By Gerald B. Bryan


Having shown in the last chapter the tremendous money possibilities of a “Master” merchandising racket, it might be well to inquire: “Where does all the money go?”


“It all goes back to the Work,” shouted Guy Ballard many times from the platform, while his good wife always expressed quick agreement.


But to make doubly sure that their students really appreciate this great sacrifice of having their hard-earned money go back to the “Work,” and no doubt to squelch nasty little rumors to the contrary, they have their ever-ready “Ascended Masters” come forth to back them up.


“Every dollar that comes in from their books,” says no less a personage that John the Beloved, “they put into This Work to save mankind and America.” (p. 13, Feb., 1938, V.)


Another so-called Ascended Master, who happens to be the white-haired old man who allegedly made his Ascension off of Mt. Shasta after Ballard gave him a “Crystal Cup,” is naturally a good booster for Guy Ballard and all his works.


“Precious ones,” says this formerly white-haired old man, “do not let the silly human reports go forth which have been spread at times, that they [the Messengers] are flourishing with money. All they have is the Love Gifts of the students to carry on the work. Not so long ago, the report went forth that they had plenty of money. The Love Gifts from that class did not take care of the express on their trunks, but they never complain.” (p. 217, A.M.D.)


In view of the fact that one of their former staff members reports that 4500 pounds of expressage (28 trunks) went forward to the east from their Los Angeles class in January, 1939, it is little to be wondered at that their self-sacrificing students have difficulty keeping sufficient “Love Gifts” going their way to pay the expressage on all this opulence, or to put them up at the most expensive hotels.


Still, these poor students do what they can; and in addition to making themselves poorer and poorer in efforts to support “The Work,” they use up their energies in long decrees trying to induce the Cosmos to unload its wealth to the Ballards personally. We quote, in part, one of these decrees:


“Mighty I AM Presence, Thou Great Treasure House of the Universe, I don’t look to channels, I look to YOU as you are my source of supply for everything! . . . Release, this hour, to our Blessed Mommie and Daddy Ballard, to all the sincere I AM students everywhere, and to me, ONE MILLION DOLLARS in cash money! TAX FREE! . . . I thank Thee, Thou dost always answer my every call instantly, infinitely, eternally, and visible and tangibly manifest in my hands and use.”


It is not stated that this “One Million Dollars for Blessed Mommie and Daddy Ballard is to go “Back into the Work.” The intention is that it is to go to the Ballards personally.


These people say that they “Love America” and shout decrees supporting the flag and the Constitution — yet they don’t want their country to have a cent of tax money! Nor do they include the Government in this “million dollar” shower from the Cosmos! It is all to go to Me and Mine!


Despite the Ballards’ public profession of not wanting anything for themselves, the above decree — asking a cool million for Blessed Mommie and Daddy Ballard — shows that the situation is quite different. Students are not permitted to make up their own decrees. All decrees must originate from the Ballard headquarters — and presiding over the decree-making department is Edna Ballard herself!


The author has in his possession some very revealing private letters written by the Ballards, showing that of all people these Messengers of business-like “Ascended Masters” are most desires of possessing money for themselves.


These letters were written and signed by one or both of the Ballards, and were addressed to their former “Associate Director.” In them appear many references about money matters, book sales, and some real “Ascended-Master” concern over cutting down on percentage discounts given to book stores. We have space for only one of these letters. It was written by Guy Ballard, and signed “George” as that was the name the alleged reincarnated Washington frequently used in corresponding with his Associate Director.


New York City, N.Y. December 18, 1934


My Dear_____:


We cannot give anyone 50% and have anything left for ourselves, and furthermore, we are not going to do it . . .


Saint Germain said in the beginning that 30 and 33 1/3 was the limit to be given anyone . . .


Saint Germain said that he wanted us to have $1.00 per copy clear on all books as his gift to us.


I am the channel that has made all this possible and I do not intend to be swallowed up by this terrible commercial thing that has always forgotten the originator of a thing from which others have received MILLIONS.


(Signed) George



We fail to see in this letter any mention made of this “Saint Germain Dollar” going “back into the Work.” Three months before, when the Ballards were working on this man trying to get him to promote their movement, they wrote him: “We no longer possess anything so far as our personalities are concerned!” Yet, how different are their later letters to him! They even had in mind millions!



As further proof that all the money does not go back into the work, we now quote from a deposition made by Mrs. Ballard, dated April 11, 1940, at Los Angeles, in the Superior Court of the State of California. She was called as a witness to testify in a divorce suit against her son, Donald Ballard. The questions below are by plaintiff ’s lawyer; answers are by Mrs. Ballard.
Q. Now, the furniture that they have in your home, whose property is that, do you know?
A. That is mine.
Q. Your property?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Individually?
A. Bought in Mr. Ballard’s and my own names, I have all the bills to show for it.
Q. That wasn’t bought in the account of the St. Germain Foundation?
A. No.
Q. And did you make a gift of that to them?
A. I did not.
Q. To Donald alone?
A. It was to Donald alone, only until such time as we again had our own permanent home. We loaned them the use of those things until our own personal home was established here.
Here we have a statement made by Mrs. Ballard, on oath, that it was she who owned the furniture ($7,000 worth) in her son’s home, and that she and Mr. Ballard were planning to have their own permanent home in Los Angeles.
These statements are contrary to the Ballards’ statements made on the public platform to the effect that they owned nothing in the way of a home and never expected to, that the nearest to a home they would get would be “Donald’s and Marjorie’s home.” After admitting that she was “Treasurer” of the Saint Germain Foundation and head of the Saint Germain Press, Mrs. Ballard was asked the following question:
Q. What assets does the St. Germain Foundation have?
A. Well, I couldn’t tell you that.
Q. Do you have any idea?
A. No.
Q. You couldn’t give us an approximate estimate?
A. No, I couldn’t.
Q. Could you on the St. Germain Press?
A. No, I couldn’t, I am not familiar with that.
Most remarkable answers for the “Treasurer” and head of a big merchandising business!
Perhaps only an income tax man from the Department of Internal Revenue will be able to figure out where the money goes —  but of course their “Tax Free” decree works against it!
(Psychic Dictatorship in America, chapter 16)

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