Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


The Masters show great respect towards Buddha

The first letter of the Masters that is known was destined to Blavatsky’aunt, and although it is not signed, it is written with the calligraphy of Master Kuthumi, and in this letter we find the following text:

« Blavatsky has been very ill, but is so no longer; for under the protection of the Lord Sang-gyas she has found devoted friends who guard her physically and spiritually. »
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, first series, No. 38)

(Note: the word “Sang-gyas” is the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit word “Buddha”.)

In the Mahatma Letters that Masters Kuthumi and Morya wrote to Alfred Sinnett and Allan Hume, they often speak of Buddha referring to him as "our Lord":

« Christian theologians, they cannot place (however much they would) the birth of our Lord Sang-gyas Buddha A.D. as they have contrived to place that of Krishna. »
(ML 59, p.345)

« The ecclesiastical system built upon the basic ideas of our Lord Gautama Buddha’s philosophy. »
(ML 85, p.399)

« The information gathered as to what takes place beyond we are indebted to the Planetary Spirits, to our blessed Lord Buddha. »
(ML 22, p.138)

« And now you will understand the necessity of the practical application of these sublime words of our Lord and Master: "O ye Bhikkhus and Arhats". »
(ML 82, p.387)

« This is the old, very old fact distinctly taught by our Lord. »
(ML 16, p.111)

« This was said by our Lord Buddha for such as she. »
(ML 64, p.360)

« The Devachan, or land of “Sukhavati,” is allegorically described by our Lord Buddha himself. »
(ML 16, p.99)

« Our Lord Buddha is a man who has reached the level of the sixth round. »
(ML 15, p.96)

« Plato and Confucius were men with the level of the fifth round and our Lord Buddha is a man with the level of the sixth round. »
(ML 14, p.84)

And in the letters that Master Kuthumi wrote to Leadbeater when he was an aspirant to be a disciple, we also find similar references designating Buddha as "our Lord" but using the term "Tathâgata" which is another title given to Buddha:

« So now choose and grasp your own destiny and may our Lord’s the Tathâgata’s memory aid you to decide for the best. »
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, first series, No. 7)

« Let no one know that you are going, and may the blessing of our Lord and my poor blessing shield you from every evil in your new life. »
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, first series, No. 8)

And the same thing happens in the letters that Master Morya wrote to his disciple Ramaswamier:

« Decide after counting the whole cost, and may the light of our Lord Tathâgata’s memory aid you to decide for the best. »
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, second series, No. 51)

And the Chohan Serapis (who is the boss of Kuthumi and Morya) also shows a great respect for Buddha since in a letter he wrote the following:

« That we the devoted followers of that spirit incarnate of absolute self sacrifice, of philanthropy, divine kindness, as of all the highest virtues attainable on this earth of sorrow, the man of men, Gautama Buddha, should ever allow the Theosophical Society to represent the embodiment of selfishness, the refuge of the few with no thought in them for the many, is a strange idea, my brothers. »
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, first series, No. 1)

The Masters claim to be Buddhists

Master Kuthumi wrote:

« Our lamas to honour the fraternity of the Bhikkhus [Buddhist monks] established by our blessed master Buddha. »
(ML 64, p.360)

« Our oracle says the following: "Real Adepts like Gautama Buddha or Jesus Christ did not shroud themselves in mystery, but came and talked openly."  And if they did it is news to us—the humble followers of the former. »
(ML 49, p.281)

« Who reads our Buddhist scriptures? »
(ML 10, p.54)

« Therefore, we deny the concept that you have about God as Philosophers and Buddhists. »
(ML 10, p.52)

And the Chohan Serapis wrote:

« Among the few glimpses obtained by Europeans of Tibet and its mystical hierarchy of “perfect lamas,” there is one which was correctly understood and described.

“The incarnations of the Boddisatwa Padma Pani or Avalo-Kiteswara and of Tsong Kapa, that of Amitabha, relinquish at their death the attainment of Buddhahood —i.e. the summum bonum of bliss, and of individual personal felicity— that they might be born again and again for the benefit of mankind.”

In other words, that they might be again and again subjected to misery, imprisonment in flesh and all the sorrows of life, provided that by such a self sacrifice repeated throughout long and dreary centuries they might become the means of securing salvation and bliss in of others.

And it is we, the humble disciples of these perfect lamas, who are expected to allow the Theosophical Society to drop its noblest title, that of the Brotherhood of Humanity to become a simple school of psychology?  No, no. »
(Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, first series, No. 1)

And it should be noted that the Masters themselves differ from other creeds, including even Advaita Vedanta, which is said by Blavatsky to be, along with Buddhism, the closest to the Esoteric Philosophy:

Master Kuthumi specified:

« We are not Adwaitines. »
(ML 10, p.53)

And they maintain this distinction, even when they accept the truths taught in Advaita Vedanta, and they have Advaita Vedanta pupils:

« It It is an every day occurrence to find students belonging to different schools of occult thought sitting side by side at the feet of the same Master. Upasika [Madam Blavatsky] and Subba Row, though pupils of the same Master, have not followed the same Philosophy — the one is Buddhist and the other an Adwaitee. »
(ML 85, p.399)

And Master Morya is more categorical about it:

« What do we have to see, we, the disciples of the real Arhats [the great initiates] of esoteric Buddhism and of Sang-gyas [Lord Buddha] with the Shastras and Orthodox Brahmanism?

Almost nothing!

There are hundreds of thousands of Fakirs, Sannyasis and Saddhus leading the most pure lives, and yet being as they are, on the path of error, never having had an opportunity to meet, see or even hear of us.

Their forefathers have driven away the followers of the only true philosophy upon earth away from India and now, it is not for the latter to come to them but to them to come to us if they want us.

Which of them is ready to become a Buddhist, a Nastika [someone who does not believe in God or Gods] as they call us?


But instead those who have believed and followed us have had their reward. »
(ML 134, p.462)

The Masters recommend studying Buddhism

Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott to give the example publicly took "Panchashila" at Galle, Ceylon, on May 25, 1880, and with this ritual they formally become Buddhists, and they were the first Westerners known to do so.

When Dr. Franz Hartmann questioned about it, Master Morya replied that the one who becoming a Buddhist would have easier access to the path of knowledge, and that is why Dr. Hartmann followed suit and became a Buddhist on December 26, 1883.

And two weeks later (on February 25, 1884) Master Morya wrote in a letter to him:

« Let me give you an advice. Never offer yourself as a chela, but wait until chelaship descends by itself upon you. Above all, try to find yourself, and the path of knowledge will open itself before you, and this so much the easier as you have made a contact with the Light-ray of the Blessed one, whose name you have now taken as your spiritual lode-star. Receive in advance my blessings and my thanks. »
(Collected Writings 8, p.446)
_ _ _

We see that the Masters and their disciples are Buddhists and this regardless of where they were born, since Kuthumi, Morya, Djwal Khul were Indians, Serapis was Slavic, Hilarion was Greek, Blavatsky was Russian, Olcott was American, William Judge was Irish, etc.


Master Kuthumi explained the reason:

« Lord Buddha achieved the level of development that humans will attain in the sixth round [while the Masters have only reached the level of the fifth round], and he having successfully passed through their evolution in their previous incarnations, Lord Buddha surpassed even his predecessors [i.e. the humans who had already become Masters]. But a man like this only meets very rarely. One in a trillion human lives! »
(ML 17, p117)

And in another letter Kuthumi explains that this fulminating development made the Lord Buddha becomes:

« The Chief of all the Masters, and the reformer and codifier of the occult system. »
(ML 9, p.43)

« He became our Grand Patron. »
(ML 8, p.33)

And that is the reason why the Hierarchy of the Masters became Buddhist, because Lord Buddha assumed the direction.

But it must be emphasized that even if the Masters are very close to Buddhism because it is the most direct descendant of the Wisdom-Religion now in existence, and in the Buddhist scriptures are preserved more of the true teachings than in any other texts now extant.

On the other hand, in what concern the knowledge, they do not identify themselves as Buddhists, but as esoteric Buddhists because they claim that they received a much deeper teaching of Lord Buddha and this knowledge has not been altered over time:

« Indeed, the secret portions of the “Dan” or “Jan-na” (“Dhyan”) of Gautama’s metaphysics — grand as they appear to one unacquainted with the tenets of the Wisdom Religion of antiquity — are but a very small portion of the whole.

And it is because the Hindu Reformer limited his public teachings to the purely moral and physiological aspect of the Wisdom-Religion, to Ethics and man alone.

Things “unseen and incorporeal,” the mystery of Being outside our terrestrial sphere, the great Teacher left entirely untouched in his public lectures, reserving the hidden Truths for a select circle of his Arhats. »
(The Secret Doctrine I, p.XX)

And it must be pointed out that Lord Buddha did not invent his teachings from nothing but he acquired them from the knowledge that he himself had received from the Hierarchy of the Masters:

« Gautama was a student of the Old Secret School located in the Himalayas (Shambala) which is the progenitor of all other esoteric schools, and which had been established many ages before the appearance of Buddhism. »
(CW 14, p.435)

« So far — we (the Masters) know. Within and to the utmost limit, to the very edge of the cosmic veil we know the fact to be correct — owing to personal experience; for the information gathered as to what takes place beyond — we are indebted to the Planetary Spirits, to our blessed Lord Buddha. »
(ML 22, p.138)

And this is also the reason why the Masters are Buddhists, because esoteric Buddhism is a reformulation that Lord Buddha made of the old genuine esoteric teaching.

And the fact that the Buddha resided in Tibet, this generated that the spiritual development on Earth will be concentrated for thousands of years in this region.

« Our best, most erudite and holy Adepts are of Tibetan origin. »
(ML 4, p.15)

But this does not mean that the Masters repudiate the other Messiahs, and they speak very well of Jesus.

Master Morya said the following:

« We consider that the great Initiate you call Jesus has been one of the greatest Masters that has ever existed. »
(CW 8, p.402)

But on the other hand, they disapprove completely the manipulative and enslaving organizations in which religions have become, and that is why Master Kuthumi said:

« It is religion under whatever form and in whatsoever nation. It is the sacerdotal caste, the priesthood and the churches; it is in those illusions that man looks upon as sacred, that he has to search out the source of that multitude of evils which is the great curse of humanity and that almost overwhelms mankind.

Ignorance created “Gods” and cunning took advantage of the opportunity. Look at India and look at Christendom and Islam, at Judaism and Fetichism. It is priestly imposture that rendered these gods so terrible to man.

It is religion that makes of him the selfish bigot, the fanatic that hates all mankind out of his own sect without rendering him any better or more moral for it. It is belief in God and gods that makes two-thirds of humanity the slaves of a handful of those who deceive them under the false pretence of saving them.

And so for example the Irish, Italian or Hispanic peasant [and any devout Catholic] will starve himself and see his family starving and naked to feed and clothe his padre and pope.

And that is why our chief aim is to deliver humanity of this nightmare, to teach man virtue for its own sake, and to walk in life relying on himself instead of leaning on a theological crutch, that for countless ages was the direct cause of nearly all human misery.

If it is objected that we too have temples, we too have priests and that our lamas also live on charity . . . let them know that the objects above named have in common with their Western equivalents, but the name. Thus in our temples there is neither a god nor gods worshipped, only the thrice sacred memory of the greatest as the holiest man that ever lived. »
(ML 10, pp. 53, 57-58)

In this latter asseveration, I disagree with Master Kuthumi because unfortunately it is a fact that Buddhism has also been corrupted, but I also understand that the Masters, despite their great development, being human, is difficult to accept that something they love has been degraded.


Based on all I have studied, I am also inclined to consider that among all the religions that exist, probably Buddhism is the one that most illustrates the truth, but with this I am not telling you that you have to leave your religion because all religions have good and bad things, and therefore what I recommend is that you take the good and discard the bad. And this also includes Buddhism, so my advice is that you take the Buddhist philosophy, but avoid the business that has been created around Buddhism. And for the occult knowledge, I recommend you to focus on original Theosophy because that is the most genuine esoteric teaching that we have access to in this life.

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