Annie Besant was the second international president of the Theosophical Society Adyar, and the attitude that Alice Bailey had towards Annie Besant is contradictory, since on the one hand Alice Bailey complained about the tremendously authoritarian behavior that Annie Besant had, which motivated Alice Bailey and her husband Foster Bailey to resign from the Theosophical Society.
And in this aspect Alice Bailey was right, since many other Theosophists also complained about Mrs. Besant's terrible behavior.
But on the other hand Alice Bailey speaks very glowingly in her books about Annie Besant, and to demonstrate it to you, below I give you some examples of this:
-        Annie Besant in one of her works gives the following exceptionally clear definition.
-        Annie Besant, in her book "Avatars" (which some of us consider the most valuable of all the books she has written because it is one of the most suggestive).
-        It is not easy to explain this clearly, but a study of the diagram that appears in the book “A Study on Consciousness” by Annie Besant may be useful to clarify some difficult points.
-        As Dr. Besant so skillfully puts it.
-        Annie Besant, in an illuminating passage, says:
-        Annie Besant in her book “Study on Consciousness” tried to prevent materialism from emerging in its pages, giving a true vision of the truth.
-        I remember the first book I commented on, it was the great work of Mrs. Besant: “Study on Consciousness”.
-        The second initiation always involves as a precedent, a useful and consecrated life, and a manifest determination to enter the field of world service. There must also be humility and express the knowledge of the divinity that exists in all men. None of the so-called initiates of the Theosophical Society (except Mrs. Annie Besant) conformed to these requirements.
-         The indebtedness of the world to Mrs. Besant for the work that she did in making the basic tenets of the Theosophical Society teaching available to the masses of men in every country, is something that can never be repaid. There is absolutely no reason why we should overlook the stupendous, magnificent work she did for the Masters and for humanity. Those who have during the past five years so violently attacked her seem to me of no more importance than fleas attacking an elephant.
As you can see, Alice Bailey is very reverent towards Annie Besant, and in fact Alice Bailey frequently cites Annie Besant in her work, which indicates that Alice Bailey considered Mrs. Besant to be a scholar and reference for esoteric and spiritual knowledge.
But in this aspect Alice Bailey is very wrong, because Annie Besant was very ignorant, to the extent that Mrs. Besant did not realize that what Charles Leadbeater taught is full of errors and lies. And since she has incorporated these liars into her teaching, Mrs. Besant's books are not a reference because they are also full of these falsehoods.
But on the other hand, Alice Bailey did realize the immense control that Charles Leadbeater had over Annie Besant since in her unfinished autobiography she noted that:
-        The Theosophical Society was invaded by a strong phase of psychism was sweeping through the society due to the psychic pronouncements of Mr. Leadbeater and his extraordinary control over Mrs. Besant.



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