Djwal Khool was the main disciple that we know of Master Kuthumi and many people believe that Djwal Khool was Tibetan, but this is false as I am going to show you below.
We know of the existence of Djwal Khool essentially through the mentions made of him in the epistolary correspondence that the masters Kuthumi and Morya had with the Englishmen Alfred Sinnett and Alan Hume.
In that correspondence it is not specified the Djwal Khool’s nationality, but there are several details that make us consider that Djwal Khool was an Indian.
For example, Djwal Khool often accompanied his teacher Kuthumi because Djwal Khool spoke English very well, and this was specified by Blavatsky:
« With D.K. I also spoke English, he speaking it better even than Mahatma K.H»
(ML 140, p.478)
If Djwal Khool spoke English very well, it doesn't make sense that he was Tibetan, because Tibet at the end of the 19th century was a much closed country where it was extremely difficult for Westerners to visit, and therefore there were very few Tibetans who knew the English language.
But instead if it makes more sense to consider that Djwal Khool was Indian since India at that time was a colony of the British Empire and English was widely taught to the Indians.
Another example is that Master Kuthumi used to refer to Djwal Khool in a friendly way with the pseudonym of "The Disinherited", for example in the letter he sent to Mr. Sinnett in February 1881, the master wrote:
« I, being far away from home, and at a place where a stationer's shop is less needed than breathing air, our correspondence threatens to break very abruptly, unless I manage my stock in hand judiciously. A friend promises to supply me in case of great need with a few stray sheets, memento relics of his grandfather's will, by which he disinherited him and thus made his "fortune." »
(ML 8, p.33)
And here again it makes no sense that if Djwal Khool was Tibetan, his grandfather would have disinherited him since at that time in Tibet it was a great honor for young people to enter some Tibetan monastery.
But instead if it makes more sense than if his grandfather was Indian, he would have been upset when Djwal Khool renounced his Indian religion to go live in Tibet.
And you also have to consider that both, Master Kuthumi and Master Morya, were Indians.
Colonel Olcott specified that Djwal Khool was an Indian:
« The next evening, after the visits to Mr. Brown and myself, we two and Damodar sat in my tent, at 10, o'clock, waiting for an expected visit from Master K. H. The camp was quiet, the rest of our party dispersed through the city of Lahore. We sat on chairs at the back of the tent so as not to be observed from the camp: the moon was in its last quarter and had not risen.
After some waiting we heard and saw a tall Hindu approaching from the side of the: open plain. He came to within a few yards of us and beckoned Damodar to come to him, which he did. He told him that the Master would appear within a few minutes, and that he had some business with Damodar. It was a pupil of Master K. H. Presently we saw the latter coming from the same direction, pass his pupil—who had withdrawn to a little distance.
. . .
When I was writing my Diary: the pupil lifted the portiére, beckoned to me, and pointed to the figure of his Master, waiting for me out on the plain in the starlight»
(Old Diary Leaves III, p.44)
Colonel Olcott did not specify that this Master Kuthumi’s disciple was Djwal Khool, but Madame Blavatsky did, she wrote in The Theosophist magazine, December 1883:
« This time Master Kuthumi was also accompanied in his physical body by his disciple Djwal Khool. » 
And this was also confirmed by a young Scotsman named William Tournay Brown who was present at that meeting and who in a pamphlet that he later published recounting the experiences he had in India, he narrated the following:
« On the evening of November 21, 1883, after the conference, Colonel Olcott, Damodar and I were sitting outside the shamiana (which is an open-roofed pavilion covered with bamboo mats), when we were visited by Djwal Khool, who is one of Master Kuthumi's disciples, and he informed us that his master was about to arrive. And so it was, the master approached us, greeted us, gave instructions to Damodar and then left. »
(Some Experiences in India, London Lodge of the Theosophical Society, 1884)
Well, this is due to all the misrepresentation that occurred later, as I am going to show you below.
Charles Leadbeater was a charlatan who pretended to be in contact with the masters, but ignoring the information I gave you above, he claimed that Djwal Khool was of Tibetan origin, and that is why in his book “The Masters and the Path”, he wrote:
« His face is distinctly Tibetan in character, with high cheek bones, and is somewhat rugged in appearance, showing signs of age. »
(Chapter 2)
Later Alice Bailey was another charlatan who claimed to be a Master Kuthumi’s disciple and to have been telepathically instructed by Djwal Khool to write her books. And Alice Bailey, as she did not know the information that I put above, she read Leadbeater's book and accepted the lie that Djwal Khool was Tibetan, and that is why she called him "The Tibetan".
In her book “Human and Solar Initiation”, she described it as follows:
« The Master Djwhal Khul, or the Master D. K. as He is frequently called, is another adept on the second Ray of Love-Wisdom. He is the latest of the adepts taking initiation, having taken the fifth initiation in 1875, and is therefore occupying the same body in which He took the initiation, most of the other Masters having taken the fifth initiation whilst occupying earlier vehicles. His body is not a young one, and He is a Tibetan. »
(Chapter 6)
And in her “The Unfinished Autobiography”, Bailey added the following:
« The Tibetan's style has improved over the years. He dictated a cumbersome, poor English in the beginning, but between us we have managed to work out a style and presentation which is suited to the great truths which it is His function to reveal, and mine and my husband's to bring to the attention of the public. »
But this is false since, as I demonstrated above, Blavatsky specified that Djwal Khool spoke English very well.
The Ascended Masters organizations are also a bunch of charlatans which have mainly relied on what Alice Bailey wrote to come up with their own "esoteric teachings" and they have continued to spread the lie that Djwal Khool was Tibetan.
And this is one more example of how the existence of the trans-Himalayan masters has been distorted over time through more and more liars.

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