Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English
in these links:
Part 1 and Part 2.


About this encounter, Annie Besant narrated the following:

« I will tell you about the first occasion on which I saw my Master. Soon after I had joined the Theosophical Society, it happened that I was in England at a time when H.P.B. was in Fontainebleau, France, where The Voice of the Silence was written.

She wrote me to go over and join her, which I did with joy. She was living in a delightful old house out in the country, and I was put in a bed-room near hers, a door connecting the two.

One night I awoke suddenly owing to an extraordinary feeling that there was in the room. The air was all throbbing, and it seemed as if an electric machine was playing there; the whole room was electric.

I was so astonished (for it was my first experience of the kind) that I sat up in bed, wondering what on earth could be happening. It was quite dark, and in those days I was not a bit clairvoyant.

At the foot of the bed a luminous figure appeared, and stood there from half a minute to a minute. It was the figure of a very tall man, and I thought, from pictures I had seen, it was H.P.B.’s Master.

Near him was another figure, more faintly luminous, which I could not clearly distinguish.

The brilliant figure stood quite still, looking at me, and I was so utterly astounded that I sat perfectly still, simply looking at Him; I did not even think of saluting Him. So I remained motionless and then gradually the figure vanished.

Next day I told H.P.B. what had happened, and she replied me:

-      “Yes, Master came to see me in the night, and went into your room to have a look at you.”

This was my first experience of seeing a Master; it must have been clearly a case of materialization, for as I have said, I was not in the least clairvoyant at the time. »
(Extract of the article "In the Twilight" published in The Theosophist, May 1910, p.1098-1100.)

And on another occasion Annie Besant spoke again about that meeting:

« My first-hand experience of the Masters had been clear, definite, and absolutely convincing to me.  The experience began in 1889.

In the beginning of the year, before I joined the Theosophical Society, I was making desperate efforts to pierce the darkness, and was seeking with passionate earnestness to obtain some direct evidence of the existence of Soul and of the super physical worlds.

One evening as I sat alone, concentrating my mind on this longing, I heard the Master's voice, but knew not whose its was, and after some questions asked by Him and answered by me, came the promise that I should soon find the light.

A promise quickly verified. As I did not till later know who had spoken to me, I ought not to put this as evidence at that time, and it was in the summer of 1889 that I gained my first direct evidence.

I as in Fontainebleau [staying with Madame Blavatsky], and was sleeping in a small room by myself; I was waked suddenly and sat up in bed startled, to find the air of the room thrown into pulsing electrical waves, and then appeared the radiant astral Figure of the Master [Morya], visible to my physical eyes. »
(The Judge Case II, p.37)

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