The most famous portraits of the masters Kuthumi and Morya were painted in 1884 in London by the German painter Hermann Schmiechen, who was a well-known portrait painter and a member of the Theosophical Society.

Later Hermann Schmiechen returned to his native country where Rudolf Steiner asked him for copies of those two portraits.
The historian Helmut Zander wrote:
« In 1901, Schmiechen returned to Germany and settled in Berlin where he joined the German section of the Theosophical Society.
In 1904 at the request of the leader of that section and future founder of Anthroposophy, Rudolf Steiner, Schmiechen made a copy of the two portraits of the Masters, and these portraits were used ritually for some years in the German Esoteric Section under conditions of strict secrecy. »
(Anthroposophie in Deutschland, Göttingen 2007-2008, I, 706)
Marie Steiner-von Sivers, who was the second wife of Rudolf Steiner, noted that these portraits had a great effect on those who looked at them.
She commented:
« I myself have experienced that many have lost their speech when looking at them and seemed distracted and even confused. For this reason these images were only shown in strict secrecy or during esoteric meetings. »
But unfortunately Rudolf Steiner used those portraits to dupe his followers.
The United Lodge of Theosophists commented:
« In 1904, Steiner held his first "esoteric service" which he opened with a prayer (a practice hardly consistent with Theosophy) and Steiner announced himself as "spokesman" for the two Masters most closely associated with the founding of the Society Theosophical, that is: Morya and Kuthumi.
Steiner then declared that these Mahatmas would speak through him and proceeded to give messages as if from those masters, and the portraits of these two masters were also displayed for the attendees. »
We see that Rudolf Steiner was a precursor in the lies of the charlatan channelers who pretend to transmit the messages of the masters. But given the colossal number of falsehoods and errors that Steiner taught, it is absurd that he should have been in contact with the Masters of Wisdom.
And Rudolf Steiner also asked Hermann Schmiechen to paint him a portrait of Jesus which is probably this:

It is not known what happened to the whereabouts of those paintings.

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