There are too many messages that Helena and Nicholas Roerich received from their teacher, so I could not put them all in this article, but fortunately Helena Roerich was writing them in 54 notebooks that have been published digitally in Russian at this link.
The first message
The first message that appears in those notebooks was received by the Roerichs at the séance they held in London on March 24, 1920 and says:
       -   I am—your Bliss!
       -   I am—your Smile!
       -   I am—your Joy!
       -   I am—your Rest!
       -   I am—your Strength!
       -   I am—your Valor!
       -   I am—your Wisdom!
                                   Allal-Ming Shri Ishwara
Another name appears there because that is how the Roerichs’ teacher initially called himself.
This first message was later put by the Roerichs in the preamble to their book "Leaves of Morya’s Garde I".
The last message
The last message that appears in those notebooks was received by the Roerichs at the séance they held on March 14, 1944. It has not yet been transcribed digitally, but you can see the facsimile of the text in Russian written by Helena Roerich at this link.
You can see that the Roerichs received these messages over the course of 24 years and there were hundreds and hundreds of messages. Helena Roerich used a portion of these messages to develop her book set known as Agni Yoga Series. But contrary to what the Roerichs affirmed, it was NOT Master Morya who sent these messages, but one or more astral entities.

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