Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


(In this chapter I will be putting all the interesting information I find about this topic.)


« Pollution affects at different levels and that is why pollution is much more harmful than it seems, because when the water is much polluted, then all the little spirits of nature that vitalize the water will move away from that place.

And that is very serious because they are the ones who perpetuate life by animating and energizing that element that is water. But if this element becomes harmful, since these little spirits are also impregnated by that element, they will also be attacked by that contamination.

And when these little spirits are gone, life disappears, and that is why there are places that literally die without men understanding the reason why that happens. But that is because the contamination not only attacks the physical environment, but also attacks the energetic environment, and that makes the invisible animators of nature move away from that place that is poisoned.

They gradually move away because they do not want to be attacked in their own substance.

So in spite of all the care men can take afterwards to remedy this contamination. Well, that place will resume life much more slowly.

And forward to accelerate this process would require that well-intentioned humans with a big harmony towards nature will come to convince these little spirits, these animators of nature to return to that place again.

Therefore, as you can see, pollution not only has harmful effects at the physical level, but also at the energy level, and this energy balance is more difficult to recover than the physical level.

And unfortunately, in the current state, we cannot say that there are many spirits of nature in lakes, rivers, oceans, etc. Which does not mean that they have already gone, because when the water begins to be very polluted, or also when the water is too disturbed by the engines of the ships, and not only by the noise of the engines but also by their helices that grind the water. Usually their first reaction of these little spirits is taking refuge in the depth.

And if you use your third eye or you do an astral projection, and you want to observe these little spirits, it is not on the surface, but in the depth that you must look, and there you will find them working and trying to maintain the balance of nature. »

(Master Pasteur, conference 06.14.86)


« Water can have a very beneficial influence, but it all depends on the sensitivity of humans. And for example, if a person is sensitive to energies, she can feel a great well-being and a diffusion of calmness and freshness in her etheric body thanks to be near of a lake. And in those cases the presence of the lake is beneficial.

But if the individual is still too thick, then he will feel nothing, and in those cases even a baptism by a priest would not influence that individual.

However, and despite this, it is very good that there are masses of water in the cities.


Because water represents the psyche (all the elements of the psyche), so it is very good that in the cities, there are masses of water because it brings a bit of psyche into the concerns of its inhabitants that are generally all focused around the mind, and theses masses of water are a very natural element to bring more inspiration to people. »

(Master Pasteur, conference 06.14.86)


In the book "Talking with Angels" often when the angel was inside Hanna, he asked a glass with water, and although it was Hanna who drank the water, that allowed the angel to descend to the physical world.

And about this matter, the angel said the following:

« The fire is light (making a slight movement of the hand like a flame that rises upwards).

The water is heavy (making a heavy movement of the hand, evoking the water that spreads across the floor).
And designating the glass with water the angel added:
The water brings me closer to you.
What fire does for you, water does for me. »
(Conversations 5 and 10)

And Gitta mentions that she understood that the more she would “burn” with joy, then the more she could approach to her angel, while the angel had to do the opposite process and he need to reduce his fire with the vibration of the water to be able to approach her.

And the angel represented symbolically that in the conversation 34 where he said:

« I cannot put my foot in the water because the water evaporates wherever I walk. »


And on one occasion, after Hanna had drunk, the angel said to Gitta:

« Now you drink too. »

And all astonished by the request Gitta also drank. And then when the angel left, Hanna mentioned that she had been able to perceive how the glass was filled with a blue liquid in which a light from an unknown source was reflected. And when Gitta drank that liquid, the entire network of her arteries, even the smallest of her blood vessels, seemed to take on a golden color.

And the angel explained:

« You gave me water from below and I gave you water from above.
Give in this way to all who are thirsty and the water above will always act.

And when you feel that you are heavy here (and he made a gesture indicating the heart) think about this water from above because it dissolves everything that is blocked.    Do you feel it? »
(Conversation 13)

And Gitta mentions that she felt wonderfully well after drinking that water and probably that water was energized by divine grace.


In the conversation 32, the angel explained that the feeling is symbolized by water, and the thought is symbolized by air.

And in the conversation 34, the angel added that water also symbolizes the passage of time.

And in fact, in esotericism, water is used to symbolize many things such as for example: the feminine aspect of creation, the astral plane, the psyche, etc.

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