By Franz Hartmann
The most valuable jewel of the Rosicrucians is Wisdom, which is represented by a pure diamon in the centre of the rose, but the cross is adorned with twelve jewels of priceless value, in all of which the power that resides in the truth is manifested. These jewels are:
1. Jasper (dark green). The power of active light, multiplying itself to a sevenfold degree, and evolving seven states of the one light, by which the seven states of darkness may be consumed.
2. Hyacinth (yellow). Love, born from the matrix of Light, manifesting itself as it grows, and emitting red rays. Its power overcomes the spirit of anger and violence.
3. Chrysolite (white). Princely wisdom. It confounds that which is foolish and vain, subdues it, and comes out of the battle victorious.
4. Sapphire (blue). Truth; originating and growing out of its own essence. It overcomes doubt and vacillation.
5. Smaragd (green). The blooming spring in its eternal justice, destroying the unjust attributes of a perverted and degenerate nature, and opening the fountain of infinite treasures.
6. Topaz (golden). The symbol of peace, mild and pleasant. It suffers no impurity or division to exist, neither does it admit that which causes separation and quarrels. It heals ruptures and cures wounds.
7. Amethyst (violet). Impartiality, equilibrium of justice and judgment. It cannot be falsified, bent, or counterfeited. It weighs all things in the scales of justice, and is opposed to fraud, cruelty, or tyranny.
8. Beryl (diverse colours). Meekness, humility; the equal temperature of the spirit, being kind and good, and overcoming wrath, stubbornness, and bitterness.
9. Sardis (light red). The high magical Faith, growing into power, and destroying fear, scepticism, and superstition,
10. Chrysoprase (light green). Invisible power and strength, overcoming all opposition, allowing nothing to remain which could possibly resist the law.
11. Sardonyx (striped). Triumphant Joy and gladness, flowing from the eternal fountain of happiness, destroying all sorrow and sadness. (May it bless you!).
12. Chalcedony (striped). The crown of Victory, dominion, glory. The keystone and the greatest of all miracles, turning everything to the glorification of GOD.
(From the work of Antonio Ginther. August Vindelicorum. 1741.)
Prænesis. A ship in the open sea, with a floating anchor, and a star shining overhead, with the inscription: Hac monstrante viam.
  1. An open book with the name MARIA, and a heart transfixed by a sword, with the inscription: Omnibus in omnibus.
  2. A seven-headed monster threatened with a club. Inscription: In virtute tua.
  3. A closed and sealed door with an angel attempting to open it. Inscription: Signatur ne perdatur.
  4. A landscape representing an island. The sun rises and the stars shine. Inscription: Aurora ab lacrymis.
  5. An orange tree bearing fruits, of which the inner part is sweet, while the rind is bitter. Inscription: Dulce amarum.
  6. An altar with a fire upon it, in which a heart is burning, sending out a sweet odour. Inscription: In odorem suavitatis.
  7. A pure white lily in a flower-pot, standing in a garden. Inscription: Virginei laus prima pudoris.
  8. An angel separating wheat from chaff by means of a sieve. Inscription: Dimittit inanes.
  9. A ring with a jewel exhibited upon a table. Inscription: Honori invincem.
  10. A globe illuminated by the full moon. Inscription: Plena sibi et aliis.
  11. Jacob's ladder with seven steps, reaching from the earth up to heaven. Inscription: Descendendo ascendendo.
  12. A sun-dial attached to the wall of a tower. Inscription: Altissimus obnumbrat.
  13. The signs of the Zodiac, with the sun passing through the sign of the Virgin. Inscription: Jam mitius ardet.
  14. A hen brooding in a stable, brooding over eggs. Inscription: Parit in alieno.
  15. Two palm-trees, inclined towards each other. Inscription: Blando se pace salutant.
  16. A grape-vine, cut from the trunk, is weeping. Inscription: Ut gaudeas mero.
  17. A plant, representing a myrrh. Inscription: Amara sed salubris.
  18. A painter's easel, with a cloth ready for painting. Inscription: Qua forma placebit.
  19. A heart transfixed by a sword. Inscription: Usque ad divisionem animæ.
  20. Two doves pecking at each other. Inscription: Amat et castigat.
  21. A passion flower. Inscription: Delectat et cruciat.
  22. Wolves and sheep, eagles and bats, basking together in the sunshine. Inscription: Non possentibus offert.
  23. A bird, sitting between thorns and thistles. Inscription: His ego sustentor.
  24. Ivy winding around a dead tree. Inscription: Nec mors separavit.
  25. Two hearts in a winepress. Inscription: Cogit in unum.
  26. A crocodile shedding tears while eating a man. Inscription: Plorat et devorat.
  27. Wolf devouring a sheep. Inscription: Non est qui redimat.
  28. Tulips inclining toward the rising sun. Inscription: Languexit in umbra.
  29. Two stringed musical instruments; a hand plays upon one. Inscription: Unam tetigis se sat est.
  30. A white lily growing between thorns. Inscription: Transfixum suavius.
  31. The prophet Jonah thrown into the raging sea. Inscription: Merger ne mergantur.
  32. The setting sun and the evening star. Inscription: Sequitur deserta cadentem.
  33. A cross with a snake wound around it. Inscription: Pharmacumnon venenum.
  34. Eagle, rising towards the sun. Inscription: Ad te levavi oculos.
  35. A squirrel standing upon a log, floating in the water and rowing. Inscription: Ne merger.
  36. Light tower, illuminating the ocean. Inscription: Erantibus una micat.
  37. Rock standing in a stormy sea. Inscription: Non commovebitur.
  38. A diamond exposed upon a table. Inscription: In puritate pretium.
  39. Grafting a tree. Inscription: Accipit in sua.
  40. A man hanging upon a tree. Inscription: Non est hac tutior umbra.
  41. A flock of sheep, each one bearing the letter T upon the forehead. Inscription: Non habet redargutionem.
  42. Chandelier with seven lights. Inscription: Non extinguetur.
  43. A solar eclipse. Inscription: Morientis sideris umbra.
  44. The setting sun and a rainbow shedding tears. Inscription: Desinit in lacrymas.
  45. Cypress blown at by winds coming from the four quarters of the world. Inscription: Concussio firmat.
  46. Two hearts surrounded by thorns, with nails and a dagger. Inscription: Vulneratum vulnerat.
  47. A heart transfixed by a sword and instruments of torture. Inscription: Superminet omnes.
  48. Beehive, and bees flying around flowers. Inscription: Currit in odorem.
  49. A chemical furnace with retorts, from which drops are falling. Inscription: Color elicit imbres.
  50. A man sowing grain into furrows. Inscription: Ut surgat in ortum.
  51. A cloth spread upon a field and sprinkled with water. Inscription: A lacrymis candor.
  52. Ocean waves and a bird flying through the furrows of water. Inscription: Mersa non mergitur.
  53. Noah's dove with an olive branch. Inscription: Emergere nuntiat orbem.
  54. Flying eagle carrying a lamb. Inscription: Tulit prædeam tartari.
  55. Rain descending upon flowers. Inscription: Dulce refrigerium.
  56. Plumb-line and level. Inscription: Recta a recto.
  57. A hot iron upon an anvil. Inscription: Dum calet.
  58. Solitary bird sitting in a cave. Inscription: Gemit dilectum suum.
  59. Elephant drinking blood flowing from a grape. Inscription: Acuitur in prælium.
  60. Bird escaping from a nest. Inscription: Ad sidera sursum.
  61. Sunrise rays shining into a heart of adamant. Inscription: Intima lustrat.
  62. A flying bird attached to a string. Inscription: Cupio dissolvi.
  63. Two birds of Paradise flying upwards. Inscription: Innixo ascendit.
  64. A triple crown made of silver, iron, and gold. Inscription: Curso completo.
  65. The statue of Dagon thrown down and broken to pieces. A corpse. Inscription: Cui honorem honorem.
  66. The Red Sea dividing for the passage of the Israelites. Inscription: Illue iter quo ostendum.
  67. Labyrinth with a human figure therein. A hand extended from heaven holds a thread reaching down to the figure. Inscription: Hac duce tuta via est.
  68. A camp. Among the tents is a standard bearing the image of a man. Inscription: Præsidium et decus.
  69. A clock, whose finger points to the second hour. Inscription: Ultima secundo.
  70. Ship at sea carrying a light. Fishes and birds are attracted by the glow. Inscription: Veniunt ad lucem.
Epilogus — Noah's ark in tranquil water. Inscription: Non mergitur, sed extollitur.
(From the above-mentioned work.)
Prænesis — A hen with chickens under her wings. A hawk preying in the air above. Inscription: Sub umbra alarum tuarum.
  1. A figure kneeling and holding a book wherein is represented a fiery heart. Inscription: Tolle lege.
  2. Altar upon which a fire is lighted by a sunray. Inscription: Extinctos suscitat ignes.
  3. Sunray falling through a lens and setting a ship on fire. Inscription: Ignis ab Primo.
  4. Sun shining upon a lambskin extended upon the earth. Inscription: Descendit de cæ is.
  5. A chrysalis upon a leaf. Inscription: Ecce venio.
  6. The sea and the rising sun. Inscription: Renovabit faciem terræ.
  7. A rising sun eclipsed by the moon. Inscription: Condor ut exorior.
  8. A chicken and an eagle in the air. The former is protected against the latter by a shield. Inscription: A facie persequentis.
  9. A rose in the midst of a garden. Inscription: Hæc mihi sola placet
  10. A lamb burning upon an altar. Inscription: Deus non despicies.
  11. Dogs hunting. Inscription: Fuga salutem.
  12. A lamb dying at the foot of a cross. Inscription: Obediens usque ad mortem.
  13. The ark of the covenant. Rays of lightning. Inscription: Procul este profani.
  14. Sun in the midst of clouds. Inscription: Fulgura in pluvium fuit.
  15. Sun shining upon sheep and wolves. Inscription: Super robos et malos.
  16. A well and a pitcher. Inscription: Hauriar, non exhauriar.
  17. Animals entering the ark. Inscription: Una salutem.
  18. Shepherd carrying a lamb. Inscription: Onus meum leve.
  19. Sheep drinking at a well. The water is stirred by a pole. Inscription: Similem dant vulnera formam.
  20. A dove sitting upon a globe. Inscription: Non sufficit una.
  21. Light penetrating the clouds. Inscription: Umbram fugat veritas.
  22. A vineyard and the rising sun. Inscription: Pertransiit beneficiendo.
  23. Three hearts with a sieve floating above them. Inscription: Cælo contrito resurgent.
  24. Swan cleaning his feathers before proceeding to eat. Inscription: Antequam comedum.
  25. A hungry dog howling at the moon. Inscription: Inanis impetus.
  26. Ark of the covenant drawn by two oxen. Inscription: Sancta sancte.
  27. A winepress. Inscription: Premitur ut experimat.
  28. An opening bud. Inscription: Vulneribus profundit opes.
  29. Amor shooting arrows at a heart. Inscription: Donec attingam.
  30. Cross and paraphernalia for crucification. Inscription: Præbet non prohibet.
  31. A sunflower looking towards the rising sun. Inscription: Usque ad occasum.
  32. Drops of sweat falling down in a garden. Inscription: Tandem resoluta venit.
  33. Sword protruding from the clouds. Inscription: Cædo noncedo.
  34. Hammer and anvil, a forge and a fire. Inscription: Ferendo, non feriendo.
  35. A ram crowned with thorns upon an altar. Inscription: Victima coronata.
  36. A sheep carrying animals. Inscription: Quam grave portat onus.
  37. A crucified person and a snake upon a tree. Inscription: Unde mors unde vita.
  38. A tree shedding tears into three dishes. Inscription: Et læsa medelam.
  39. A spring fountain. Inscription: Rigat ut erigat.
  40. A heart offered to an eagle. Inscription: Redibit ad Dominum.
  41. A heart upon a cross surrounded by thorns, crowned with a laurel. Inscription: Pignus amabile pacis.
  42. Bird persecuted by a hawk seeks refuge in the cleft of a rock. Inscription: Hoc tuta sua sub antro.
  43. Target with a burning heart in the centre; Amor shooting arrows at it. Inscription: Trahe mi post te.
  44. Pelican feeding her young ones with her own blood. Inscription: Ut vitam habeant.
  45. Phoenix sinking into the flames. Inscription: Hic mihi dulce mori.
  46. Blood from a lamb flowing into a cup. Inscription: Purgantes temperat ignis.
  47. Clouds from which proceed rays of lightning. Inscription: Lux recto fatumque noscenti.
  48. Eagle flying towards the sun. Inscription: Tunc facie ad faciem.
Epilogus — A hedgehog, having rolled in fruits, is covered with them. Inscription: Venturi providus ævi.
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He who can see the meaning of all these allegories has his eyes open.

It is, beyond any doubt, most certain and true, that the below is like the above, and thereby can be accomplished the miracle of one only thing. As all things are derived from only one thing, by the will and the word of the One who created it in his mind; likewise all things result from this unity by the order of nature. Its father is the sun, its mother the moon; the air carries it in its womb; its nurse is the earth. This thing is the origin of all perfections that exist throughout the world. Its power is most perfect when it has again been reduced to earth.
Separate the earth from the fire, and the subtle from that which is gross; act with prudence, understanding, and modesty. It rises up from the earth to the heavens, and returns again to the earth, taking unto itself the power of the above and the below. Thus you will obtain the glory of the whole world. Therefore discard all ignorance and impotency. This is the strongest of all powers, for it overcomes all subtle things, and can penetrate through all that is gross. Thus was the world created, and from this originate rare combinations, and are wrought miracles of various kinds. Therefore have I been called Hermes Trismegistus, having obtained three-parts of the wisdom of the whole world. This is what is to be said about the masterwork of the alchemical art.
(In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom, chapter 7)

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