Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


The Rosicrucian Forum is a magazine of AMORC that is reserved for members only, while its parallel magazine The Rosicrucian Digest is available for purchase by everyone.
This magazine began to be published from August 1930 on a bimonthly basis until 1991, and then it has been published on a quarterly basis until the present.
Its publishing house is located at AMORC's headquarters in San Jose, California. The first editor was Spencer Lewis, then his son Ralph Lewis, and since then several people have been taking turns.
In this magazine at the beginning its readers were promised that "you will find those discussions, explanations, comments, and annotations to our work and teachings, which, heretofore, have been given in personal conversations and private class instruction by the Imperator".
And a reminder graced later issues that the journal was "a private publication for members only. To allow it to circulate otherwise defeats its purpose and is a violation of one's obligation." Despite this warning, the journal had little worthy of the restriction.
Until the death of Harvey Spencer Lewis (1883-1939), the journal featured his weekly lectures to students and answers to their questions and the questions of correspondents across the country on reincarnation, astrology, auras, Lemuria, Cosmic cycles, Cosmic Consciousness, reincarnation and similar occult subjects.
To this he added his ruminations on topics of general interest, pointed discussions of competitors like William Dudley Pelley, R.S. Clymer, and Psychiana, and more thoughtful expositions on members' struggles to contact The Cathedral of the Soul on the Cosmic plane.
The charges of plagiarism regularly leveled at him, labored efforts to distinguish the Great Masters of the Great White Brotherhood from those of, for example, the Theosophical Society, and his own regular communications from the Masters.
Lewis also felt compelled to address students' concerns about current teachings by others on "Sex Teachings" and "soul mates and affinities and such nonsense" ("It is impossible to make contact with the Cosmic and lift one's psychic body or aura up to the highest attunement with the God consciousness and the Christ principles if one is earth-bound by sex desires and sex considerations"), etc.
You can download the volumes of this magazine up to 1966 at this link.

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