The Trans-Himalayan masters are very cautious in accepting new disciples, and they are even more cautious in helping their disciples to activate their powers, because there is a risk that these disciples will turn to the dark side and use their faculties and powers to do evil.
And Master Kuthumi related one such case to Mr. Sinnett:
« I shall waste no condolences upon the poor "lay-chelas" because of the "delicate weapons they can alone work with."
A sorry day it would be for mankind if any sharper or deadlier ones were put in their unaccustomed hands!
Ah! you would concur with me, my faithful friend, if you could but see the plaint one of them has just made on account of the agonizing results of the poisoned weapons he got the wielding of, in an evil hour, through the help of a sorcerer.
Crushed morally, by his own selfish impetuosity; rotting physically from diseases engendered by the animal gratifications he snatched with "demon" help.
Behind him a black memory of wasted chances and hellish successes; before him a pall of dark despair, — of avitchi.
This wretched man turns his impotent rage against our "starry science" and ourselves, and hurls his ineffectual curses at those he vainly besieged for more powers in chelaship, and whom he deserted for a necromantic "Guru" who now leaves the victim to his fate.
Be satisfied, friend, with your "delicate weapons"; if not as lethal as the discus of Vishnu, they can break down many barriers if plied with power.
The poor wretch in question confesses to a course of "lies, breaches of faith, hatreds, temptings or misleadings of others, injustices, calumnies, perjuries, false pretences" etc.
The "risk" he "voluntarily took," but he adds, "if they (we) had been good and kind as well as wise and powerful, they (we) would have certainly prevented me from undertaking a task to which they knew I was unequal."
In a word, we, who have gained our knowledge, such as it is, by the only practicable method, and who have no right to hinder any fellow man from making the attempt (though we have the right to warn, and we do warn every candidate), we are expected to take upon our own heads the penalty of such interference, or try to save ourselves from the same by making incompetents into adepts in spite of themselves!
Because we did not do this, he is "left to linger out a wretched existence as an animated poison bag, full of mental, moral, and physical corruption."
This man has, in despair, turned from a "heathen" an atheist and a free-thinker — a Christian, or rather a theist, and now humbly "submits" to Him (an extra cosmical God for whom he has even discovered a local) and to all delegated by Him with lawful authority."
And we, poor creatures, are "traitors, Liars, Devils, and all my (his) crimes (as enumerated above) are as a shining robe of Glory compared to Theirs:" — his capitals and underscorings being quoted as well as his words!
Now friend, put away that thought that I ought not to compare your cage with his, for I do not.
I have only given you a glimpse into the hell of this lost soul, to show you what disaster may come upon the "lay-chela" who snatches at forbidden power before his moral nature is developed to the point of fitness for its exercise.
You must think well over the article "Chelas and Lay Chelas" which you will find in the Supplement of the July Theosophist. »
(ML 50, p.340)
You can read this article: here.

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