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In an interview with Krishnamurti, he mentioned that a very famous guru came to visit him, and in the following video Krishnamurti recounts the conversation they had then:
Krishnamurti did not reveal the name of this guru, but he indicated that this guru loved Rolls-Royce luxury cars, and that he had thousands of followers, many of them Europeans and Americans, and that he made a whole circus out of them.
With this description the guru that comes to my mind is Osho because he fits this description very well, as Osho had over 90 Rolls-Royces and made quite a spectacle in his communities full of Westerners.
However, there are two details that do not add up: Krishnamurti said that this guru was a monk and that this guru relied on the Bhagavad Gita to claim his supposed spiritual enlightenment, but it turns out that Osho was neither a monk nor did he rely on the Bhagabad Gita; in addition, Osho stated that he never met Krishnamurti.
But Osho may have lied and he may have met Krishnamurti, and Krishnamurti may have been wrong about those two details.
However, that guru may also have been Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was a Hindu religious figure, and although he was not as much of a circus as Osho, he also liked Rolls-Royces and was nicknamed “the Beatles' guru,” which is why he also had many Western followers.
Or it could have been another guru, but the two above are the most likely.
And both Osho and Maharishi were very arrogant, very megalomaniacal, and very intolerant of any criticism against them, so I see it as very likely that if either of those two gurus went to visit Krishnamurti; when Krishnamurti degraded him from his idolatry, this guru would have been offended and acted in that way, despising Krishnamurti and leaving.

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