By Gerald B. Bryan
It is now well, in this history of “Ascended Master Miracles” and other stirring events, that we tell the equally stirring story of how the “War Entity of the World” was consumed and war kept out of Europe.
This “War Entity,” according to the Ballard literature, is none other than the “Beast” of Revelations. He is a sort of black magician par excellence, with a body of unusual proportions; that is, he had before the Ballards started to “work” on it.
The head of the monster, Saint Germain, said, “was over New York,” and explained that it had “largely to do with communistic activity.” (p. 17, Aug., 1938, V.)
However, he is rather vague as to the exact location of the other parts of the monster, but it appears that its “body rests over Europe.” (p. 468, A.M.L.)
Many were the decrees of the students directed against this psychic monster. For years they had tried to dissolve it. It was only, however, during the Shrine class in Los Angeles in the summer of 1938 that their decree seemed to have any effect.
During the Shrine class, Saint Germain came forth to make a momentous announcement.
“Beloved ones,” he said, “. . . You know how long, these three and a half years, that your call has been made for the dissolving of the war entity. That has begun! (Wild applause)
“It began on the opening day of this Class, when the Great Cosmic Light was again released. It began with the head over New York, with the eye which sees the weakness of mankind.
That eye sees no more! (Wild applause again)
“All around the body of the war entity of the world there is a Powerful Blue Flame which is steadily and surely moving in upon the form, its body of substance.
“It is Our hope that by the end of this Class, the war entity shall have been dissolved . . . It only means a continued pounding away on these Mighty Decrees . . .
“I firmly believe that the war will soon cease in Europe and the Orient. (Wild applause).” (p. 1, July 26, 1938, G.L.)
The above encouraging statement of Saint Germain’s about the ceasing of the civil war in Spain and the war of aggression in China was made on July 2, 1938. Two days later, on the fourth of July, after a lot of decreeing by the students, he came forth to report extraordinary progress in dissolving the monster.
“Beloved students,” he said, “I bring you great encouragement: more than half the war entity of Europe has been dissolved! (Wild applause) (p. 2, July 26, 1938, G.L.)
Saint Germain didn’t say whether our little American yen for setting off firecrackers and other explosives on the Fourth had anything to do with dissolving half the “War Entity,” or not, but we can well believe it.
Then on the last day of the Shrine Class, July 10, right on schedule, Saint Germain came forth fresh from the troubled diplomatic circles of Europe to make his report.
“Beloved students of the Light,” he said, “We have the most glorious news of the centuries for you today. At 12:00 o’clock noon today, your time here, THE LAST VESTIGE OF THE WAR ENTITY OF THE WORLD WAS CONSUMED!”
“For a moment,” continues this report, “the audience was spellbound; then as the Greatness of it broke upon us, the huge audience arose as one man, and unleashed one mighty wave of applause that continued on and on, so great was our heart’s rejoicing. The war entity of the world, referred to in the Bible as the Beast, was consumed!” (p. 3)
With this timely destruction of the “War Entity of the World” one would have thought that hostilities in Europe and Asia would cease forthwith. But not so! Europe on the contrary showed immediately an increased flare for war, culminating in that fatal crisis the latter part of September, 1938, the historic Chamberlain-Hitler peace conferences at Munich.
But nevertheless and notwithstanding, the Ballards even here took credit for saving Europe. Note the following ingenious statements:
“Our Great Cosmic Mother, the Mighty Goddess of Liberty, gave the closing night Dictation . . . The date was September 25, 1938, when the frightful situation in Europe could have burst forth into another world conflagration. The Ascended Masters had asked the I AM students to redouble their earnest call for their fellow man in Europe. We did.
“Telegrams flashed to all the large Groups of students everywhere. We went into action as never before. Day and night; night and day.
“The closing night of the Seattle Class came at this moment. The Great Goddess of Liberty said: ‘I want you to rejoice with Me . . . The unfortunate individual in Europe has failed in his attempt to release destruction. Please rejoice in that, and you have your beloved Saint Germain largely to thank for it.’ (tremendous applause, audience rising!)” (pp. 2-3, Oct. 12, 1938, G.L.)
But despite all this decreeing and the destruction of the “War Entity of the World,” the undeclared wars of Europe went right along, and blood-ridden Spain was in the throes of one of the worst civil wars in history.
There was reportedly, however, in the press a sort of lull during the early part of 1939, which no doubt gave the newspaper-reading “Saint Germain” courage to come forth on February 26, 1939, at the Oakland class, to say:
“You will rejoice with me tonight in knowing that for the present, things are under control in Europe.” (p. 3, March 18, 1939, G.L.)
Unfortunately, however, for Saint Germain’s witless remark and the peace of Europe, fifteen days later Hitler took Czechoslovakia, and shortly thereafter Mussolini took Albania.
But that of course isn’t all of this wretched deception.
One year and two months after this “War Entity of the World” had been consumed (!) and the peace of Europe “saved” by “Saint Germain” and his bands of decreeing I AM-ers, Hitler made his historic onslaught on Poland, and the really big war in Europe was on.
But did the start of the great war in Europe show to the Ballard students the futility of their decrees and reveal to them this great “Master” deception of the age?
It did not! Having failed to keep both small and big wars out of Europe, they are, nevertheless, busily engaged day and night in keeping war out of America!
In fact, they have already “saved” America. Mrs. Ballard in her radio talk at Los Angeles on the afternoon of December 31, 1939, said:
“We have given out these decrees eighteen and twenty hours each day for the protection of America. If we had not, America would be in the same chaos of war that Spain is today.”
Since the destruction and parceling of Poland, the wars in Europe have increased in intensity as well as in geographical magnitude. Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium went under the iron heel of the Dictator of Europe, and France was soon to meet the greatest humiliation any courageous nation was ever made to suffer.
Where was “Saint Germain” and his mighty army of “Ascended Masters” the week of June 10, 1940, when war was raging near the gates of Paris and oncoming Nazi tanks were spurting their hell of fire? Where was the “Great Divine Director,” he who boasted that “ten of the Ascended Masters could wipe out all armies of the earth?” (p. 5, Nov., 1937, V.) Where was Saint Germain’s blessed child, “Lotus,” his “Little Dynamite,” the reincarnated “JOAN OF ARC,” Saviour of France?
Why didn’t she save France in 1940 as did the real Joan of Arc in 1429?
The present Joan —the one “who would never be burned at the stake”— in her luxurious hotel apartment, remain wisely silent about the matter, and after permitting her beloved France to fall, contented herself with the “saving” of her beloved America!
The Ballard “War Entity” is dead, dead as can be, yet Europe today is involved in the greatest and most destructive war in history. What utter insanity it is for these people to claim that they have “saved” America when we today face the menace of the totalitarian powers of Europe and Asia. How dangerous it is for these people to fool security and protective power of their ridiculous decrees, and ignoring or belittling real preparedness to face the enemies to our freedom.
Consciously, or unconsciously, these American-born dictators have played into the hands of the dictators of Europe and Asia.
(Psychic Dictatorship in America, chapter 22)

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