The first time that AMORC published something about Master Kuthumi was in its magazine The American Rosae Crucis, August 1916.
On page 16 AMORC put the following portrait:

Below I put a zoom of the text where the doodles that appear in the middle are supposedly the writing used by the trans-Himalayan masters and represent the sign and seal of the master Kuthumi:

And on the next page appeared the following biography:
Biographical sketch prepared by G. A. Immanuel M. Sykes
The Master Kut-Hu-Mi, the Ket-Hu-Mata of the Avesta-Zend is Deputy Grand Master of Tibet and of the Occident and Orient. He is associate head of the Order of the Men in White Clothing. He was Thutmose 3rd of Egypt and erected the obelisk that now stands in Central Park, New York. It is one of the Ancient Landmarks of Rosaecrucianism and Freemasonry.
When Morya resided at Lake Moeris (Morias), K.H. was his associate and as two of the Three Master Masons they supervised the erection of the foundation of all the Egyptian Temples and Landmarks, including the Pyramid of Gizehs. Sakkara, the Sphinx and Rock Temples of Ahu-Sinhel, Philae, Karnak and Luxor.
Kut-Hu-Mi now resides near Kichingargha, called variously Kichinjirgha, Kichi-jirg-jargha or Parcha-jarg-hatba by Tibetans and Sikkinese, the Five Treasures of Snow from the five peaks of the range.
He is Deputy Chief of the Magian-Zend-Zorastrian, and Mazda Orders and Schools of Science, Philosophy, Sociology and Religion, and of the Great White Lodge or Supreme Lodge of the Order of Men in White Clothing; also known as "the Order of the Immaculate Conception" or Lodge of Perfection, Lodge of Purity, Lodge of Peace, etc. White was nheld to represent peace, purity, perfection and immaculate cleanliness, — hence the Order of Immaculate Cleanliness and the Immaculate Conception.
Kut-Hu-Mi is also associate head of the Nazarines, Nazarites, Essenes, Hermits, Covenanters, Illuminati, Strangers, Friends and Faithful Friends, Magi, Abbas, Pioneers and Mel-Kayi.Zend-ea called by some Melchisedek (Mael-Kai-Zedek). All the Divisions of the Orders owe allegiance to him and are governed by the Temple Association of Associates of God, of which, with Moria EI, he is associate head.
The Master is also known as Kut-Hu-Mata (the Kai-et-Hu-Mata of the Zend-Avesta), transliterated into English this would read: The Kingly and Good Thought, as the words Hu Mata in Zend mean good thoughts, just as Hu Hatha means Good Word and Hu-Varashta, Good Deed. Here is where Faratushtra preceded the New Thought movement by 9,000 years.
He is referred to in the Avesta-Zend as the abiding place (translated "Land") of the Brilliant, the Shining Wisdom, the Illuminated or Illuminator, or again as the River Kethumant (sec Fargard-Vara-Gatta-XIX, — sloka 39, Gatta 129, the River or Stream of Wisdom. Such is the poetic way eastern peoples have of naming people and places. He was the King Thutmose (Thoth-mus); this translated into English would be Thoughtmost (Kai-ja-hu-ti-mios or Kai-Ra-Au-Mata, Kroomata) of Egypt. He founded the Ra-Zar (Chros); in Avestan Chronology see the accounts of Vau-Roz (Chros) and Parsi-yan calendar,-it is the New Year or New Rising, Newly Risen or New Rose or Next Year, and refers to the Beginning of the New Order of the Ages and the Age of Brotherhood which began January 1, 1915, and 1920 is reckoned to be the Anno Pax, Anno Rose-Cross and Anno Fraternitas. »
What is said in this text about Master Kuthumi is 99% pure fabrications and falsehoods, and I suspect that this text was written by Spencer Lewis, the founder of AMORC, but he pretended that it was written by a man named George Ambrosius Immanuel Moryason Sykes (a fictional character) so that if someone later claimed him for the lies he put forth, Lewis would not be affected.
Later AMORC published in the first chapter of its book "Rosicrucian Manual" the following portrait:
The text says:
And also AMORC added a brief biographical reference:
« The Master K-H-M is Deputy Grand Master of the Great White Lodge of the Great White Brotherhood. He was at one time known on earth as Thutmose III of Egypt and at one time resided at Lake Moeris (Morias).  He was referred to in the Zend-Avesta as the Illuminator and was also known in Egypt as the Kroomata. (Kai-Ra-Au-Mata) from which comes our Rosicrucian word used in our rituals and salutations: CROMAAT. (It is interesting to note that if we take the initials of the title of our Order:  the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, and reverse them, we have CROMAAT.)
The Master K H-M (often called “K.H.”) passed through a number of reincarnations and was an important character on this earth many times, and has lived for over a hundred and forty years in each incarnation.  At the present time he abides on the earth plane again and is at a secret monastery and Temple near Kichingargha, called variously Kichinjirglui, Kichijirg jargha, or Parcha jarg hat ba by the Tibetans and Sikkinese. »
(p.135, 1927)
Here AMORC repeat some of the lies that appeared in the first article, and while the first portrait of Master Kuthumi was most likely painted by the Austrian painter Wolfgang Freiherr von Bibra in 1916, the second portrait is claimed to have been painted by Spencer Lewis who registered the copyright of that work on June 8, 1925 in the property registry with the folio: K195055, R109744.

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