By Gerald B. Bryan
Back in 1789 when George Washington took charge as first President of the United States of America, that personage —if we can believe it— was really the present George Washington Ballard! Therefore, the reincarnated George has had a natural leaning toward the White House — and, if we can believe his published statement made at New York on October 21, 1937, Guy Ballard’s “Mighty I AM” has already taken charge of our government! We quote:
-      “This day, I set My Legions into action in your government; in your city, the head of the finances of the world; to take command and bring all human beings into obedience to Me!” (pp. 24-25, Dec., 1937, V.)
Of course, the absurdity is that such wild claims should be found anywhere except on the inside of a mad house, but in this instance they were seriously uttered on the outside — and cheered by a hall full of fervidly patriotic Americans.
Encouraged by his audience’s evident approval for him to take over the finances of the world, Guy Ballard reached out to take in the Supreme Court of the United States.
-      “I AM the Presence,” said the present George, “which shall act in your Supreme Court . . . No longer shall human creation dominate My People! . . . I say to all destructive forces . . . ‘Now, you shall face me! a Power with which you cannot cope! which you cannot harm, but which can make you helpless!” (p. 26.)
We cannot but wonder what the nine sober-minded members of the Nation’s highest tribunal will say on the day Guy Ballard’s “I AM” formally descends to take charge of their Supreme Court. Their verdict must surely be that such a thing is slightly unconstitutional — even for people heaven-bent on “saving” the Constitution.
Luckily for our constitutional democracy, Ballard and his flaming “I AM” were in New York at the time and not in Washington; for in such a determined frame of mind, with the power of Saint Germain and the Ascended Host back of them, they might have taken charge then and there!
Mrs. Ballard, one evening at the Los Angeles class toward the end of a tirade against “vicious” officials in our government, raised her right hand in dramatic gesture and shouted: “But George Washington still lives!”
That statement was followed by thunderous applause, for these people knew their George Washington. There he was seated on the platform — and his face certainly should have been red.
A year or so ago, while the Ballards were in the east, Guy Ballard, his staff, and some of the other favored ones, journeyed to Valley Forge. There Ballard and his patriotic band walked over well-remembered ground, so he said, and explained how it all came back to him — how he prayed for light and guidance and relief for his famine-stricken, frost-bitten soldiers when his Continental Army was in winter quarters there.
Later, in the February, 1939, issue of the “Voice of the I AM,” there appeared a vapid poem entitled, “WASHINGTON, WE LOVE YOU,” written by Mrs. Ballard. Facing it was a picture of George Washington at Valley Forge attired in a white-lined cape that looks like the one Ballard himself wears on the stage at “I AM” meetings.
Washington’s birthday is celebrated with fitting and proper observances by this bewildering family of “I AM-er.” These people, however, for years have worshipped not a dead Washington, but a living one!
One evening in their hotel suite George Washington Ballard and the members of his present “staff” were looking at a picture of the well-known painting, “Washington Crossing the Delaware.”
It brought back stirring memories to the present redoubtable George. He pointed out how certain of the most faithful members of his staff helped him to make the perilous journey through crashing blocks of ice and the raging river.
This staff member was the man with the oar, that one was the man at the stern, and so on with the rest of the staff, while of course Ballard himself was General Washington holding aloft the flag at the bow of the bobbing boat.
That this painting was but an artist’s conception —and not so accurate at that— seemed to have been overlooked by the present George and taken as absolute fact.
At the Washington class on Armistice Day, November 11, 1938, a little ceremony took place which doubtlessly gave new impetus to Ballard’s presidential ambitions. We quote from the official report:
“When our precious Messengers, Mr. and Mrs. Ballard and Donald, walked out on the stage, they were welcomed by a mighty ovation. Then a huge Uncle Sam hat, fully 3 feet high, was passed up to Mr. Ballard. It was made of red, white, and blue carnations, in stripes, a real Uncle Sam hat! He made an attempt to put it on his head, but it was too big!” (p. 2, Dec. 20, 1938, G.L.)
We should think it would be! It is surprising, too, that he would have the hated color, red, so near to him.
One afternoon a little over a year ago, Donald Ballard in company with one of his father’s “staff” members, was walking down historic Pennsylvania Avenue. As the two passed the White House, Donald turned to his companion and pointed through the gateway to the President’s quarters saying:
-      “That man has no business in there. My Dad should be the head of this Nation right now!”
In the Ballards’ official report to their Centers under date of March 11, 1938, there appeared the following veiled statement as to the future destiny of the reincarnated Washington and his official family:
“You are familiar with the fact that it was our Beloved Saint Germain Who saved Washington and the Continental Army; and who established Washington as the first President of the United States of America. Unknown to anyone He has been training our Precious MR. AND MRS. BALLARD, His children in that long ago, to carry this ‘Light’ under His direction . . .”
Their people actually believe that George Washington Ballard and his wife Edna are being trained to bring a “New Government” into America, and it is no doubt flattering to these trusting souls to think they will have a part to play in it.
Campaign-manager Saint Germain at the San Francisco class on February 5, 1938, seemed to be quite sanguine as to the political outlook. We quote:
-      “I tell you, dear ones, you are becoming a power in the world! Do not forget it!” (p. 6, March, 1938, V.)
The Ascended Master “Mighty Victory,” while speaking at San Diego, said:
-      “This momentum is just getting well into action now, but when another million people are pouring forth these Decrees, you will see something!” (p. 8, March, 1939, V.)
The “Queen of Light” aroused the patriotic I AM-ers in Kansas City by saying:
-      “As you, a body of more than four hundred thousand students, issue these Decrees, do you think for one moment that you cannot regulate the conditions; even in the requirement of the government?” (pp. 450-451, A.M.L.)
The “Goddess of Liberty,” who seems to have given General Washington a “vision” of the future, said while at New York:
-      “Know the accuracy of the vision shown Washington! for remember, until the Ascended Masters TAKE COMMAND OF AMERICA, Washington will stand.” (p. 466, A.M.L., our capitals and italics.)
The Ballard official report, calling attention to the patriotic bands of “Minute Men” organized all over the country said:
-      “You will be interested to know how the activity of the Minute Men is expanding. At their meeting preceding the last Shrine Class 1800 were present. With the organ, drums and bugle blowing in their stirring ‘Marching Song,’ it is no wonder that men like to attend.” (p. 2, Feb., 1938, G.L.)
These official reports are frequently in the nature of campaign speeches and “pep” talks. One reads:
-      “Arise, Minute Men of America! Arise, Daughters of Light! Arise, Students everywhere! Rally around our great Commander-in-Chief! Give Obedience to your Great god Presence. Hurl forth those mighty decrees . . .” (p. 3, Dec. 30, 1938, G.L.)
Another one says:
-      “Awaken! Arise! Crusaders of old! . . . Joan of Arc, Washington, and the Powers of Light call you to sweep forward!... Carry America, Mankind and the World to Victory! . . . Sweep onward in one Solid Phalanx of Light! Hurl forth  your  mighty Decrees! . . . Victory is nigh! Victory is here! Carry on!!!” (p. 4, Jan. 7, 1938, G.L.)
During a Minute Men’s meeting at Washington, D. C., Guy Ballard was saluted as the “Commander in Chief of the United States of America,” which he acknowledged with his usual humility.
Later, at a Minute Men’s meeting in Dallas, he waxed eloquent about the “vicious” happenings at the seat of the government, and shouted to the applauding group:
-      “As George Washington, I was head of my army, and if necessary, I will again mount my white horse and lead the armies to victory!”
On the afternoon of January 6, 1939, at the Shrine Civic Auditorium in Los Angeles, George Washington Ballard personally stated to the large audience assembled there, his remarks being also broadcast over the radio, that following:
-      “Why, we have,” said he, speaking not so humbly, “over one million I AM students now; before the year is out we will have two million — and it only takes three million to govern the United States by Divine Order and Justice.”
Back in 1936, Saint Germain told his audience at San Francisco:
-      “The Government —the New Government— will require your services ere long.”
And, for years, his Minute Men with drums and bugle, with Archangel Michael’s “Sword of the Blue Flame” in their physical hands, have been singing their patriotic Marching Song and hurling forth their decrees:
-      “Fill every office in our Land with Almighty Ascended Master FRIENDS of the Light!”
~ * ~
Can there be any doubt who these “Friends” are, and the parts Guy Ballard, wife, and son had planned to play in the “New Government?”
He, George Washington! She, Joan of Arc! Their son, Lafayette of France!
What additional and amazing steps they took to consummate their desires will in the next chapter be given — and, then, the sudden and unexpected sequel to it all!
(Psychic Dictatorship in America, chapter 33)
Cid's observation
This is further proof that Guy and Edna Ballard were not messengers of the masters because the true messengers do not get involved in politics since their job is to awaken people's consciences and not to intrude in the already corrupted structures that have been instituted.

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