Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


The AMORC leaders have tried to hide this fact, but the evidence found by various researchers is irrefutable and shows that Harvey Spencer Lewis, founder of AMORC, had great admiration for Mussolini, the fascist dictator of Italy. And this admiration peaked when they met in Rome in 1937, after which Lewis praised the fascist dictator highly in newspaper interviews and in his own publications.
But we should not be surprised by this admiration since it is consistent with the way of thinking that Lewis had who praised the system of government where one person concentrates all the power and which is called: autocracy.
For example, in his first magazine The American Rosae Crucis, to explain why he had all the control of AMORC, Lewis wrote:
« It is right that this should be so. Even nature finds the power of autocracy to be the only power making for success in her realms. Every law of nature is an autocratic law, immutable, inconsiderate of all else except the one purpose and one goal to which she is dedicated, and determined that all should bow to her laws and decrees.
Nature is likewise constructive in purpose, and resorts to seeming destruction only to bring about greater progress. So can all forms of autocratic government be constructive and for the final, ultimate, good of all.
There seems to be a general impression that autocracy means tyranny, suffering, death. Nothing is further from the truth. Autocracy, tempered with love and the consciousness of the divine permission which makes possible the opportunities to direct and serve out fellowmen, means the uniting of many minds, many hearts and many hands in a more efficient service or more productive work, whatever it may be. »
(December 1917, p.248)
Many philosophers and guides disagree with Lewis's thinking. But in addition Mussolini claimed to be the new Emperor of Italy, and Lewis named himself Emperor of AMORC. So as you can see, these two individuals had very similar ideas.
And this similarity of thought makes us understand the statements Lewis made to the San Jose Mercury Herald newspaper after his visit to Italy in 1931.
« According to what Mr. Lewis told us, his visit to Italy took place under more pleasant conditions than in previous years. He has told us that the streets were cleaner, there were no beggars, the hotels were better cared for, with fixed rates, the trains ran regularly and seemed to be running properly under the supervision of fascist agents. The ships were better managed and more carefully maintained than before. 
Mr Lewis claimed that such changes are due to Mussolini's government, and neighboring countries fear him because Mussolini has shown that in his own country at least business is being better managed than the others countries, concerning certain aspects. »
(October 1, 1931)
But in a dictatorship it is easy to maintain order at the cost of implementing terror.
How could the Italian trains and ships not be "better" functioning if they were controlled by fascist agents?
How could there be beggars on the streets if there was a fascist law forbidding public begging, and Mussolini's black shirts were in charge of enforcing it on the unfortunate beggars?
How could other countries not fear Mussolini, if they saw that they could lose their freedom as the Italians had already lost it?
The fact is that Lewis, delighted by the "achievements" of Mussolini's fascist government, during a trip he made to Europe in 1937 and where he took with him more than a hundred members of AMORC, he took the opportunity to visit Italy again and on this occasion he was received by Mussolini on March 5.
This meeting was publicized by the Italian newspapers and below you can see the cover of the newspaper Il Messaggero of the following day:
On the first page the newspaper put a photo where Mussolini appears receiving the AMORC group.

And below is a zoom of the photo where to the right is Mussolini and to the left is Lewis.
The title says:
"American Rosicrucian tourists are greeted by the Duce"
And the text below the photo says:
« Professor Spencer Lewis, who led the group of tourists (members of AMORC) visiting Italy, has declared himself happy and extremely honored to be able to present the Duce the tribute by the group that accompanied him, and has stated in the name of they that each one of the Americans who had enjoyed this brief stay in Italy, had been able to verify with their own eyes what had been accomplished in the peninsula thanks to the will of Mussolini, and has concluded by saying that each visitor, after returning to his country, could testify in the name of the truth what he had seen. In short, he warmly thanked the Duce for having granted him this audience and for having granted this honor to his group. »
Historian Robert Vanloo notes that Mussolini dedicated the entire day to receiving the "Venerable Rosicrucian Imperator" and offered a sumptuous reception at the Palazzo de Venezia to the 120 visitors from America.
AMORC members overjoyed at the lavish reception of the fascist dictator, in an article that appeared in the official AMORC magazine, Rosicrucian Digest, they said:
« The reception to the Rosicrucians by Mussolini was splendid, the magnificent speech he gave in recognition of our Imperator Lewis, as well as the Supreme Officers of AMORC, the magnificent things he said about the Rosicrucians and our organization. »
(August 1937, p.267)
But at the same time that Lewis and his entourage were delighted by the meeting they had with the fascist dictator, the members of AMORC were blind to all the atrocities that this dictator was committing this same year:
- Mussolini had banned esoteric democratic organizations, such as Masonry, and which Grand Master in Italy, the illustrious Torrigliani, had been arrested and confined in the Lipari Islands, where he died blind due to lack of medical care.
- Mussolini had invaded Libya and also Abyssinia, which earned him the unanimous condemnation of democratic countries.
- Mussolini was helping General Franco with troops and weapons, who had taken up arms against the legitimate and democratic government of the Spanish Republic.
- Mussolini was giving all his military and political support (together with the German dictator Adolf Hitler) to General Franco who banned esoteric democratic organizations and imprisoned and killed thousands of Freemasons and hundreds of thousands of Democrats.
- Mussolini, like Hitler, were testing their new weapons in the Spanish Civil War for use them later in the Second World War that those dictators were already preparing.
- And when the genocide began, Mussolini authorized the deportation to German concentration camps of thousands of Italian Jews, where they died in the most abject of misery.
~ * ~
And this is further proof of the enormous hypocrisy of Spencer Lewis who claimed to be the heir to the Rosicrucians, who were deeply spiritual occultists, while Lewis was a great fascist admirer of bloodthirsty dictators and the utter lack of freedom.

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