Notice: I have written in other languages, many interesting articles that you
can read translated in English in this


In her book A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice Bailey wrote:
« We can arrive at certain dicta anent the etheric body which for purposes of clarity might well be enumerated:
First. The etheric body is the mould of the physical body.
Second. The etheric body is the archetype upon which the dense physical form is built, whether it is the form of a solar system, or of a human body in any one incarnation.
Third. The etheric body is a web or network of fine interlacing channels, formed of matter of the four ethers, and built into a specific form. It forms a focal point for certain radiatory emanations, which vivify, stimulate and produce the rotary action of matter.
Fourth. These pranic emanations when focalized and received, react upon the dense matter which is built upon the etheric scaffolding and framework. »
Here Alice Bailey is wrong because the etheric body and the ethers do not exist since they are a lie invented by Charles Leadbeater as I show you in this other article (link).
And in reality what does exist is the energy body (also called the pranic body or vitality body) but Alice Bailey says many falsehoods about it.
The first statement she made is false because the etheric body is not the mould of the physical body but rather the astral body.
In the second statement, Alice Bailey repeats the same thing since "the archetype upon which the dense physical form is built" is a mould, but once again I reiterate that this function is performed by the astral body while instead the pranic body serves to vitalize the physical body.
The third statement is also false because the network of fine interlacing channels that make up the pranic body is not formed by the four ethers because they do not exist since they were a lie invented by Leadbeater.
And the fourth statement is also false because the etheric scaffolding and framework also does not exist since the ethers do not exist.
And this is one more example of how ignorant and charlatan Alice Bailey was.

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