On this matter in her Unfinished Autobiography, Alice Bailey wrote:
« This work of the Tibetan has greatly intrigued people and psychologists everywhere. They dispute as to what is the cause of the phenomenon, and argue that what I write probably comes from my subconscious.
I have been told that Jung takes the position that the Tibetan is my personified higher self and Alice A. Bailey is the lower self.
Some of these days (if I ever have the pleasure of meeting him) I will ask him how my personified higher self can send me parcels all the way from India, for that is what He has done. »
I don't know if Carl Jung really asserted this affirmation, because Alice Bailey was a very lying woman and I wouldn't be surprised if she invented this anecdote just to aggrandize herself.
Although maybe Carl Jung did say it, since just as Sigmund Freud interpreted everything through sex, Carl Jung interpreted everything through the subconscious.
But if Carl Jung had studied Theosophy then he would have immediately realized that in reality The Tibetan of Alice Bailey was neither the subconscious nor the higher self of Alice Bailey, but in reality The Tibetan does not exist, because it makes no sense that a high-ranking lama living in Tibet would copy all the lies that a former Anglican priest named Charles Leadbeater had just invented in Occident.
But it makes much more sense to consider that Alice Bailey, not knowing that Leadbeater was a charlatan, she plagiarized him, and to give herself more prestige she invented that her books were dictated to her telepathically by a Tibetan Master.
~ * ~
And this is one more example of how pretentious Alice Bailey was, who bragged about how she has greatly intrigued people and psychologists everywhere, when in reality she was a simple charlatan.


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