Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


Alice Leighton Cleather was one of the most outstanding disciples of Blavatsky, and about Alice Bailey, she wrote the following:


Observe how cleverly H.P.B. is gradually pushed into the background; little hints and remarks, “damning with faint praise,” being thrown out now and again – a well-known form of “suggestion.”

We have no “evidence” for the existence of this “Tibetan Brother”; simply Mrs. Bailey’s word, her own ipse dixit for everything. I am inclined to believe that if her “teacher” is not actually Annie Besant or Charles Leadbeater, it is someone behind all three, with a pseudonym cleverly adapted to conceal his identity with a certain Christian hierarchy, and by repeated “suggestion” plant in the minds of Mrs. Bailey’s readers the concept of a TIBETAN origin for the “teachings.”

The complete omission by this supposed member of the Lodge (!) of all reference to the true status and nature of the Buddha and his place in Evolution, as given by the Masters and H.P. Blavatsky, tends to bear out my theory.

Whether Mrs. Bailey believes whole-heartedly in her “mission” is not clear. She is evidently a psychic. Whatever may be the truth of the matter, the whole “plot” is most cleverly contrived, and she must surely be a willing “tool,” if not a fully conscious agent.

Observe in this “new cycle teaching” there is no place for or mention of the necessity for the twin laws of Karma and Reincarnation, although they are often mentioned incidentally; nor of the great sweep of Cyclic Law through which they work. Nothing really definite, reasonable or rational; and, as a matter of fact, but little relation to the teachings of H.P.B., despite the constant references thereto.


To such proportions has this new cult already grown that the following astounding assertions are boldly made in the May Occult Review (1928, p.305) by H. Adams, in an article on Mrs. Bailey’s latest book on Patanjali (The Light of the Soul: Its Science and Effect): “the Tibetan Brother who is responsible for the impartation of Mrs. Bailey’s previous works. …”

Mr. Adams then gives a few supposed facts culled from the book, and continues: “This authoritative statement. …” (The “authority” is Mrs. Bailey’s invisible teacher, and for him we have only her own word) “emanates from the Brotherhood (!!), in that it has been produced by the express authority and under the personal supervision of the Brother specially appointed to communicate the new cycle teaching necessary at this point of evolution in connection with the second Ray impulse.”

The last few words are typical of her A Treatise on Cosmic Fire “teaching.”

Note the piling up of assumption after assumption. First, he is “a Tibetan brother,” then his pronouncements are forthwith identified with “the Brotherhood”! There is talk of their “express authority” and so on.

Boiled down, what does it all amount to? Simply Mrs. Bailey’s calm, unchecked (and uncheckable) assertions, for the validity of which she claims the equally unchecked (and uncheckable) “authority” of her “Tibetan.” The concluding sentences actually go the length of placing her on a level with H.P. Blavatsky.


Mr. Adams further says: “In the midst of religious controversies on every hand emptying the churches and filling sincere and seeking souls with disquiet and eager:

(1) Questioning, and our friends the Theosophists divided into half a dozen societies and pathetically asking one another “What is Truth?” surely it is a great solace and matter for thankfulness that the ever watchful.

(2) Brotherhood of Masters, ignoring all the petty issues, or, rather.

(3) Answering them most effectively by the voice of an accredited messenger, declares once again in clear solid English (!) the Science of the Spirit hidden in the Sutras.” (Italics mine. – A.L.C.)

Here we may note:

(1) A clever touch, giving the idea that this new scheme has nothing to do with Theosophy or its societies; leading to the unblushing assertion

(2) that this new teaching actually emanates from the Masters. Further

(3) that the “accredited messenger,” whether Mrs. Bailey or her supposed teacher, has been inspired by Them!

At the beginning of Mr. Adams’s article H.P. Blavatsky is referred to only as the translator of The Voice of the Silence; his idea evidently being to blot out from the reader’s mind the existence of her magnum opus, the Secret Doctrine, the teachings of which are in flat contradiction to some of the bewildering material we have found in Bailey A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.


With reference to H.P. Blavatsky it should also be noted that Mr. Adams says on p.306:

“An interesting point is made by Mrs. Bailey in her introduction to the effect that the coming spiritual impulse is a second Ray impulse and will reach its zenith towards the close of the present century, but it has no relation to the first Ray impulse which produced the work of H.P.B.”

This is, of course, one of Mrs. Bailey’s usual arbitrary statements, not in the least what H.P.B. herself told us, but evidently made as part of the whole scheme to subordinate her and her work to the “new dispensation” of the Besant-Leadbeater-Bailey cult.


It is clear that the efforts now being made by the enemies of the Masters is to focus the attention of the whole thinking world of the West on the “Christ-World-Teacher” idea originated by the Besant-Leadbeater cult, and here shown to be a leading feature in Mrs. Bailey’s scheme, vide the specimens cited by Mr. Crump. Nor is it any less dangerous to the progress of humanity, although the intellectual form in which it is so ably presented tends to disarm criticism and conceal the cloven hoof.

The warnings of the Masters on the dangers of psychic communications and the work of the Dugpas – “the infamous Shammars” – the “Red-Capped Brothers of the Shadow . . . whose pernicious work is everywhere in our way” (Mahatma Letters, p.272, 284) must be applied to such cases as this. Also the extremely important letter in H.P. Blavatsky’s Letters to Sinnett, p.230 re the work of the Jesuits, (which was evidently written by one of the Masters), especially the concluding paragraph on p.233.


In the same number of the Occult Review, at p.354, is an advertisement of a book called Living Secrets by Luma Valdry.

It is described as follows: “Produced by automatic writing under the direct inspiration of a Master of the Wisdom, the authoress during its composition being in a state of dual consciousness. It is a prose poem of transcendental esoteric import. This book may well become the type of a new mode of communion. …”

Here we have a precisely similar claim to that of Mrs. Bailey, and this sort of thing is quite common in spiritualistic and psychological literature. Mediums generally have a list of eminent “controls,” and therefore it is quite natural for psychics who wish to appeal to those seeking new “occult teaching” should claim to get it in the same manner and from the same source as H.P. Blavatsky.

Psychism is so little understood as yet that few realize how, especially in female psychics, the line is very difficult to draw between conscious and unconscious deception (which includes self-deception). Paracelsus is very illuminating on the power of the female imagination, and such imposing works as Mrs. Bailey’s may quite well be the product of her own imagination, using occult ideas and terminology, and filtering into her brain as definite “teaching,” spoken or inspired by an entity that calls itself “the Tibetan.”

(This text is part of the book “The pseudo-occultism of Alice Bailey” by Alice Leighton Cleather and Basil Crump.)

Here Alice Cleather is generous to Mrs. Bailey, as Cleather considers the possibility that Alice Bailey may have been a medium who was tricked by some trickster entity which posed as a Tibetan teacher related to the Brotherhood of Masters.
But after having investigated this matter, I am convinced that Alice Bailey in reality made up that story, because it makes no sense that a "spirit" had been blatantly and systematically plagiarizing all the lies that Charles Leadbeater invented for more than thirty years.
And instead it has much more logic than Alice Bailey not knowing that this individual was a charlatan, she copied her falsehoods. But to impress the public she pretended that a Tibetan master had dictated them to her telepathically.

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