Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English
in these links:
Part 1 and Part 2.


Alice Cleather was one of the most outstanding disciples of Blavatsky, and on this subject she wrote the following:

Moreover, Mrs. Bailey's presumably "inspired" views (one must not forget her alleged "Tibetan" teacher) on sex relations in their application to those who have entered, or are entering, on the serious study of practical Occultism, are in direct conflict with the teachings of Blavatsky and her Teachers on the subject.

In the last chapter, "Rules for Applicants," she is far more definite on this point than in her later Cosmic Fire. Possibly the publication of the Mahatma Letters may have counseled more prudence on that head, if (as seems probable) she is anxious that the public should believe that the contents of her books are drawn from the same source as H.P. Blavatsky's, as shown by the constant references to the Secret Doctrine in her book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.

Like the followers of the Leadbeater dispensation, there are some who regard her works as an extension and expansion of the Secret Doctrine, which is of course almost grotesque.

Rule 11, page 204, runs thus:

« Let the disciple transfer the fire from the lower triangle to the higher, and preserve that which is created through the fire of the midway point. »

Mrs. Bailey explains this as follows:

« This means, literally, the control by the initiate of the sex impulse, as usually understood, and the transference of the fire which normally vitalizes the generative organs to the throat center, thus leading to creation upon the mental plane through the agency of mind. That which is to be created must then be nourished and sustained by the love energy issuing from the heart center. »

No words of mine could be half strong enough to condemn the advice here given to all and sundry in a printed book. The "transference" advised is probably the most dangerous in the process of Black Magic, which is distinguished from White by its use of the sex forces.

It is found in such Tantrik works as The Serpent Power, by "Arthur Avalon" (the late Sir John Woodroffe an Indian Judge), against the terrible dangers of which Blavatsky so constantly warns her readers and pupils. In most cases she says that such an attempt as above described would have a fatal result. For this one passage alone Mrs. Bailey deserves the severest condemnation.

She is indeed playing with fire – the Fire of Kundalini, which, as Blavatsky says: "can as easily kill as it can create."

The following is the "lower triangle referred to:

    1. The Solar Plexus.
    2. The Base of the Spine.
    3. The Generative Organs.

The "higher" is thus given:

    1. The Head.
    2. The Throat.
    3. The Heart.

There is not the smallest recognition throughout this book of the tremendous gulf which yawns between "White" and "Black" Magic in Practical Occultism. And in these three pages (204-206) she unconsciously lays bare the real evil at the root of her teachings which, where Sex is concerned, are in direct opposition to those of Blavatsky and her Teachers.

For Mrs. Bailey's further detailed explanations as to the sex relationships of "Initiated Masters" will again supply the necessary contrast:

Alice Bailey’s teachings

« "This might be interpreted by the superficial reader as an injunction to the celibate life, and the pledging of the applicant to abstain from all physical manifestation of the sex pulse. This is not so. Many initiates have attained their objective when duly and wisely participating in the marriage relation."

"The physical plane is as much a form of divine expression as any of the higher planes... that it may be advisable at certain stages for a man to perfect control along any particular line through a temporary abstention is not to be denied, but that . . . will be succeeded by stages when – the control having been gained - the man demonstrates perfectly through the medium of the physical body, the attributes of divinity, and every center will be normally and wisely used, and thus race purposes furthered."

"Initiates and Masters, in many cases, marry, and normally perform their duties as husbands, wives, and householders, but all is controlled and regulated by purpose and intention, and none is carried away by passion or desire. In the perfect man upon the physical plane, all the centers are under complete control. . . . the spiritual will of the divine inner God is the main factor."

"The true initiate would be known by his wise and sanctified normality.... by the example he sets to his environing associates of spiritual living and moral rectitude, coupled with the discipline of his own life." »

(Initiation Human and Solar, Chap. XIX, p.204-206)

Theosophy’s teachings

« "2. Absolute mental and physical purity."

   "Remember, he who is not as pure as a young child (had) better leave chelaship alone."
(Master Kuthumi)

   "Bodily purity every Adept takes precautions to keep."

   "The Self of matter and the SELF of Spirit can never meet. One of the twain must disappear; there is no place for both."
(Master Morya to the esoteric students)

   "Guard thou the lower lest it soil the Higher."
(The Voice of the Silence)

   There are not in the West half a-dozen among the fervent hundreds who call themselves 'Occultists' who have even an approximately correct idea of the nature of the Science they seek to master. With a few exceptions, they are all on the highway to Sorcery."
(Blavatsky in her article: Occultism vs The Occult Arts.)

   "No Adept ever marries."

   "It is true that the married man cannot be an Adept."
(Master Kuthumi in The Mahatma Letters, p.17)

   "The Dugpas and the Gelugpas are not fighting in Tibet alone: see their vile work in England among the 'Occultists' and 'Seers'!

Hear your acquaintance - preaching, like a true 'Hierophant of the left-hand,' the marriage of the 'soul with the spirit' and getting the true definitions topsy-turvy, seek to prove that every practicing Hierophant must at least be spiritually married if for some reason he cannot do so physically, there being otherwise a great danger of Adulteration of God and Devil!

I tell you the Shammars (Dugpas, or Black Magicians) are there already, and their pernicious work is everywhere in our way."
(Master Morya in The Mahatma Letters, p. 272) »

(From "The qualifications expected in a Chela" published in Theosophist, Vol. IV, Supplement, July, 1883, p.10)

Not only did Blavatsky tell us that true Adepts of the Right-Hand Path never marry or enter into any sort of sex relation, but she also said that certain Black Magicians well-known in occult annals were the offspring of high occultists who broke their vow of celibacy.

Thus of Cagliostro, she wrote:

« Yet his end was not utterly undeserved, as he had been untrue to his vows in some respects, had fallen from his state of chastity and. yielded to ambition and selfishness. »
(Theosophical Glossary, p.72)


The evil is a great one, for in this particular instance, teaching on one of the greatest dangers in Occultism - SEX – is given out which is subversive of all that Blavatsky and the Masters stand for.

In Blavatsky's article Occultism vs The Occult Arts from which I quote above (and at greater length in my Great Betrayal) the true occult teaching on this subject is clearly and unequivocally set forth.

It forms a complete refutation of the false and dangerous ideas put forward with such a show of authority by Mrs. Bailey, which are common to all the charlatans of Occultism, whether conscious or unconscious.

(Source: “The pseudo-occultism of Alice Bailey” by Alice Leighton Cleather and Basil Crump.)


Alice Bailey in her "Treatise on Cosmic Fire" put an excerpt from the book "The Serpentine Power" wrote by Arthur Avalon; and hence I suspect that this technique she put in her "Initiation Human and Solar" was also copied from that book.

But when you read what she wrote in rule eleven, you realize that Alice Bailey did not understand the hidden aspect of that technique (neither does Arthur Avalon) and only put it in her work to impress her readers. And thankfully she only gave a very short-lived explanation, but this shows that Mrs. Bailey really didn't know about the topic she was broaching.

And this I have already perceived on many other occasions. Alice Bailey collected information from various books and authors, but she did not understand what she was transcribing and only put it in her books based on her own speculations to give herself more prestige.

1 comment:

  1. Edifying my dear, tho not totally correct.
