The Triangle is the second public AMORC magazine created by its founder, Harvey Spencer Lewis, succeeding his previous magazine The American Rosae Crucis and later replaced by his magazine The Mystic Triangle.
As subtitle it says: “Official Monograph of AMORC”.
His publishing house was located at AMORC headquarters in San Francisco, California; and its publisher was Spencer Lewis.
It was published monthly from March 1921 to February 1924.
You can download some volumes in this link.
This was Lewis's second attempt to create a successful magazine for his organization; the first attempt having given up a year earlier in 1920.
The first eight issues (March 1921 to January 1922) were in four-page newsletter format, and contained material on the doings and progress of the order, old "mystic" prayers, and the like.
As stated in its first number: "Each issue will contain facts relating to the growth of the Order and its various Lodges in North America and other helpful ideas".
The next issues (2/1, et seq., August, September and October 1923) were more ambitious, with 14 pages in magazine format and contributions directed towards the children of members.
The magazine was discontinued in February 1924 and then revived in May 1925 as The Mystic Triangle.

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