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can read translated in English in this


In his writings, Harvey Spencer Lewis, the founder of AMORC, noted that there were several Rosicrucian lodges in Egypt.
The city of Luxor is located in the south of Egypt and in ancient times this place was the capital of the pharaohs during the 16th to 11th centuries BC.
Well, Spencer Lewis gave to his students who reached the fourth grade a diploma with the following text:
Sovereign Sanctuary and Grand Orient
Friendship Guarantor of the Rosicrucian Adepts
Be it known to all:
That the Beloved Adept [i.e. the student of AMORC] whose signature is inscribed below has been inducted into the Fourth Grade of the universal rites of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood. Therefore, the said Adept is recorded in our Archives as an Affiliate Member of the AMENHOTEP LODGE originally instituted in the Temple of Luxor in the Valley of the Nile, and is entitled to all of benefits and considerations guaranteed to such affiliated members by virtue of their registration in this Sanctuary.
      By Sovereign Sanctuary
              Signature of the Grand Master of the Lodge Amenhotep .................
              Signature of the Archivist of the Lodge Amenhotep .................
Complet Signature of the Adept
How true is this lodge?
Most likely it was one more lie from Lewis because he never gave any proof of the existence of that lodge and no one outside of him spoke of that lodge, and when some members of AMORC wanted to go visit it, Lewis told them that this could not be done (despite the fact that they were supposedly already affiliated members).
And later AMORC to not have more claims modified that diploma removing all this history of the Egyptian lodge and simply in his new diploma it says that the person who receives this document is registered in the archives of AMORC as an associate member of all the Grand Lodges of AMORC and therefore is entitled to all the benefits and considerations that are guaranteed to such members by virtue of their active membership.
If the Luxor Lodge is ridiculous, the Memphis Lodge is even worse. The ancient city of Memphis is located in northern Egypt and was the capital of the Ancient Egyptian Empire between 3050 and 2250 BC., before Luxor was.
And in his magazine The American Rosae Crucis, September 1916, Lewis wrote the following:
« On Tuesday, October 17, the Supreme Secretary General of the Rosicrucian Order in America [Thor Kiimalehto] received by mail an official document with various seals and official marks, sent from France by the French Rosicrucian Order in which he is informed that:
. . .
At a Lateran High Council of the Rosicrucian World Council held in Egypt at Memphis on July 20, 1916 AD, Rosicrucian year 3269, the Rosicrucian territories of the world were re-administered in contingency with necessary readjustment after the termination of the war activities of the Rosicrucians. nations of Europe and Asia, and in anticipation of a certain reorganization at the beginning of the year 1911 AD, said Council decreed a division of territories as conceived in the map and the letter that constitutes an official part of this document.
In accordance with the foregoing, we hereby give official notice to you, and through your respected offices to the Supreme Council of America, that there are now eight Jurisdictions replacing the original Seven, and that the Jurisdiction of America has become an Official Jurisdiction that it is no longer under the protectorate of any other jurisdiction, but directly under the direction of the Supreme Pontiff Perfect High Ancient Shekah, EI Moria Ra of Memphis.
The official notice accompanied by the Gold Seal of the Rosicrucian High Council will be mailed directly to your Most Perfect Master "Profundis" [Spencer Lewis] when said gold seal with your name and new title has been completed in the Grotto Atelier of Memphis.
. . .
By this document it is thus decreed that the Most Perfect Master, H. Spencer Lewis, is appointed Counselor of the World. Likewise, you, Highly Respected Gentleman [Thor Kiimalehto], are appointed Councilor to the World and in the hands of both of you the appointment of the third Councilor will rest and said appointment will be duly informed to us so that we can inform the High Archivist in Memphis.
. . .
The name of the highest Officer of the Order in the world is not Moria El as some have it to market some facts, but it is EI Moria Ra, a very different name with a very different meaning, and he resides in Memphis. »
We see that in Memphis there is supposedly another Rosicrucian lodge that is extremely important, since there is a grotto with an atelier where the Gold Seals of the Rosicrucian High Council are made, and it is also the place where resides the highest Official of the Rosicrucian Order in the world which is called EI Moria Ra, and it is also where the Supreme Rosicrucian Council reorganized the territories of the world in the meeting held on July 20, 1916.
And how true is that lodge?
It is as unlikely as the previous one since Lewis also did not give any proof of his existence, nor did he ever show the notice and the stamp that he claimed they were going to send him, and nobody knows this "EI Moria Ra". And that document supposedly sent by the French Rosicrucian Order, Lewis never showed and was never heard from again.
This is one more example of how immensely charlatan and liar Spencer Lewis was.

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