2019, Alice Bailey's grandson shared a photo taken inside the apartment
that Mrs. Bailey had in New York, and in this photo another photo
appears on the wall with the face of an oriental man that is largely
obscured by what which appears to be a Christmas tree or ornament.

grandson claimed that this man was The Tibetan because when he asked
his grandmother if the man in this photograph was Djwal Khul, she
answered yes.
shows once again the immense charlatanism of Alice Bailey because as I
have shown in the blog, Djwal Khul was not Tibetan but Indian.
Alice Bailey carried the charade of pretending to be in communication
with Djwal Khul to the point of inventing having a photo of him,
but that portrait is not of Djwal Khul but of the ninth Panchen Lama,
Thubten Choekyi Nyima.

this lama was not Alice Bailey's instructor either because it makes no
sense that a high lama who was living in the East would transmit to
Alice Bailey the numerous lies that the liar Charles Leadbeater had just invented in the West .
on the other hand, it makes much more sense to consider that Alice
Bailey, not knowing that Leadbeater was a charlatan, plagiarized the
falsehoods that this individual invented, put them in her books, and to
impress readers she pretended that these books had been dictated to her
telepathically by a Tibetan teacher, and then to attract theosophists she
added that this Tibetan teacher was Djwal Khul.
But all these asseverations were pure lies and this is further proof of Alice Bailey's falsehood,
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