The masters of wisdom say no, on the contrary, consciousness decreases temporarily, because most humans after death fall into deep sleep and spend most of their time dreaming during their post-mortem journey, until they finally reincarnate again and awaken back to Earth with a new physical body.

And during their afterlife journey, the humans who already have a certain development or for various circumstances, they manage to stay awake during their stay in the astral plane.

Humans who are already more developed can manage to stay awake in the next zone that is Kama-Loka (purgatory).

And only those who already have a very advanced development manage to stay awake in the next zone, which is the divine World (devachan, heaven, paradise).

However, since humans do not know these other planes of existence, unless they are guided by more advanced humans, they risk being more lost than when they were on the physical plane.

But even those who manage to stay awake after their death, master Pasteur pointed out that they maintain the same level of consciousness that they had when they were on Earth:

« The form of existence that remains in your consciousness after death is exactly the same as you had at the end of your physical life.

And this is due because all evolution is a journey of the consciousness, since even if you experience the physical plane momentarily during your reincarnation, everything is actually happening within your consciousness. For example, by exploring the affective domain, or the mind domain, everything happens inside the consciousness.

So when you die, you go to the astral plane, but you will find yourself on the same level of consciousness that you have managed to conquer through your physical experiences. »
(Conference 8.11.86)

« There really is no difference between the level of consciousness humans have when they are in physical life, and the level of consciousness they have after they die.

The only difference is that during their physical life they have a clothing (the physical body) and after the death they no longer have it. But consciousness remains exactly the same, in symbiosis with what they were before, during, and after their experience in the matter.

So there is not really a state of consciousness before physical life, a state of consciousness during physical life, and a state of consciousness after physical life. Since consciousness is exactly the same. »
(Conference 15.05.88)

To give you an analogy, it's like when your hand is covered by a glove. Well, even if you remove the glove, your hand remains the same. And in the same way, although the human is released from his physical body, he is still the same person.


After death, it may happen that consciousness rises momentarily (as it also happens on Earth), but then consciousness returns to its usual state. And masters explained that it is the evolution that makes the consciousness develop more and more, not the exit from the physical world to enter the subtle world; although it is logical that the human who is no longer locked in his physical body will feel much freer and more perceptive, but his conscience will remain the same, he simply took off his physical clothing.

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