This is the first book of the Agni Yoga Series by Helena Roerich and the full title is:
Leaves of Morya's Garden
Book One
The Call
Officially its author is Nicholas Roerich, but in reality the content of this book was prepared by a trickster astral entity that posed as the Master Morya.
The Roerichs were communicating with this entity through spiritist sessions and Helena Roerich was copying the messages that they were receiving in some notebooks, and if you check the sessions that the Roerichs carried out from March 24, 1920 to April 28, 1923 (and found in the notebooks 1 to 15) you will confirm that almost all of this book is made up of the messages that this astral entity sent to the Roerichs (see link).
But the Roerichs cleverly only took the nicer parts and avoided the less nice parts, since then their book would have been a lot less charming if the Roerichs had also put senteces like:
-      “The blood of the children of Russia is the sign of Russian strength.” (February 24, 1921)
-      "The price of blood is measured by the pocket, and your path shows a smile to the earthly stench." (November 25, 1921)
-      "A fool's harvest is always poor, but our grain is the best and we sell it cheap." (June 10, 1922)
-      “They call you stupid sages. The roar rushes, smiles, to the fatal.” (April 10, 1923)
-       “Call the monad bad, bad. The monad lives in whiskey, ice and soda." (April 10, 1923)
-      Etc.
I am not sure when and where the first publication was made because on the covers of this book it say 1924, but on the website it is mentioned that the first publication was made in Paris on 1923, however in a letter that Nicholas Roerich wrote to Vladimir Shibayev, who was one of his main collaborators, he said :
-      "Yesterday we received an order from M.M. [Master Morya] to publish all his Messages in a book entitled Leaves of Morya's Garden and publish it through you in Riga."
And indeed, in the séance on April 19, 1923, this astral entity told the Roerichs:
-       About the book should be published, but keep it with you.
It was even this astral entity that chose the title since in the séance on May 30, 1922, when the Roerichs asked what they should call this book, this entity replied :
-      Leaves of Morya's Garden.
And the Roerichs were in Paris from May 15 to June 7, 1923.
My guess is that the Roerichs initially asked Vladimir Shibayev (who lived in Riga) to publish this book, but in the end they published it themselves on 1923 in Paris (and published it in Russian).
Here is a photo of the cover of this first publication:

You can read this book in Spanish and other languages ​​at this link.
It is a relatively small book of 163 pages, it is made up of a small introduction, 452 small sections and a small conclusion.
Analysis of your content
90% of its content is pure empty phrases that sound spiritual on the surface, but when analyzed do not have any deep teaching.
For example, the preamble is made up of the following sentences:
I am... your Bliss.
I am... your Smile.
I am... your Joy.
I am... your Rest.
I am... your Strength.
I am... your Value.
I am... your Wisdom.
These phrases sound beautiful, but they are contrary to what the Masters of Shambhala teach, since the true masters of wisdom specified that humans should not become dependent on any instructor, but that is exactly what this astral entity did with the Roerichs, who could not do anything without consulting him first.
And so is the entire text of this book: much gossip but little teaching.
Originally this book began with the words:
In to the New [Communist] Russia I send my first message.
But in subsequent editions and in translations into other languages, the Roerichs changed that phrase to:
In to the New World I send my first message.
This is because Nicholas Roerich had the megalomaniac idea of ​​creating a new country in Central Asia and for this he needed the support of the Russian Government, and therefore to earn the esteem of the Soviet leaders, the Roerichs put this first sentence in their book.
But since the Roerichs later realized that the Russian government was not going to help them, the Roerichs decided to change sides and head towards the West, but so that their book would not displease their new audience, the Roerichs changed this sentence.
And this shows you once again how hypocritical the Roerichs were, but also their ability to adapt to the requirements of each audience they addressed.
My opinion of this book
It is not worth reading.

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