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can read translated in English in this


The Canadian Theosophist” is the second magazine published by the Theosophical Society in Canada (which is associated with the Theosophical Society in Pasadena).

The first magazine was called “The Lamp” and it was published from 1894 to 1900 (see previous article).

This second magazine began to be published in March 1920 and continues to be published until today. First appeared as a monthly periodical up to (and including) Volume 35. It has been published as a bi-monthly since the March/April 1955 issue, and later become quarterly.

The first editor of The Canadian Theosophist was Albert E.S. Smythe. Dudley W. Barr became Acting Editor in March 1947, Chairman of the Editorial Board in May 1947 and Editor in July 1947. While Mr. Barr remained as Editor, Miss L. Gaunt became Acting Editor at the time of the September/October 1958 issue, then Associate Editor for the November/December 1959 one; Mr. & Mrs. T.G. Davy are listed as Associate Editors in July/August 1961. Doris and Ted Davy became Editors in the September/October 1962 number, a position they maintained for thirty years. Stan Treloar became Editor at the time of the March/April 1992 issue and holds this position currently.

This magazine has been the principal instrument of information in Canada on theosophical topics. First 18 volumes were reprinted by the Edmonton Theosophical Society.

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  • Several of the publications from 1920 to 1940 (volumes 1 to 20) can be downloaded here.
  • Several of the publications from 1926 to 1992 (volumes 7 to 72) can be read here.
  • Several of the most recent publications from 2011 to 2017 can be downloaded here.
  • And the list of authors and articles (up to February 1990, volume 78) can be read here.

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