HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO REINCARNATE? (Helena Blavastky's answer)

Blavatsky in section 8 of her book The Key to Theosophy specified:
« The term between two rebirths is said to extend from ten to fifteen centuries. »
This is in accordance with what Master Kuthumi taught, only in this sentence Blavatsky failed to specify that this corresponds to the bulk of the human population, but that there are also cases where humans take less time to reincarnate and also there are cases where humans take longer time to reincarnate. However, this Blavatsky did point out on other occasions.
William Judge commented that in one of the conversations he had with Blavatsky, he addressed this issue and when asked if we all stay 1500 years in Devachan as many believe because Mr. Sinnett's book, she replied:
« Well, Judge, you must know well that under the philosophy we don’t all stay there so long. It varies with the character of each. A thoroughly material thinker will emerge sooner than one who is a spiritual philosopher and good. Besides, recoiled that all workers for the Lodge, no matter of what degree, are helped out of Devachan if they themselves permit it. Your own idea which you have stated, that 1500 years had not elapsed since you went into Devachan, is correct, and that I tell is what Master himself tells me. »
(Path, April 1894, p.18)
And also Blavatsky pointed out in several of her works particular cases of humans who reincarnate quickly.
In Isis Unveiled she wrote:
« In cases of abortion, of infants dying before a certain age, and of congenital and incurable idiocy, nature's original design to produce a perfect human being, has been interrupted. Therefore, while the gross matter of each of these several entities is suffered to disperse itself at death, through the vast realm of being, the immortal spirit and astral monad of the individual —the latter having been set apart to animate a frame and the former to shed its divine light on the corporeal organization— must try a second time to carry out the purpose of the creative intelligence.
If reason has been so far developed as to become active and discriminative, there is no reincarnation on this earth, for the three parts of the triune man have been united together, and he is capable of running the race. But when the new being has not passed beyond the condition of monad, or when, as in the idiot, the trinity has not been completed, the immortal spark which illuminates it, has to reenter on the earthly plane as it was frustrated in its first attempt. Otherwise, the mortal or astral, and the immortal or divine, souls, could not progress in unison and pass onward to the sphere above. Spirit follows a line parallel with that of matter; and the spiritual evolution goes hand in hand with the physical»
(I, p.351)
This, Blavatsky also pointed out in several of her articles, which I do not transcribe because there she says the same thing only in a more summarized way, however I leave the references in the Collected Writings for those who want to read them: vol. I, p.297-98, 363-64 (367-68); IV, p.549; V, p.16-17 (45); VII, p.178, 181-82.
And in The Secret Doctrine, Blavatsky pointed out a particular additional situation:
« Hence, remembering that, save in the case of young children, and of individuals whose lives were violently cut off by some accident, no Spiritual Entity can re-incarnate before a period of many centuries has elapsed»
(II, p.303)
In the case of young children who die prematurely, William Judge explained that they did not have the time to accumulate the psychic energy that a human generates when experiencing life on Earth and which allows to prolong their stay in Devachan. And that is why the souls of these children are quickly reincarnated; and something similar but more extreme happens with the fetus that is already developed but dies from an abortion.
In the case of an individual who suffers from congenital and incurable idiocy, something similar happens because although that person lives for many years, he do not have a true interaction with life because his mental illness prevents him from becoming aware of what he is experiencing. And that is why when he dies, he will also have very little of psychic energy which allows him to prolong his stay in "Heaven", and therefore, like small children, he will quickly reincarnate again.
In the case of people who lose their lives due to an accident, their interval to reincarnate depends on several factors: how old they were, how spiritual they were, what they still had to accomplish in his life, etc. And in general we can say that the younger the person dies, the less he will have accumulated psychic impulses and therefore the sooner he will reincarnate again.
But it also depends on each person because, for example, if a person spent his life living automatically, working mechanically and spending all his free time passively watching television. Well, that person will accumulate little psychic energy. On the other hand, another person who has experienced a lot, learned a lot and has developed a lot, then even if he has lived less, he will have accumulated much more of that psychic energy.
And it also depends on how well the person can overcome the emotional shock caused by the accident that took his life. For example someone who died in a spectacular plane crash, if that person does not have developed a spirituality, then there are strong possibilities that he will remain on the astral plane as a lost soul until the end of what would normally have been his earth life. And that state of torment can use up much of the psychic energy that this person had accumulated during his physical life. And therefore when he reaches Devachan, he will have already lost a lot of that energy and therefore he will remain there for a very short time before reincarnating again.
And something similar happens with people who commit suicide, and the matter is even more drastic with very bad people who have separated from their soul, because these individuals when their period in the astral plane end, they quickly reincarnate again without don't even go to Devachan.
And there are some tragic cases where people are separated from their souls as well, but not because they are bad but because they have descended too much into vice or madness, and something similar happens to these individuals, and when they are reborn, they become more and more abject soulless beings.
This case of the soulless, Blavatsky also pointed out to her students at her Esoteric School:
« It is difficult to see why this teaching should have been preserved until now with such secrecy, when, by spreading it among people, at any rate among those who believe in reincarnation, so much good might be done. But so it was, and I had no right to question the wisdom of the prohibition, but have given it hitherto, as it was given to myself, under pledge not to reveal it to the world at large. But now I have permission to give it to all, revealing its tenets first to the Esotericists; and then when they have assimilated them thoroughly, it will be their duty to teach others this special tenet of the “second death,” and warn all the Theosophists of its dangers.
And therefore now I am going to detail what happens with soulless men, that is, with those individuals who have degraded and perverted so much that they have separated from their spiritual soul, and therefore have become "soulless" beings. This mystery will now be explained.
The Antahkarana that is the connection that unites the person with his superior triad has been cut, and that person becomes from that moment on a separate entity, which will live for a long or short period (depending on his karma) as a soulless creature, that is, as an individual who is no longer enlightened by his spiritual soul.
Expelled forever from the consciousness of the Individuality (the reincarnating Ego), the physical atoms and psychic vibrations of the now separate personality are immediately reincarnated on the same earth, only in a lower and still more abject creature, a human being only in form, doomed to Karmic torments during the whole of its new life. Moreover, if it persists in its criminal or debauched course, it will suffer a long series of such immediate reincarnations. »
(CW XII, p.628-635)
The masters explained that they are going to try to reconsider this soulless person to reconnect with his superior triad, but if the person persists in continuing to sink into darkness, then he will end up being destroyed and that is the true death, whereas physical death is only a temporary death after which you are reborn in another physical body.
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But not only soulless people or people who have little developed their psychic energy reincarnate quickly, but also very spiritually developed humans sometimes do it when the need requires it.
For example, in ancient times when there were few adepts, it happened that a great initiate who was at the head of a spiritual Order, when he died if there was no one who could replace him, then this initiate quickly reincarnated so that his congregation would not disappear. And William Judge mentions also on some occasions the adepts make their disciples reincarnate quickly to accelerate their evolution, but these are very special cases.
And William Judge also pointed out that extremely materialistic people tend to reincarnate more quickly, not as fast as the cases I pointed out above, but much sooner than the general average.
So, as you can see, there are many cases of people who reincarnate before the general average that Blavatsky pointed out.
And there is also the reverse situation of people taking much longer before reincarnating again.
For example, Master Pasteur explained that those humans who reached a very high level of development during the Atlantean civilization (whether at a scientific, artistic, or academic level, etc.) and they did not have a strong negative karma to pay off. Those humans reincarnated again until there was again a civilization advanced enough on earth so that they could continue to develop in this civilization, because if they had reincarnated earlier in the time of savagery that arose after the decline of Atlantis, then his reincarnation would have been detrimental rather than beneficial to them.
But Pasteur also explained that there are periods where humanity falls into states of barbarism and darkness, and then advanced souls agree to reincarnate in those dark periods to help humanity rise again.
And Master Kuthumi specified that positive karma is also another important factor and therefore the more positive karma a person has generated, the longer he will stay in Devachan. And Master Kuthumi explained that there have been humans who did such an enormous amount of good for others, that they generated a monumental amount of positive karma and consequently their stay in Heavenly Paradise will be several millennia (and even more) before having to reincarnate again.
So as you can see, there are many different possibilities.
Blavatsky revealed some information on this subject, but in order to have a broader view it is also necessary to read what the other theosophical instructors and bona fide teachers said on this subject.

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