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can read translated in English in this


Practically nothing has been said on this subject, but Master Pasteur made an interesting mention on one occasion while he was explaining about the aliens:

« Every humanity in the Universe is different, not necessarily by the appearance, not necessarily by the number of chakras or anything else, but by the energy type they handle and also by the energy exchanges that the chakras have between them, and the molecules have between them, and all the vibratory notes of the aura have with the soul.

That is why each humanity in the Universe is specific, and this specificity is important and necessary.

In the same way as when there are several children in a family, although each child is born of his father and his mother, and they have similarities between them, each child has also his specificity.

Well, in the same way it works for the great families that we call “Cosmic”.

You know about the seven rays since there are seven powers, seven colors, etc. Well, each of these rays will claim for its expression a special cosmic humanity, that is to say people of certain specific vibration, and hence the diversity that exists in the Universe. »

(Conference 21.11.87)

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