George Sidney Arundale's mother died when he was born and his aunt Francesca Arundale adopted him.
Francesca Arundale was an English theosophist and friend of Blavatsky.
Blavatsky sent to George Arundale a letter and a gift while he was still a child.
Here is the facsimile of this letter:

The text says:
« For George Chela Esq.
Happy New Year to the Most Honorable Georgy Esq.
A box of sweets is about to arrive from Russia, a cold and pious country where the undersigned [HPB] is supposed to have come from.
When arrive you will have it, and when you understand what your affectionate old friend wants to tell you — you will be a chela indeed.
Respectfully yours,
H.P. Blavatsky. » 
I do not know when this letter was sent, but from March to November 1884 Blavatsky and Olcott (who were residing in India) toured Europe, and in London Blavatsky stayed at the home of Francesca Arundale and her mother Mary Anne Arundale. (77 Elgin Crescent, Nottin Hills).
It was surely then that Blavatsky met George Arundale in person, and that is why I suspect that this letter was probably sent by Blavatsky at the end of 1884 when George Arundale had just turned six (he was born on December 1, 1878).
In this letter, Blavatsky wishes (I don't know if in a playful sense or if she really wanted it) that George Arundale become a disciple of the Trans-Himalayan masters (a chela), but unfortunately it was the opposite as George Arundale became an accomplice of all the misdeeds and aberrations carried out by the liar Charles Leadbeater.
And when George Arundale later became the International President of the Theosophical Society Adyar, he continued to promote those misdeeds and aberrations, as they were:
-      the pseudo-Theosophy invented by Leadbeater,
-      the pseudo-Christian sect created by Wedgwood and developed by Leadbeater,
-      the prompt arrival of Lord Christ-Maitreya announced by Leadbeater,
-      etc.
Even when Krishnamurti gave up being the false new messiah, George Arundale was quick to say that his son was going to take that role...

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