater’s followers attacked Gardner with a pamphlet titled “C.W. Leadbeater. A Great Occultist”, which you can read here.

This did little more than defend Leadbeater against allegations of deliberate fraud, of which, in fact, Gardner did not accuse him, and note minor historical errors in Gardner’s booklet.

But there were also Theosophists who defended Gardner, as for example Ernest Wood, which article you can read here.


Subsequently Gardner wrote, for strictly private circulation, several papers regarding the allegations of sexual misconduct against Leadbeater and his (Gardner’s) opinion that these involved some form of “sex magic”.

Gardner wrote two works on this subject:

  - The Liberal Catholic Church and the Theosophical Society (April, 1966) and
  - The Rev. C.W. Leadbeater Problem (September, 1966)

Neither of which has ever been published. Copies of the manuscripts of were sent, labeled “Private”, to a few of Gardner’s closest associates.

In addition, Gardner wrote a series of twelve letters on the same subject to Boris de Zirkhoff from 1964 to 1966. Those letters were kept in the archives of Point Loma Publications, California, and appear to have perished when that archives was destroyed by fire. It may be that copies exist elsewhere.

In the two published works, and in the letters, Gardner offers somewhat startling details of the results of his inquiries into Leadbeater’s sexual teachings and practices, as well as into his claims to clairvoyance.

Gardner suggests that his unpublished works need to be read in conjunction with his “There is No Religion Higher Than Truth”, 1963, and with Jinarajadasa’s “On The Liberal Catholic Church”, Theosophical Publishing House, Adyar, 1953.

An understanding of Gardner’s comments is also enhanced by reference to his “Kriyashakti, Conscious and Unconscious”, The Theosophist, July, 1963.

Having visited one of my off-site storage sites this morning, I was able to retrieve one of the large archival boxes of material relating to Leadbeater, including the file of Gardner’s writings and copies of his correspondence on the subject, and reproduce here the first page of “The Rev. C.W. Leadbeater Problems”:

And below reproduce the first page of what appears to be the first letter from Gardner to Zirkhoff:

I hope in due course to be able to publish an annotated collection of this material, and some other relevant material, subject to clarifying some issues relating to intellectual property rights.

One of those associates to whom Gardner gave copies of his unpublished material, and with whom he discussed his theories regarding Leadbeater, sex and psychic powers was Rex Dutta, an English Theosophist, who published some of that material in the strange journal he edited, Viewpoint Aquarius.

A summarize of all these documents you can read here.



On this matter, researcher Gregory Tillett wrote the following:

« Some of Leadbeater's critics within the Theosophical Society were convinced that Leadbeater was teaching sexual magic, or tantra, which they automatically equated with black magic. They chose not to make this claim public for fear of the damage it would do to the Theosophical Society, but they circulated privately documents arguing the case.

The two principal exponents of this view were Edward Gardner, the eminent British Theosophist, and Rex Dutta, an English Theosophist, who presently produces his own Theosophical journal, Viewpoint Aquarius.

The horror with which these two, and those who agreed with them, viewed any suggestion of tantra was based on H.P. Blavatsky's teaching that it was practiced only by the most debased, and black, of occultists, the dugpas. The differences between schools of tantra, and the theory behind them was generally ignored, or misunderstood by the Theosophical critics. Any form of occultism which involved sexuality, let alone homosexuality, could only be evil.

(Cid's observation: I agree with that, but neither can Leadbeater claim to be a disciple of Master Kuthumi and do things that the Theosophists repudiate. This is a further proof that Leadbeater lied.)

Edward Gardner

Edward Gardner is best known in Theosophical circles for his works developing theories on the basis of the teachings of The Secret Doctrine. But, in addition to his public work There is No Religion Higher than Truth (1963) where he doubt of Leadbeater’s clairvoyance. He was also the author of two studies of Leadbeater, headed "Private", and circulated amongst those within the Theosophical Society whom he believed he could trust.

These were:

  - The Liberal Catholic Church and the Theosophical Society (April, 1966)
  - The Rev. C.W. Leadbeater Problem (September, 1966)

He further expounded his theories in a lengthy correspondence with the editor of HPB's Collected Writings, Boris de Zirkoff.

This correspondence extended from 1964 to 1966. It began with a letter dealing with There is No Religion Higher than Truth, which Gardner said was receiving favourable reactions within the Theosophical Society; he even claimed that the then Presiding Bishop of the Liberal Catholic Church (Sir Hugh Sykes of England) "told me a month ago that he accepted the booklet throughout! - But the L.C.C. was in existence and he thought it was 'doing good work'".

Gardner hinted at "certain teachings by Leadbeater (himself clean but ignorant)" which had produced "disastrous effects", and sought de Zirkoff's advice as to whether "H.P. Blavatsky gives in any published or private papers any further information about the use of the powerful Sex-Force for stimulation of the higher centres".

Gardner concluded:

-      "The colossal mistake due to Leadbeater's ‘forced vision’ must never occur again!"

In his next letter Gardner noted:

« When I first knew the whole truth in 1928-1930, I was much inclined to think the worst of Leadbeater. But the abundant evidence accumulated since, coupled with my personal contacts with him, I am sure [sic] that his “forced vision” and the confidence it gave him, was the real cause of his errors. Coupled with that however was the memory of incarnation in Greece. It was there that he cultivated the creative force of the male sex given a certain Hatha-Yoga practice. »

In July, 1966, Gardner again wrote to de Zirkoff, saying that he devoted the last six months to research into Leadbeater's "interest in the many boys he contacted". He had, even in the 1920's, suspected that Leadbeater was undertaking occult experiments with semen, and had been undertaking research into the history of such practices.

Four months later Gardner wrote, enclosing a copy of Jinarajadasa's On The Liberal Catholic Church, which he claimed Jinarajadasa had published in 1925 in an attempt to bring about the closing down of the LCC, and which had only ever, at that time, been distributed privately to some bishops and priests of the Church.

Towards the end of 1966, Gardner, having been referred by de Zirkoff to Franz Hartmann's Paracelsus for information on the occult use of semen, replied, and concluded that this represented "the blackest of black magic". The implication in the letter is that Leadbeater was making occult use of a "special substance" in semen.

A letter of December 8th, 1966, ended the correspondence (presumably with the death or incapacity of Gardner), but added nothing new.

In his two private studies of Leadbeater, Gardner presents only a veiled version of the material he made available to de Zirkoff. However, he included some material which, if true, is vital to the story of Leadbeater's involvement in the T.S. Gardener claimed, for example, that Mrs. Besant knew "the whole truth" about Leadbeater's psychic vision, and was "about to make the whole truth known to the T.S." when she became "broken physically and mentally".

(Cid’s observation: in another letter Gardner considered that the fact that Annie Besant discovered Leadbeater was a liar and the whole story of Lord Maitreya had been a falsehood, it was too hard for her and that killed her. But it cannot be ruled out that they have silenced her to keep up appearances. She being already a very old and fragile lady, it was easy to knock her down.)

Gardner also noted that Jinarajadasa only published the letters in “On The Liberal Catholic Church” - which he had received as Leadbeater's executor in 1934 - in 1953 when he knew he was dying. Even then it had a strictly limited circulation.

In his other study, Gardner quotes a woman who had been "a devoted admirer of CWL" whom he questioned when she returned, "distressed and almost vehement" from a period in Sydney. She refused to tell Gardner anything beyond the comments: "Leadbeater's a beast", and "He makes them drink it".

Gardner cited material on traditions associated with the magical use of semen, including a quotation from H.P. Blavatsky in which she referred to Aristotle and others teaching of "a special substance contained within the pneuma, itself contained within the semen of man".

Gardner concluded:

« C.W. Leadbeater's “discovery” of the potency of the “semen of man” he shared, at least. with one (FWP) [presumably, Frank Waters Pigott] --- and thereby others. However well meaning Leadbeater's intentions his errors of judgment led to catastrophic results in the Theosophical Society. »

Rex Dutta

Gardner took care to see that his private theories about the origin and nature of Leadbeater's clairvoyance were not widely known. After his death his papers passed into the possession of another English Theosophist, Rex Dutta, the editor of a curious Theosophical journal, Viewpoint Aquarius, which combines Blavatskian Theosophy with information about (and allegedly from) flying saucers, and other miscellaneous occult material.

In the July/August, 1982, issue of Viewpoint Aquarius, Dutta reviewed the author's The Elder Brother. A Biography of C.W. Leadbeater, Dutta began a consideration of Leadbeater's claims to clairvoyance by reviewing the theory presented in “There is No Religious Higher Than Truth”, and HPB's teachings about kriyashakti.

However, he claimed that the "external stimulus" to Leadbeater's clairvoyance was "Semen from young boys", and he claimed:

"He wanted the semen; to stimulate his dense-grade clairvoyance. He drank semen 'holy water'".

Dutta concluded:

"Mr. Tillett (pages 283-5) when he guesses at Tantrika Sexual Black Magic, doesn't realize the half of it. Small wonder that H.P.B. called [Leadbeater] WC."

(Cid's observation: Leadbeater's clairvoyance was nil, but instead he had a great magnetism that he used to captivate people, as did Osho and other gurus. For what, I consider that Leadbeater rather used the sexual energy to increase his magnetism.)

Where did Leadbeater get these techniques from?

Leadbeater's sexual teachings link him with two movements which developed in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The first appears in aesthetic and religious circles, and focused on the glorification of a spiritual relationship, with sexual implications if not sexual involvement, between a Teacher and a Pupil.

Timothy d'Arch Smith, in his study of "Uranian" poets, began by noting:

« Between the eighteen nineties and the nineteen thirties a boy was a very quiet, self-effacing and unobtrusive creature indeed. The Uranians' adoration of such a person was not therefore immediately suspect as it is in modern society where the state is intolerant of any intrusion into her prerogative of wet-nurse or where certain Sunday newspapers are as thoughtlessly swift to condemn such relationships as they are immorally prompt to arouse their young readers' erotic ardour with pictures of near nude females, and it is probably that the Uranians' love of boys gave genuine help and affection where no official organization or counsel existed outside the home or school. »

The term "Uranian" was coined, he notes, by those who advocated "boy love" in the period to which he refers, and included such literary figures as Oscar Wilde, Edward Carpenter, John Addington Symonds, William Johnson Cory and Ralph Nicholas Chubb. Of the last named, it was said that he endeavoured "to raise paederasty to a form of religious devotion".

Amongst the religious figures d'Arch Smith included Fr Ignatius of Llanthony, George Reader, Frederick Widdows, Frederick Samuel Willoughby (who consecrated Wedgwood) and Leadbeater.

Obviously, Wedgwood and some of his associates should also have been included.

Many of the Uranians were characterized by a retrospective longing for the days of classical Greece, when the Teacher-Pupil relationship, including a sexual relationship between an older and a younger man, was held to be the pinnacle of culture.

Leadbeater, of course, made frequent references to his own last incarnation in ancient Greece, as the pupil of one of Socrates' disciples.

The religious component in "boy love" was not, as d'Arch Smith notes, merely a decorative element:

« This spiritualizing of paederasty absolves [the Uranian] from the guilt which makes him hate society and turn into a recluse. His is no longer a common human weakness, for he has felt the cleansing fire of divinity. »

But Leadbeater's sexual teachings did not only link him with an aesthetic and religious movement; they also related directly to an occult and magical tradition which employed sexual activities to produce "power". It is commonly believed that the oriental tradition of tantra (or, more accurately, traditions of tantra) represents the only such use of sexuality in religion. This is not so, and in the West sexuality had been employed in a variety of religious and magical contexts, all agreeing with the principle of tantra summarized by Benjamin Walker as:

« Sex is a natural activity, but like many other such natural activities has a transcendent and esoteric side which can be utilized in secret ways to reveal to man the hidden truths of the universe. The sexual act is a means to salvation, and one can obtain mukti (redemption) through bhuti (pleasure). Copulation brings siddhis (psychic powers] and knowledge of Brahma [God].

In gross sensual pleasure, as expounded in the erotics, we have the lowest and most transient form of this revelation, which in any case cannot be discerned because the participant's mind is clouded with the fumes of passion. To transcend this carnal state one must gain an understanding of the true meaning of sexual activity. »

The magical use of masturbation is known in some traditions of both Eastern and Western occultism.

« The theory of sexual magic may be summarized:

1) Man possesses hidden powers (often identified with the subconscious mind) which give him greater perception, raise him to states of ecstasy, expand his consciousness, stimulate increased physical, emotional and mental powers;

2) These powers lie 'buried' beneath some 'barrier' which conscious control cannot penetrate, but which can be overcome by a variety of techniques, including to some extent drugs and alcohol;

3) This 'barrier' can be penetrated through heightening the physical, emotional and intellectual focus of the body by sexual stimulation, leading to a 'break through' at the point of orgasm, at which energy is released. »

Techniques employed in sexual magic may be heterosexual, homosexual or auto-sexual.

In the case of auto-sexual techniques, the aim was usually to heighten the consciousness of the practitioner and focus and stimulate his magical power, culminating in the release of energy at the point of orgasm.

For example, the English artist and magician, Austin Spare (1886-1956) employed a technique of "magical masturbation" as a means of concentrating, releasing and directing magical energy. And Aleister Crowley also employed magical sexual techniques – of every imaginable variety - in his occult work.

If sexual magic seemed inherently immoral, and was certain to attract strongly hostile reactions, homosexual magic was many times worse and, until recently, inevitably involved criminal acts. Few magicians were prepared to openly advocate or describe their own practices of such a form of sexual magic; even Aleister Crowley wrote about it in code.

Most occultists vehemently denounced sexual magic generally, and "unnatural vice" in any form. Dion Fortune, for example, warned against the problem of homosexual vice in various of her writings. In her Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage she commented:

-      "It is more than tragic that young boys should be foully made use of in black occultism."

However, one contemporary magician, and probably the best known of all modern writers on sexual magic, Kenneth Grant, took a less critical approach, and implied that Leadbeater used sexual magic to invoke beings from another dimension, or at least was aware of the possibility of such invocation.

Assuming that Leadbeater was teaching some form of sexual magic, it would be of importance of identify possible sources.

Did he simply invent theories and practices which happened to fit into pre-existing schemes?

Or did he have contact with groups or individuals from whom he learned them?

Leadbeater claimed at the 1906 "trial" to have learned the principle of systematic masturbation as a means of overcoming moral lapses in an Anglican organization but, having made this startling statement, refused to give any further information about the matter.

The only Anglican organisations to which he is known to have belonged seem to be most unlikely sources. It is possible that, through his link with the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, a controversial (at the time) body which attracted many eccentrics of the ritualistic variety, he came into contact with some (probably informal) group of Anglican "boy lovers". Certainly, the Confraternity was alleged to have immoral associations as far as its critics were concerned, the ideal of celibate clergy leading to general assumptions of sexual immorality, usually with women, but also with boys.

In many Anglo-Catholic circles (then and now) there has been a strong homoerotic element. This has often led to the development of theories explaining and spiritualizing homosexuality. Frank Pigott, originally an Anglo-Catholic clergyman prior to becoming a Theosophist and (later) a Liberal Catholic Bishop, wrote, in a review of Oscar Wilde's De Profundis:

« Even that little-understood 'offence' amongst people of refinement, where it mostly flourishes, has its purpose in the ordering of things and has a useful and necessary part to play in the working of human evolution... Some of the finest flowers of the human race have been of that way; it is absurd to speak of such as criminals or even as moral perverts or pathological cases. »

However, the subject of homosexuality in Christianity has been sufficiently taboo that even in modern times very little has been written about it in other than theological terms. If Leadbeater was associated with some sort of "Uranian" group within the Church of England, it seems that no trace of it remains.


If Leadbeater's sexual teachings cannot be traced directly to a religious organization, it may be possible to trace them to two sources of influence: oriental tantra, to which Leadbeater was exposed in India, and (directly in later years, but perhaps indirectly in earlier) to an occult organization specifically concerned with sexual magic. This was the Ordo Templi Orientis (the Order of Oriental Templars, generally known as the OTO).

The OTO was divided into nine grades or degrees, with a purely administrative tenth degree. These generally followed a semi-Masonic model. The first six grades were conferred ritually, the first three being similar to the first three degrees of Masonry. The next three were based on interpretations of Masonic symbolism. The seventh, eighth and ninth degrees concerned Sexual magic, but were conferred without ritual, the initiates simply being given written instructions. The eighth degree taught an auto-sexual technique called by one commentator on the degree "magical masturbation". And the ninth heterosexual magic based on the traditions of Bengali tantra.

The teachings of the OTO were kept highly secret, and, given the small number of members, received a limited circulation. But the sexual teachings were also written largely in a form of code which would not have made a great deal of sense to the uninitiated – for example, in some writings, the penis was called "the athanor", and semen "the Serpent" or "the blood of the red lion".

Although it is possible to see similarities between the teachings of the OTO and Leadbeater, there is no evidence that, in his early Theosophical days, he was a member of the Order, or had even heard of it. There is, however, evidence that, following the visit to Sydney of James Wedgwood in 1915, Leadbeater may have become a member of the OTO.

The probable link between Leadbeater and the OTO is the mysterious figure of Vyvyan Hereword Rowden Deacon, a descendant of the poet, Robert Browning.

Deacon had, according to his diaries, a close association with Leadbeater. Deacon's daughter has commented:

"In 1914 my father was trained by Bishop Leadbeater in Theosophical and Rosicrucian practices. Leadbeater's books and Rudolf Steiner's books on Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry, although published many years after this time, reveal, many of the subjects well known to the poet [Robert Browning] and my father as family tradition."

Deacon was associated with a number of Leadbeater's activities, being a member of the TS and the ES, and attending meetings of the Order of the Star. When the Old Catholic (later Liberal Catholic) Church was established, Vyvyan and his young wife, Eunice, were both baptized. The ceremony took place on June 10th, 1916, and was performed by Gustav Kollerstrom; afterwards they were both confirmed by James Wedgwood.

Wedgwood, greatly interested in the fringes of Masonry, was a close friend of John Yarker, from who the founders of the OTO received a charter in 1902. Wedgwood himself was admitted to the OTO in 1912 by its Outer Head, Theodor Reuss, at Yarker's request, and was attached as an honorary member to the Holy Grail Lodge in Munich.

After Yarker's death in March, 1913, his widow was supported by a small pension granted to her by the Co-Masonic Order, of which Wedgwood was Grand Secretary.


While it cannot be proved beyond doubt, it seems likely, given that the evidence for the more clearly magical teachings about sex come from the post-1915 period, that Leadbeater was initiated into the OTO, probably by Wedgwood (who initiated him into Co-Masonry, and brought him into the Old Catholic Church), perhaps with some involvement by Vyvyan Deacon»
(A biographical study, p.908-926)