The energy that allows the human to ascend and stay in the divine world (Heaven, Devachan), are the psychic impulses generated by humans during his earthly life, that is to say by all the knowledge, experiences and developments he acquires during his life on Earth.

And since the baby had not yet had time to produce those impulses, and also because the forces that pushed him into incarnation are still active.

What will happen is that the soul which was in this baby will quickly reincarnate in another body, but without going up into the divine world as normally happens.

And that is why the theosophist William Judge wrote the following on this matter:

« I do not think infants — and those are mere babes — have any Devachan, but that they pass on at once to another human birth as soon as the body of the baby is dead. They have accumulated no force for Devachan; they have but in them the impulse for birth, and that having been thwarted by death, it is continued by an immediate search for another body, to be continued until a body is found with sufficient vitality in it to allow the soul to go on with its pilgrimage among men.

It is true that mediums and clairvoyants often report this, that, or the other infant as present from the so-called “world of spirits,” but I think that all such cases are only occupations by elementals of the images or shapes of infants who have died out of earth-life, and hence prove nothing at all but the infinite power of delusion possessed by the astral world. »
(Echoes of the Orient II, p.359)


Babies who die belong to those particular cases where the soul does not ascend to the divine world after death, but reincarnates immediately.


And if an unhappy mother has experienced this terrible event and she is reading this article, I ask her please do not grieve over more what is already suffering, because the masters of wisdom explained that the soul of the baby is fine and simply reborn quickly in another body.

Unfortunately the circumstances of life sometimes cause misfortunes, but master Kuthumi pointed out that when a person suffers for something that she is not responsible, Karma will subsequently reward that person so that there is no injustice left.
And this is why master Kuthumi wrote:

« Nature has an antidote for every poison and her laws a reward for every suffering. Instead of punishing the innocent together with the culprit, the Karma avenges and rewards the former. And also accidents that were not planned, will always find their reward in the future. »
(ML 10 and 16)

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