On May 8 of each year in the Theosophical lodges it is customary to give a speech talking about Blavatsky, in honor of the founder of the Theosophical Society, and on May 8, 1917, Charles W. Leadbeater surprised the members of the Sydney Lodge by announcing that he was going to communicate them a message that Blavatsky herself had given him.
« You are rather fortunate people, brothers. I shall be able to open with something which you certainly do not expect. As I was on my way across to you (on the ferry from Neutral Bay, crossing Sydney Harbor), Madame Blavatsky herself gave me a message to you. Now I am quite sure you did not expect that — at least, I did not. I tried the best I could to get it down, but I am a little doubtful about the exact wording in some places still.
. . .
So far in this life she has not come down among us or taken any direct share in the work of The Society, though she has often given us her advice, I am glad to say, and has also dictated to us or written for us various teachings on different points. But at the present moment this is what she has to say to you. So far as I know, you are the only people in the world who are getting a message from her; you may naturally feel yourselves honored.
She says:
“I greet you well, you who meet to celebrate my birthday in my present body.
Mine was the rough pioneer work. I bore the brunt of the storm. Yours is the smoother sailing of the entrance into port. Yet both were needed, and but for that clearing of the ground you could not sow your seed so easily, you could not gather in your crops.
Now you have many lines along which you can choose your work, but none of them would have been possible unless the parent Society had first been firmly established. More than once I have had to shake and to sift its members before they were ready to follow where the Bodhisattva wished to lead them, before they had conquered all their ancient, time-honored, moss-grown prejudices, and were prepared to open their minds to comprehend the wide ocean of His all-embracing love.
You who live here, in the metropolis of the Southern Hemisphere, you have a grand opportunity before you. See that you take it, that your part of this new Sub-Race may not disappoint Him [Lord Maitreya] when He comes to rouse it and to lead it. I watch you, as I watch my own Society. You have my earnest goodwill and the Great Masters’ blessing in all your lines of work. Go on and prosper, but remember that only by utter self-forgetfulness can success be obtained.”
(And then Leadbeater added his next comments to this message.)
There are two or three points there quite new to me, and therefore probably new to you too. You see, she speaks of what some people call death as her “birthday” into her present body. That is because she stepped straight from one to the other. I remember the other side of that, of course. She had been ill. She had been suffering from influenza, but she was recovering. She was very distinctly getting better; there was nothing whatever to cause the least anxiety to her friends, and suddenly she died. Then we did not quite understand. Now we know that it was because the boy chose that particular moment, or somebody chose it for him, to get drowned.
So she had to rush off and take that body, because if she had left it too long it would have been impossible to take it. There are certain rules governing that sort of thing. That is one point.
(Leadbeater invented the lie that Blavatsky reincarnated immediately after dying in the body of an Indian boy.)
Shaking The Society Then I notice that she says, “I have had to shake and to sift my Society.” Of course, she refers to the different troubles through which The Society has passed, but you will note she speaks as though she had engineered those things. We may be sure that she does not speak lightly or without adequate reason. But I never suspected her hand in that particular thing before. I suppose she must have engineered the Coulomb business, through which I went with her, but one certainly would not have thought it by the way she talked of it.
Also she must have been responsible for the Judge business — not responsible in the sense that she caused it to happen; but I suppose she took advantage of it to sift out those who were not strong enough to bear that which lay in front of them.
(Blavatsky was very hurt by the Coulomb attacks, so I highly doubt that she would have incited them as Leadbeater claims; and it is completely false that Blavatsky wanted to expel William Judge from the Theosophical Society since she always defended him, and that maneuver was instigated by Annie Besant and Henry Olcott.)
Of course we have been widened out. Of course our views on many points have been modified as the years rolled on. I must say I had not myself thought of Madame Blavatsky as intentionally, calculatingly taking a hand in all that. I do see now —it is always the case— that I need not be at all surprised at it. She widened me out, painfully, in exactly the same kind of way — changed the whole current and style of my life and thought in the short space of six weeks. I suppose she has been applying the same general plan to The Society as a whole. In the case of The Society (it not being a coherent whole that just had to stand it) it sifted some of the people out. Let us hope that those who remain are strong enough to bear the obloquy which necessarily associates itself with new movements and unpopular causes generally.
(Here Leadbeater alludes to many members who resigned or were expelled from the Theosophical Society Adyar for disagreeing with him and Mrs. Besant.)
Then I note that she calls Sydney “the metropolis of the Southern Hemisphere,” which I take as a compliment — not undeserved, however, in many ways. I know, I think, all the cities in the Southern Hemisphere from having visited them in this incarnation, and I should say that Rio Janeiro runs you close in some ways, but it has not quite the beauty, and it has not the future, of course. You are the Sixth Sub-Race, not South America. Still, I should think in its way the remark is distinctly a compliment, and Madame Blavatsky rarely pays compliments, so you may take the flattering unction to your souls that if you do not deserve it, at least your city possibly does.
(This asseveration was invented by Leadbeater to exalt the ego of his Australian followers.)
You see, also, that she speaks of our part of the Sub-Race not disappointing Him when He comes to rouse it and to lead it. That is the first definite promise I have had that the World-Teacher will visit Australia. I know that He must do so, because of things that have been said of His going all through the world, but that is the first direct reference to this country.
Also you see that she gives you her goodwill and the Great Masters’ blessings, and she ends with a warning which she often gave us during that other life, that we must forget ourselves, or we cannot do His work. That is something new and special for yourselves»
(Theosophy in Australia, September 1917, p.144-150)
Leadbeater in his immense hypocrisy was not enough to pretend that he was in contact with the Masters, but he also wanted to pretend to be in contact with Blavatsky, and to do that he invented the story that she had already reincarnated (which the master Kuthumi indicated that this is incorrect) and that she was asking Leadbeater to deliver a message she had specially prepared for the Sydney Lodge.
But the content of this message shows that this message is spurious because it is false that Blavatsky wanted to expel William Judge from the Theosophical Society, since she defended William Judge throughout her life; and of him, she said:
-      "William Judge has been a part of me for several eons" and "he is the link between American thought and trans-Himalayan esoteric knowledge."
And history shows us that William Judge remained faithful to the original theosophy, while Annie Besant instead was the one who repudiated the teaching of the masters in order to fully embrace the pseudo-theosophy full of errors and falsehoods that Leadbeater invented.
And it is also false that Blavatsky motivated the members of the Sydney Lodge to work for the prompt arrival of Lord Maitreya, since Blavatsky specified that there is still a long way to go before Maitreya appears on Earth; and not just a few years as Leadbeater claimed.
In the Secret Doctrine she wrote:
« Maitreya is the secret name of the Fifth Buddha, and the Kalki Avatar of the Brahmins — the last Messiah who will come at the culmination of the Great Cycle [which is the fourth round]. . . . He will appear as Maitreya Buddha, the last of the Avatars and Buddhas, in the seventh Race. »
(DS I, p.384, 470)
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And all this show you that this supposed message from Blavatsky was just another ruse by Leadbeater to continue manipulating his followers.

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