Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


William Judge was the most important instructor after Blavatsky, who spread the teaching of the Transhimalayan masters, and therefore it is well worth studying him.

The main explanations he gave about what happens after humans died, he put in his book "The Ocean of Theosophy", and what he wrote about it, I transcribed in these two articles:

And in the rest of his work, he gave more details, which I have compiled in the following articles:

And I also recommend that you read these two articles that were published in his magazine The Path, written by two collaborators close to him:

And I also recommend you to read the explanations that William Judge gave about reincarnation, since it is a subject that is highly correlated with the post-mortem journey:

          (Later I will put it)

And to finish, I put below the explanation that William Judge gave about cremation:

When people asked him:

What effect, if any, does the cremation of the body have on the remaining material principles?

William Judge replied:

« Cremation has no direct effect on any of the sheaths or vehicles, but it must have the indirect effect of freeing the astral form from the influence of the material body and thus give the astral a chance to more quickly dissipate. It has much less effect on kama and the others above, and none on praṇa, for the latter is ever present, and in the case of death is simply at work somewhere else.

Material fire can have no effect directly on any sort of matter that is not on its own plane, and hence has no effect at all on manas or those above that. From a sanitary point of view cremation is of high importance, as it does away with injurious matter or matter in such a state as to be injurious to the living»
(Echoes of the Orient II, p.358)


The masters of wisdom say no, on the contrary, consciousness decreases temporarily, because most humans after death fall into deep sleep and spend most of their time dreaming during their post-mortem journey, until they finally reincarnate again and awaken back to Earth with a new physical body.

And during their afterlife journey, the humans who already have a certain development or for various circumstances, they manage to stay awake during their stay in the astral plane.

Humans who are already more developed can manage to stay awake in the next zone that is Kama-Loka (purgatory).

And only those who already have a very advanced development manage to stay awake in the next zone, which is the divine World (devachan, heaven, paradise).

However, since humans do not know these other planes of existence, unless they are guided by more advanced humans, they risk being more lost than when they were on the physical plane.

But even those who manage to stay awake after their death, master Pasteur pointed out that they maintain the same level of consciousness that they had when they were on Earth:

« The form of existence that remains in your consciousness after death is exactly the same as you had at the end of your physical life.

And this is due because all evolution is a journey of the consciousness, since even if you experience the physical plane momentarily during your reincarnation, everything is actually happening within your consciousness. For example, by exploring the affective domain, or the mind domain, everything happens inside the consciousness.

So when you die, you go to the astral plane, but you will find yourself on the same level of consciousness that you have managed to conquer through your physical experiences. »
(Conference 8.11.86)

« There really is no difference between the level of consciousness humans have when they are in physical life, and the level of consciousness they have after they die.

The only difference is that during their physical life they have a clothing (the physical body) and after the death they no longer have it. But consciousness remains exactly the same, in symbiosis with what they were before, during, and after their experience in the matter.

So there is not really a state of consciousness before physical life, a state of consciousness during physical life, and a state of consciousness after physical life. Since consciousness is exactly the same. »
(Conference 15.05.88)

To give you an analogy, it's like when your hand is covered by a glove. Well, even if you remove the glove, your hand remains the same. And in the same way, although the human is released from his physical body, he is still the same person.


After death, it may happen that consciousness rises momentarily (as it also happens on Earth), but then consciousness returns to its usual state. And masters explained that it is the evolution that makes the consciousness develop more and more, not the exit from the physical world to enter the subtle world; although it is logical that the human who is no longer locked in his physical body will feel much freer and more perceptive, but his conscience will remain the same, he simply took off his physical clothing.


Esotericism teaches that for those who are already awaken to divine reality, life on Earth is only an illusion, because matter hides the true existence that exists beyond the physical world.

And this is what has motivated some instructors to affirm that after death, humans are freed from illusion, because humans are no longer veiled by matter, and therefore they perceive more clearly the transcendental existence that lies in the Universe.

There are even some instructors who assure that human, after death, are guided and instructed by high teachers when they are in the astral world, and later, in the celestial world.

But this is only valid for souls that are already sufficiently developed. While for the rest of the population, the masters explained that people plunge even deeper into the illusion after death, because the vast majority of humanity, during their stay in the subtle spheres, enter into a deep sleep where they will dream with the experiences they had during their life on Earth, until they will reincarnate again.

And that is why William Judge wrote the following:

« The Ego is deluded by ignorance, and hence incarnates and reincarnates in various states; that is, it obtains a vehicle for every state into which ignorance puts it. So it obtains an earthly vehicle (body and personality) which is delusive and binding on the Ego so long as ignorance of the truth continues.

It leaves the earthly vehicle and goes to another state — Devachan — where it has a vehicle appropri ate to that sphere, and is there deluded and retained by the ignorance which is related wholly to pure, noble, and pleasant thoughts. From that it comes again to the earthly sphere, and so on until the hour when ignorance is destroyed.

The so-called “sinful nature” is in the earthly vehicle, but as that is a part of the whole which includes the Ego, the latter is responsible for permitting the lower to rule it, and therefore suffers. For the body and astral body do not suffer nor know nor feel; they are merely blind instruments for the Ego who knows and feels through them, and are also the weights and clogs which keep the Ego down so long as ignorance prevails. Hence the continual revolving from one sphere to another. »
(Echoes of the Orient II, p.312)

So practically all humans are constantly submerged in the illusion!

When they are on Earth, they are submerged in the illusion caused by matter. And when they are in Heaven, they are submerged in the illusion caused by devachanic dream.


So humans continue to be submerged in the illusion, whether on Earth, or in Heaven, or in the intermediate zone between these two spheres. Until the ignorance caused by the illusion is destroyed. Which is accomplished through spiritual awakening, that is, through the illumination of consciousness. And then the enlightened human lives the divine reality regardless of whether he is on Earth, or in Heaven, or anywhere else, because the illusion has been vanished.


The energy that allows the human to ascend and stay in the divine world (Heaven, Devachan), are the psychic impulses generated by humans during his earthly life, that is to say by all the knowledge, experiences and developments he acquires during his life on Earth.

And since the baby had not yet had time to produce those impulses, and also because the forces that pushed him into incarnation are still active.

What will happen is that the soul which was in this baby will quickly reincarnate in another body, but without going up into the divine world as normally happens.

And that is why the theosophist William Judge wrote the following on this matter:

« I do not think infants — and those are mere babes — have any Devachan, but that they pass on at once to another human birth as soon as the body of the baby is dead. They have accumulated no force for Devachan; they have but in them the impulse for birth, and that having been thwarted by death, it is continued by an immediate search for another body, to be continued until a body is found with sufficient vitality in it to allow the soul to go on with its pilgrimage among men.

It is true that mediums and clairvoyants often report this, that, or the other infant as present from the so-called “world of spirits,” but I think that all such cases are only occupations by elementals of the images or shapes of infants who have died out of earth-life, and hence prove nothing at all but the infinite power of delusion possessed by the astral world. »
(Echoes of the Orient II, p.359)


Babies who die belong to those particular cases where the soul does not ascend to the divine world after death, but reincarnates immediately.


And if an unhappy mother has experienced this terrible event and she is reading this article, I ask her please do not grieve over more what is already suffering, because the masters of wisdom explained that the soul of the baby is fine and simply reborn quickly in another body.

Unfortunately the circumstances of life sometimes cause misfortunes, but master Kuthumi pointed out that when a person suffers for something that she is not responsible, Karma will subsequently reward that person so that there is no injustice left.
And this is why master Kuthumi wrote:

« Nature has an antidote for every poison and her laws a reward for every suffering. Instead of punishing the innocent together with the culprit, the Karma avenges and rewards the former. And also accidents that were not planned, will always find their reward in the future. »
(ML 10 and 16)


The answer is yes and no.

The masters explained that after death, most humans fall into a deep sleep and dream during most of their post-mortem journey, until they return to Earth again to reincarnate in a new physical body.

Then you will understand that under these conditions, there can be no direct coexistence with the beings that the person has loved, since the person spends all her time sleeping.

But inside his dream, the person will be able to create this coexistence with his loved ones, and although it will only be a dream, for her that experience will be as real as if she were living it on Earth.

However, the type of dream varies depending on where humans are. Basically, there are three areas that humans will visit during their post-mortem journey:

  • The divine world
  • The Kama-Loka and
  • The astral plane

1) The first zone that humans arrive after death is the astral plane, and Master Pasteur mentioned that humans in this place dream of the life they had before they died.

So, depending on whether or not you were living with your loved ones at that time, you will dream of them during your akashic dream in the astral plane.

2) And when their stay in the astral plane ends, the human souls ascend to the Kama-Loka (Purgatory), and master Kuthumi specified in Kama-Loka:

·        People who were good will have sweet dreams.
·        People who were bad will have nightmares, and
·        People who were materialists will sleep without dreaming of anything.

And I have read (without assuring it) that dreams in Kama-Loka are related only with that the humans had lived concretely on Earth. So, if you dream in the Kama-Loka with your loved ones, it will be as you know them, with their qualities, but also with their faults.

3) And when their stay in Kama-Loka ends, the human souls ascend to the divine World (Heaven, Devachan), and there, the theosophical instructors say that the humans will dream of what makes them happier, whether they have truly experienced it during their life on Earth, or only intensely desired it.

For example, a woman whose great desire was to marry, but who for various reasons, she could not realize this desire. During her stay in Devachan, she will dream of being happily married and from that base, she will create a whole beautiful story around her marriage.

And if your great happiness was living with your loved ones, then you will find them during your devachanic dream, but contrary to the dream in Kama-Loka, this time they will not appear with their defects, but only in the best way that you wish they were.

And that's why William Judge wrote:

« Sometimes people ask me:

What of those we have left behind: do we see them in Devachan?

And the answer is that we do not see them there in fact, but we make to ourselves their images as full, complete, and objective as in life, and devoid of all that we then thought was a blemish. We live with them and see them grow great and good instead of mean or bad.

The mother who has left a drunken son behind finds him before her in Devachan a sober, good man, and likewise through all possible cases, parent, child, husband, and wife have their loved ones there perfect and full of knowledge. This is for the benefit of the soul. You may call it a delusion if you will, but the illusion is necessary to happiness just as it often is in life. And as it is the mind that makes the illusion, it is no cheat. »
(The Ocean of Theosophy, chapter 13)


Master Kuthumi pointed out that in Devachan, when humans have similar dreams, they connect their dreams one to each other:

« In Devachan, two sympathetic souls will each work out its own devachanic sensations making the other a sharer in its subjective bliss, but yet each is dissociated from the other as regards actual mutual intercourse»
(CM 25, p.198)

So, two people who have loved each other very much, when they are in heaven, both will find asleep, but both dreaming the same dream where they will continue to love each other.