Esotericism teaches that for those who are already awaken to divine reality, life on Earth is only an illusion, because matter hides the true existence that exists beyond the physical world.

And this is what has motivated some instructors to affirm that after death, humans are freed from illusion, because humans are no longer veiled by matter, and therefore they perceive more clearly the transcendental existence that lies in the Universe.

There are even some instructors who assure that human, after death, are guided and instructed by high teachers when they are in the astral world, and later, in the celestial world.

But this is only valid for souls that are already sufficiently developed. While for the rest of the population, the masters explained that people plunge even deeper into the illusion after death, because the vast majority of humanity, during their stay in the subtle spheres, enter into a deep sleep where they will dream with the experiences they had during their life on Earth, until they will reincarnate again.

And that is why William Judge wrote the following:

« The Ego is deluded by ignorance, and hence incarnates and reincarnates in various states; that is, it obtains a vehicle for every state into which ignorance puts it. So it obtains an earthly vehicle (body and personality) which is delusive and binding on the Ego so long as ignorance of the truth continues.

It leaves the earthly vehicle and goes to another state — Devachan — where it has a vehicle appropri ate to that sphere, and is there deluded and retained by the ignorance which is related wholly to pure, noble, and pleasant thoughts. From that it comes again to the earthly sphere, and so on until the hour when ignorance is destroyed.

The so-called “sinful nature” is in the earthly vehicle, but as that is a part of the whole which includes the Ego, the latter is responsible for permitting the lower to rule it, and therefore suffers. For the body and astral body do not suffer nor know nor feel; they are merely blind instruments for the Ego who knows and feels through them, and are also the weights and clogs which keep the Ego down so long as ignorance prevails. Hence the continual revolving from one sphere to another. »
(Echoes of the Orient II, p.312)

So practically all humans are constantly submerged in the illusion!

When they are on Earth, they are submerged in the illusion caused by matter. And when they are in Heaven, they are submerged in the illusion caused by devachanic dream.


So humans continue to be submerged in the illusion, whether on Earth, or in Heaven, or in the intermediate zone between these two spheres. Until the ignorance caused by the illusion is destroyed. Which is accomplished through spiritual awakening, that is, through the illumination of consciousness. And then the enlightened human lives the divine reality regardless of whether he is on Earth, or in Heaven, or anywhere else, because the illusion has been vanished.

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