could make writing appear on a slate supernaturally (i.e. without using pens,
crayons, pencils or chalk) as several mediums also did phenomenally. And on
this subject Colonel Olcott wrote the following in his book “Old Diary Leaves I”:
« In the department of precipitation of
writings and pictures (a term, originally of my own
invention, which seems to convey best of all an Idea of the method employed), H.P.B. was exceptionally strong, as will have been
inferred from all that has preceded.
On an evening of 1875 I sat at
the house of the President of the Photographic Section of the American
Institute, Mr. H.J. Newton, with a. private medium named Cozine, to witness his
slate-writings, which were far more wonderful than Dr. Slade's.
The communications came upon the
slate in bright blue and red colors; no pencil or crayon was used in the
experiment, and I myself held one end of the slate. Upon mentioning this to H.P.B.,
she said:
"I think I could
do that; at any rate, I will try."
So I went out and bought a slate
and brought it home; she took it, without crayons or pencil, into a small,
pitch-dark closet bed-room and lay upon the couch, while I went out, closed the
door, and waited outside. After a very few minutes she reappeared with the
slate in her hand, her forehead damp with perspiration, and she seeming very
Jove!" she exclaimed, "that took it out of me, but I've done it; see!"
On the slate was writing in red
and blue crayons, in handwritings not her own. »
(Chapter 23)
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