Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


The answer is YES and NO, all depends on how intense you are going to do this.

And for you understand me better, imagine that you ask:

Is it dangerous to drive a motorcycle?

And a motorcyclist will answer you that depends what you are going to do with the motorcycle.

  • If you only want to drive in an open area and at a low speed, then you can even afford not to use a helmet because in this situation the risk is very small.
  • But if you are going to drive in a hectic city, then it is important that you use a helmet
  • And if you want to participate in speed races, then in addition to protection, you must also need to have experience.
  • But if you want is to perform acrobatic jumps on top of helicopters whose propellers are rapidly turning, then there is not enough to protect yourself and to have experience, you also need to do a whole lot of preparation work, because at that level the slightest mistake can be fatal.

And something similar happens with the handling of the chakras and kundalini.

And that is why I've been using the chakras and kundalini for over twenty years and nothing bad has happened to me, but it is because the exercises I use are very basic and therefore do not require no prior preparation.

To give you an analogy, it is as if I were using the basic techniques of phisical training, while another very different thing would be that I wanted to do somersaults like the Olympic gymnasts do.

And the same thing happens with the handling of the chakras and kundalini; more you use advanced techniques and more the handling becomes dangerous.

And this is why Master Pasteur warned about the use of kundalini intensively:

« Observe what happens when an individual only works to awaken his kundalini and play with his kundalini. Well, if that individual does not develop at the same time, wisdom and consciousness, then that individual destroys himself, crack his astral body, breaks his energetic body and he becomes sick and he can go crazy, and in any case he runs towards death. »
(Conference 06.12.86)

And Blavatsky also gave the same warning:

« Magic is connected with kundalini, which can as easily create as destroy, and that is why the ignorant novice can kill himself by not knowing how to use that power correctly. »
(SD III, p.537)

« The kundalini is the serpentine force, it is a mystical power (a siddhi) but if it is misused, it can kill you. »
(CW XI, p.488)

And Master Pasteur also noticed something similar about the handling of the chakras:

« I warn you that I am not going to teach you how to open your chakras, because there are already enough people who kill them, since you have to know that an exaggerated dilation of a chakra ends up causing death. »
(Conference 03.11.89)

And Blavatsky noticed the same warning:

« The practice of these techniques when they are ignorantly performed, invariably leads to an undesirable situation, because the yogi learns practically nothing, or he becomes a sorcerer, or more frequently he injures himself, and in the worst case he kills himself for such an imprudent practice. The mantra ignorantly employed may, and often has, proved a treacherous weapon, whose mystical power has caused it to turn and stab the user. »
(CW IV, p.164-166)

And obviously they are warning of advanced handling, not of basic handling.

~ * ~

Now, the question that surely many of you have is:

How to know when a technique can be dangerous and when not?

And my answer is that I do not know.

So I recommend you be cautious.

And also be aware that a basic exercise which normally it is not dangerous, if you done in an exaggerated way then it can also become dangerous.

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