Guy and Edna Ballard promoted the existence of soulmates among their followers, and also among Ascended Masters. And on this matter, Gerald B. Bryan, who was a former member of the I AM cult, commented the following:

Despite the thumbs-down attitude on marriage and the rearing of children the Ballard cult goes in strongly for what they call “Twin Rays.”
It must be explained that this had nothing whatever to do with ordinary twins or quintuplets, but presents the idea that each person is but half a human being — that somewhere in space is his other half, wandering, as it were, like a loosened planetoid from the part from which it was broken.
That is the deplorable condition the general run of humanity is in today, it seems, but the Ascended Masters and a few of the lucky I AM-ers have recovered their lost “halves” and are presumably living blissful lives together.
The “Accredited Messengers” of the Ascended Master Saint Germain are quite naturally one of those lucky couples, each being the Twin Ray of the other. Saint Germain himself has informed them that this is so.
Their book, The Magic Presence, is full of the Twin Ray idea, the lady and gentlemen Ascended Masters and young couples in it being paired off, for the most part, into blissful unions of Twin Rays.
In this book, along with Saint Germain’s other strenuous duties, he is revealed as a sort of Twin Ray specialist. Though peculiarly never mentioning his own Twin Ray, he can spot the Twin Rays of others most unerringly, and makes it his special Ascended Master duty to draw the young people together and tell them about the laws of love, marriage, and romance.
This all reads well in the Ballard story books (albeit a bit too heavenly for plain-thinking earth beings), but the sad fact remains that most of the Ballard students in the outer world do not know where their other “half” is.
Saint Germain, it seems, is the only Ascended Master who is able to tell them — and he talks only through Guy and Edna Ballard. The students, therefore, must get all their information concerning 50% of themselves from two human beings who also have a large and growing option on the other 50%.
It is sometimes difficult for the Ballards to remember who-is-who in this Twin Ray business, and Guy Ballard at least one time in his Messianic career made a deep and tragic error.
It seems that he had informed two of his favorite staff members that they were Twin Rays; and this, as usual, came from the great Saint Germain, the Twin Ray specialist, himself.
However, a little later on, the “Great Divine Director,” not being a specialist in this particular field and perhaps forgetful of what brother Saint Germain had said, severely startled a little group of staff members and students one evening by saying that ALL the staff members’ Twin Rays had ascended and were not to be found on the earth plane.
That was a most grievous slip for a Perfect Being to make, and it had the result, among other things, of getting one of the “halves” of the combination out of the movement; and then Saint Germain had to inform the other remaining “half” that he had to choose between the “Light of God that Never Fails” and his wife.
The gentleman wisely chose the latter, and so as a result of the Great Divine director’s slip the Ballard organization lost both of Saint Germain’s favorite Twin Rays.
Twin Rays today in the Ballard organization are almost as scarce as quintuplets. Even Donald Eros Ballard is without his Twin Ray on the earth plane (“Saint Germain” told him so) — a little matter which must have been fully realized by his wife in her recent divorce suit against him.
As a result of an apparent scarcity of Twin Rays among duly wedded I AM-ers, one or both of the partners may be inclined to look for some imaginary Twin Ray or Rays out in space somewhere. And sometimes it has not been an imaginary “Twin Ray” on some heavenly sphere either, but some ecstatic earth love on this very mundane sphere.
All of which is quite understandable in this weird cult which teaches that each I AM-er is only half an I AM-er, the other “half” being somewhere else — and may not at all be the present spouse.
(This text is found in chapter 25 of the book Psychic Dictatorship in America.)
The true Masters explained that soul mates do not exist and that in reality we all emerge from the same source (that is, all humans are soul mates among us, and that is why at a cosmic level we are considered a single entity called: the terrestrial humanity). And this is further proof that the Ballards were only inventing lies to manipulate their followers.

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