Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


In this article I am going to put what the master of Helena and Nicholas Roerich said about Morya in the different sessions that the Roerichs were doing:
   -  M and M. are abbreviations for Morya.
   -  M.M. is an abbreviation for Master Morya.
   -  Urusvati is the spiritual name for Helena Roerich.
   -  Fuyuma is the spiritual name for Nicholas Roerich.
_  _  _
12 April 1921
[Helena Roerich in a past live was] sister of Morya.
Morya [in a past live] was Leader of the first nations that proceeded from Asia.
16 June 1921
Tell: Morya and K.H. (to Theosophical Society).
20 June 1921
I, Morya, talked to them.
I, Morya, manifest the essence of My instructions.
21 June 1921
I shall reveal the school by the name of the Masters K.H. and Morya.
Morya considers Urusvati His pupil.
22 June 1921
I, Morya [was in a past live] your Husband.
23 June 1921
My Urusvati, I, Morya, will help you to find joy.
24 June 1921
In the name of Morya be brave.
Urusvati happily proceeds with Morya’s teaching.
25 June 1921
Morya n. o. R.—manifests as stern, adamant.
You may teach husband breathing; Morya is with you.
26 June 1921
Roerich kept Elum of Morya.
27 June 1921
Learn to strike the darkness—Morya is your shield.
Learn, Urusvati, to consider Morya your shield.
I—Morya, Urusvati.
29 June 1921
I am not Morya.
3 July 1921
Morya wishes to establish your happiness here.
4 July 1921
I, Morya, decided to initiate the move for Art through Roerich, here.
Morya guides you for a long time—Nicholas Roerich from 1891, Helena Roerich from 1910.
To Helena Roerich’s question: why has He not guided her earlier?
Answer: Morya knows the ways of Benevolence.
7 July 1921
My Urusvati, Morya is happy with you.
10 July 1921
You may ask Morya for knowledge and help in your journey to India.
Morya is with you, My friends.
12 July 1921
Roerich thinks Morya cannot help.
Motherland will accept the gift of Morya’s heart.
13 July 1921
Morya has a happy access.
13 July 1921
At night Morya will relieve Urusvati’s sufferings.
Pray strongly; I shall help—Morya will create heartwarming miracles.
14 July 1921
I, Morya, for a long time protect Roerich’s happiness.
No need to name Morya—simply say, “The Blessed.”
15 July 1921
I deem friends will give the proof of Morya.
Friends, Urusvati’s experience shows proof of the spiritual Master Morya.
16 July 1921
Morya can preserve the place in your memory until your journey.
Urusvati, dear to him; Morya calls a dear one, My dear wife, Urusvati.
17 July 1921
I, Morya, summoned Roerich to serve the spirit of Creator’s might.
Morya’s Flowers—thus name the book to be printed in Berlin.
18 July 1921
(Urusvati) give rest to your spirit—fatigue it not too much with books; and love, surging like a sparkling torrent, will reveal to you the splendor of M flowers.
19 July 1921
Friends, your Guardian is at home, watch Him. Morya instructs you—follow Him.
21 July 1921
Morya’s house, Urusvati (unfinished phrase).
22 July 1921
Question: Was any of the Teachers Russian?
Answer: Sergius of Radonezh—[a past live of] Morya.
Schagiy—[another past live of] Morya.
23 July 1921
Endeavor to inspire others with the teachings of M.
24 July 1921
Display your love to Morya—I will surprise you.
Urusvati, love Morya.
26 July 1921
Lay Morya’s Flowers on the Russian grave.
27 July 1921
Roerich should not consider that small people are tormentors, when he is shielded by Morya.
29 July 1921
To renounce Morya.
2 August 1921
The wonder of Morya’s pure benevolence.
The “Rudder” shall accept the book (Morya’s Flowers).
Morya gave.
Morya thought it over.
Morya brought Trismegistus on the mountain.
3 August 1921
Barry is useful for Morya’s house.
You can trust Morya in the matter of the school.
7 August 1921
Fulfill the will of Morya; you will have a good time at the given place in Santa Fe.
Urusvati, fulfill the will of Morya, everything will be fine.
8 August 1921
Morya is older than Solomon.
11 August 1921
Carefully raise up the treasure of the Temple upon M’s Mountain.
17 August 1921
Morya loves Udraya, when he, the “Hand grumbler” does not oppose My Will.
Roerich—contented with the decision to travel on September 10, and manifest Morya in San Francisco.
Urusvati knows Morya.
Be an Aeolian harp to M’s Breath.
18 August 1921
I think a new painting should be named The Gorge of Morya.
20 August 1921
Teach the manifestation of Master M.
29 August 1921
The Lichtmanns do not understand My idea—they think Morya spares those who turned to Him for Guidance.
31 August 1921
Morya shall bestow the portrait in Chicago.
Morya considers Urusvati’s learning successful.
1 September 1921
To the best friend, Urusvati vouches to love you spiritually with a happy heart with Morya’s guidance.
29 September 1921
Morya wishes to see you at His place teaching self-perfection.
30 September 1921
Roerich’s friend wants to help Morya’s pupil.
Urusvati, tell the Lichtmanns to avoid newcomers—they should not reveal Morya’s teaching.
1 October 1921
Morya is with you.
3 October 1921
M is aware of your hardships; a steep ascent is always difficult.
Be imperturbable—your illusions damage your health, but if you have faith in Me, know that you are guarded by the Care and Shield of M.
6 October 1921
Morya-ruler, teaches on the phenomena of inner life, not on the phenomena of Great Teachers.
7 October 1921
Morya knows your decision to support the Teacher until His appearance against the Imposter.
9 October 1921
Morya considers My pupil’s work to be pure.
Message for Hille: Roerich must decorate Masonic temple—shall inspire view of my Temple on Mount Moriah.
12 October 1921
The spirit of Urusvati is tormented by the Teacher’s appearance in London, but the first call was still in Petrograd.
Urusvati’s uncle crossed a pure border.
What is his name?—Mohamedi—disciple of Master Morya.
M is your smile, your bliss, your strength, your wisdom.
24 October 1921
I send you My Shield—know to defend M as I defend you.
31 October 1921
M is ever with you.
Answer to Helena Roerich’s remark that the article is wonderful—Morya is glad and loves you.
1 November 1921
Morya summons.
7 November 1921
M is accustomed to battle, and My children must be wise warriors.
Morya revealed the unity of the tribes—he showed the way to disciples.
12 November 1921
Morya took control of Russia.
Morya will remain with you in love and wisdom.
The visions:
A hand holding a round object—the Empire.
Two other hands carrying an oblong object on something dark—Morya took control of Russia—the scepter.
13 November 1921
M fills your being with the power of calmness.
14 November 1921
Addressing Helena Roerich: Morya will plunge your spirit into the ocean of visions. You will learn tonight.
15 November 1921
Morya is not mistaken, but the interpretation is not immediately clear.
Helena Roerich’s question: to which Hierarchy belongs M.M.? 
Answer: Leave such questions.
22 November 1921
My beloved, where will you lay Morya’s flowers? Retreat—I shall manifest the power. The noise of battle grows; the Hand of the Spirit will not fall on the innocent.
The Shield will safeguard you.
Morya understands your confusion before the uncertainty of the future.
But My power will protect you on the ways of danger.
30 November 1921
Priceless is M’s Guidance on the road of life.
4 December 1921
Morya will manifest strength on your path.
5 December 1921
Urusvati, M has many towers and sentinels upon the slopes of Himalaya.
6 December 1921
Morya decided to send the articles to the right place.
Pure tears bring roses to M.
Morya gave them (The Flowers).
7 December 1921
M has many ways to manifest His Care.
You may reveal phenomena of Morya to Chistyakov in memory of his commission.
I think he should safeguard the mystery.
You may send the exact list of “Counsel to the Hunter” and Morya’s Flowers to Harbin—the English translation.
In the evening at the Lichtmanns, we found the newspaper “Rul” with the announcement of the book “Flowers of Morya” and its cost. We converted its cost into dollars, and counted for how much it can be sold.
You may happily consider the Flowers of Morya to be received today.
8 December 1921
Roerich, it is better to paint Morya’s phenomena well, than to reveal poor miracles to the strangers.
Urusvati, write to Advey—I Myself will arrange the journal, let him think of printing the book Flowers of Morya.
9 December 1921
Morya will not let you be ridiculed by the bishop.
10 December 1921
M knows how wracked is your spirit by the hovering shadows, but those who come to scoff will stay to pray.
25 December 1921, daytime
M’s Flowers flourish not in many gardens, but they can blossom even on ice.
As healing herbs, My leaves will close all wounds.
27 December 1921
Let Urusvati describe the wonder of Morya.
28 December 1921
Morya’s Ray vouches for success of the school.
2 January 1922
(My beloved) be not depressed—the battle was foretold; you were forewarned.
The very name of M provokes the enemy.
3 January 1922
Urusvati, do not doubt My Will; Morya provides everything in time.
4 January 1922
Morya desired to unite all nations in the temple of India (History of Akbar).
5 January 1922
Morya approved the Shield —approved the Shield—approved.
10 January 1922
Morya rejoices at your idea to bring happiness—I shall bestow the Shield upon you.
11 January 1922
They are guarded by the Shield—Morya bestowed the Shield upon them.
13 January 1922
Mount M, which accepts your offering, will guard the offered treasure of the heart.
14 January 1922
I deem Morya entrusted you with His Shield.
17 January 1922
Morya foresees a battle—prepare the spear.
18 January 1922
Tarry not at M’s call.
I, Morya, told be steadfast.
19 January 1922
I consider you are the favorite children of Morya.
I, Morya, summon you to Us.
Morya is with you.
23 January 1922
M teaches you to beseech the Holy Brothers to show you the steps of the higher path.
28 January 1922
M’s Temple will summon the noblest among the builders.
M may come even in the night hour.
30 January 1922
Morya taught you to display stronger Russian character.
31 January 1922
M is fighting.
Follow the Teaching of M.
Morya visited the Dalai-Lama in 1721 to discuss the affairs of Our House (Ashram).
2 February 1922
Morya is satisfied with the price.
13 February 1922
Morya is here.
16 February 1922
Urusvati, Morya Himself vouched for you.
You can give Flowers of Morya to translate into the Hebrew language.
17 February 1922
Morya indicates the timing to Urusvati, when she will begin to perceive My Image—after one month.
4 March 1922
Sacrifices have been made upon M’s Mountain.
7 March 1922
Schur—Morya can read the thoughts.
8 March 1922
To Helena Roerich’s question what she should memorize for restoring her memory—Letters of Morya.
Traitors will be silenced. Do not give joy to those who are alien in spirit. Hush, Zak, hush Saminsky, hush Uchshekaya, hush Tit Livius, hush Chistyakov, hush, feeling the power of Morya.
13 March 1922
Morya’s hand feels, Urusvati’s heart brightens with the consciousness of truth.
12 March 1922
M’s Mountain is erected, is upheld, and is encircled by the plough of labor.
Can there be danger when under M’s Shield?
22 March 1922
The Shield of Morya is ready.
30 March 1922
M’s safeguards.
10 April 1922
Morya sympathizes with the ardent desire to leave.
25 May 1922

Volume III—find the precepts about the honest teachings; Urusvati, remember Morya.
Not Allal-Ming, not Solomon, not Akbar, but the messenger of the Highest—Morya shall lead you.
30 May 1922
[Cid’s note: Helena Roerich probably asked what to call the book she was going to publish.]
Leaves of Morya’s Garden
24 June 1922
I sense happiness nears—Morya’s Hand protects the warriors.
Udraya will display Leaves of Morya’s Garden.
29 June 1922
The science of the spirit is bright—Morya is the Shield.
6 August 1922
Consider that mother to be your own, which will lay a wreath to Morya. I deem Urusvati to be the mother of My disciples.
Happiness is destined to the one who will help Urusvati weave My wreath.
Urusvati, accept My blessing for the path of Morya. Urusvati, be able to dispel the clouds over the matter of the school.
19 August 1922
Mohamedi, Morya is on guard.
21 August 1922
The house of Morya needs a wise temper.
31 August 1922
Morya is constantly mentioned. The secret should be safeguarded for the cause. Urusvati knows the value of the name.
1 September 1922
Urusvati, Modra can be strong. Let her not repeat the name of Morya.
27 September 1922
Poruma is a true daughter of Urusvati.
Manage to give your daughter a housewarming gift.
Helena Roerich’s question, is M.M.’s portrait this gift?—Yes.
Should I give one to Modra as well?—Give also to her, but later; I promised daughter a gift from you.
The tree of pure friendship grows. Morya rejoices at Urusvati’s decision not to part with My portrait.
12 October 1922
Urusvati knows how to forgive mistakes in the Name of Morya.
21 December 1922
Morya—is the spirit, Urusvati—the soul.
27 December 1922
Morya decided to give Lumou to you. But lead him firmly. Lead firmly the young one.
19 February 1923
We received a letter from Volodya mentioning the Name of M.M., and about his activity in Urga.
Urga is full of significance. My Shield has been there.
The name of Morya is pronounced with honor.
24 February 1923
Be Adamant. Morya is behind you.
5 March 1923
The hands, hands, hands of Urusvati are filled with currents—others are involuntarily drawn to them. Morya recognized the strength of the hands while pulling the thread of the current.
26 March 1923
Daughter of Morya, it is needed, needed, very much needed to provide the proof of Morya to those wishing consolation. You will learn. They are childish; you will not find better here.
Will I find sister Nivedita?—Yes.
Where is she?—She is in Moscow.
Does M.M. talk to her?—She is meant for you.
28 March 1923
My desire is to strengthen the world understanding of Morya.
3 April 1923
Morya affirms the wonder—a manifestation of the New World.
22 April 1923
Morya thinks the teaching of the Shield needs to be carried to Russia later. When the envoys come with My message about the Great sign for the World—await them. And there will be Light behind them, and the dawn—ahead of them; therefore I command My young disciples to safeguard the Greatest Sanctuary of the World, and do not encroach upon the primacy in My Temple.
24 April 1923
I shall complete Morya’s lesson with Lumou.
15 May 1923
Morya will better help (repeated three times).

29 May 1923
Follow the Decrees; I vouch, the power of Morya will cover the way.
3 June 1923
I sense I can entrust to your spirit the Legacy of Urusvati—Morya’s wife. Be a complete mother in America on the field of My Works.
Presiding in the house, carry the Teaching. At My feet gather the small, innocent ones, knowing not where Good is. United is My Teaching. You can show a sign of My Name to the small ones. Be able to order it.
A new shield is on the silvery field. Ponder and grasp.
Let the Daughter of Morya remember My House.
5 June 1923
Urusvati, cover your daughter better—go to Vichy. I understand, how much she requires a pure place in Morya’s House.
11 June 1923
Therefore, do not forget, Urusvati, among the Russian institutions to create the pleasant houses of Morya’s mountain, where the expecting ones can find the solace of nature.
8 July 1923
Urusvati can tell him the thoughts of My disciples, preparing him the way among significant persons of India. The theater director has left, so the new field is open. Do not forget the Sign of Morya, Lumou! With Us, you can get the gift of wonderful orders.
28 July 1923
To Shibayev’s remark that he is amazed by the permission of M.M. to give His name for the book.
My Mountain should not hide the Name.
The Mount Moriah can be put in a visible place.
Morya can be given in a seal. To be used in the book.
2 August 1923
It is hard to describe the harvest of Morya in future Russia. It is necessary to take measures concerning the appearance of new indicated souls. Mother considers Poruma to be Russian. Horch can purely consider himself Russian. I am not talking about the nation, but about My country.
4 August 1923
Logvan will decorate Morya’s house up to the roof. Logvan, Logvan, simply cross the streams.
18 August 1923
A letter was received from writer Grebenschikov; he informed us that composer Zavadsky wrote three suites on “Flowers of Morya,” and dreamsof seeing Nicholas Roerich playing themfor him.
23 August 1923
I praise Urusvati’s decision to wait out the rain under a secluded roof. I will point outthe decision of Morya in the legend.
1 September 1923
The Stone has been silent for a long time; it is time to be manifested. Carefully pronounce Morya’s Call for theTeaching’s manifestation.
4 September 1923
Fuyama, enlighten Horchon the activities of your Russian museum in the school of Mount Moriah. My Hand has already helped once to assemble the Museum; I will also help now.
30 September 1923
It is necessary to leave. Morya’sHouse is decided in Altai. It is important. I gather useful people. New ones are called;knowing them, calm down; there is need to leave from here.
21 October 1923
I rejoice—Morya’s name is well-beautified. Urusvati silvered My Holiday with a tear.
27 November 1923
At Khorya Morya.
17 December 1923
M and the understanding of Buddha’s Teaching lead one to the vital understanding of law, conceived upon the Mount of Light.
27 December 1923
The carpet of Morya is blooming. Urusvati, things are successful.
5 January 1924
Morya’s pharmacy will also be useful.
19 January 1924
Morya’s joy indicates who is facing the court of Mercy. Like a candle burns the sign of a High Initiation with Our disciples.
22 January 1924
Morya—before Schagiy. Morya—the Leader of the first travelers. The Leader of the first people who moved.
I knew Morya—Yes, being His sister.
24 January 1924
I see a pledge in the appearance of wonderful stars. I sense the Ray of Kesil can ignite a Diamond of Morya.
26 January 1924
The measure of the Universe is great, and Urusvati will be allowed to take large luggage to Morya’s University.
31 January 1924
Urusvati, teach Lichtmann to live until the Holiday, to apply better forces in America. There can be no resentment or impatience over Morya’s matters. No need to touch the Jesuits.
18 March 1923
I think she can bring the light of Morya to the youth. Later you can tell her My Will—to teach My Covenant to the youth.
21 March 1923
Morya teaches you to show silence amidst the tempest.
23 March 1923
Urusvati shall learn My Will about Morya’s decision.
25 March 1923
The evil one thinks to cause destruction of Fuyama’s spirit.
Morya’s daughter, perceive.
I will instruct Odomar to send a smile.
Morya should be better known at night—spirit is at home—rise later. Time to wash the hands, I am the ear, but I sense the spirit cannot be invoked.
Urusvati, tell Poruma (this phrase is repeated four times).
Daughter of Morya, you can let rumor spread in the wind. The Teacher’s voice is loud—the bell will carry on.
If the path is thought out—good luck is with you. Urusvati knows Morya. Urusvati will improve wasted commands.
20 June1923
A pure gift of Morya you will receive in Paris. Urusvati and Fuyama will get one of the talismans.
17 April 1924
In My tent in Korya-Morya.
6 May 1924
Rossul Moria, what is a way to Us, when the whole world is awaiting Us?
3 July 1924
Then, rising and pointing to Mount Moriah, whereon stood the Temple.
25 July 1924
One may just smile at the stupor of the world government at the time of the founding of the country of Morya.
3 August 1924
Imagine a hospital as a garden of M.
13 August 1924
M. is happy to see you moving forward.
29 August 1924
The spirit saturates M[orya]’s sendings.
30 August 1924
M. will give to all of you; Hewill give, will give.
6 September 1924
The Ur[usvati] library and the houses of M. are at a distance in a coniferous grove.
10 September 1924
The houses of M. should be for treatment.

(Cid’s note: I have reviewed up to this date, later I will to review the seances that the Roerichs held after.)
As you can see for yourselves, what the Roerichs' teacher said about master Morya is pure empty talk, and also the Roerichs' teacher contradicts himself because sometimes he says that he is Morya and on other occasions he says that he is not Morya. And this is one more example that shows that in reality the Roerichs’ teacher was a coaxer astral entity.

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