By Gerald B. Bryan
The Ballard cult is but one of the increasing number of subversive influences in America today seeking, under various cloaks, to bring widespread confusion in the land.
Tyrannies of this kind do not wear labels on their coat sleeves telling the world what they intend to do. They work insidiously, under false fronts and colors, and only perhaps when they have achieved some degree of influence and power will their subversive nature be revealed.
When hundreds of thousands of adult Americans can embrace the Ballard doctrines without investigation, and accept ridiculous and unsupported statements on the word of two individuals, does it not indicate that some peculiar psychological influence is at work? Does it not suggest that something is happening to the American people, something is breaking down their reason and common sense, when movements such as Ballardism can make headway in our country?
Should this happen to any great extent, then political tyrannies can make inroads into our government and make this country something far different than contemplated by the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the framers of our American Constitution.
Then, when people awake to the menace, it may be too late to win back the liberties they have lost.
By that time, a dictatorship has been set up, with a controlled press, a regimented army and police forces; and until that dictatorship has run its course, little can be done toward a new birth of freedom.
The Mighty I AM movement is an abortive effort to make the American people into automatons, fitted only to obey the mandates of some dictator. The method of doing this has been the time-tested one of cloaking subversive doctrines in patriotic and religious observances.
“Save America! Support the Constitution! Adore your Mighty I AM!” They organize “Minute Men” and “Daughters of Light”; have them meet in sacred “I AM Temples,” wave the flag, sing stirring patriotic songs, and shout paeans of praise to unseen “Masters,” who dictate the course of their lives.
(Cid's observation: This is absurd because the true Masters are not patriots since they love all humanity, and they insist on the importance of thinking for yourself and not depending on someone else.)
Although their followers may be sincere in doing these things, nevertheless, it is very evident —when one gets behind the movement and sees the demands for obedience by two physical-plane dictators— that such religious and patriotic observances are but smoke screens.
When these cult leaders blaspheme Christ by bringing forth an astral “spook” on the stage and force their people through fear and intimidation to obey the mandates of some supposedly all-powerful “God” or “Goddess,” is this real religion?
When they decree that an “Ascended Master” or some “Friend “ be placed in every important political seat of the Government, and cajole their students into being absolutely subservient to the dictates of these so-called “Masters” and their earth-plane agents, is this by any chance the kind of patriotism embodied in our American Constitution and its Bill of Rights?
How absurd it is for these people to play up the Constitution and shout decrees to support it, when they doing everything in their power to break it down!
How hypocritical it is for them to shout decrees to the “Blessed Master,” when they teach idolatrous and paranoiac doctrines, breaking down the very ideals of humility, kindness, and service which the Master of Galilee came to teach!
How dangerous to the sanity of their people it is for them to launch upon the world an avalanche of monstrous fear-concepts — black magicians, cataclysms, astral entities, death rays, and other hobgoblins of the mind!
All this is a part of a plan for world confusion, organized certainly by the Satanic powers of this universe, to which the Ballards, perhaps unconsciously, are giving expression — a plan designed to kill out individualism, our ideals of religious and political freedom, and eventually set up a dictatorship in liberty-loving America.
The preparation for a dictatorship begins years in advance. The course of it is slow and insidious, during which the minds of the people are lulled into byways and highways. Then, suddenly, one day, it is upon them, almost out of the blue; and it is then too late to take concerted action against it. The dictator is safely entrenched in the seat of power, with money and an army to enforce his mandates.
In Europe and Asia, dictatorships flourish by reason of might of arms and fears of the prison camps.
In America, if a dictatorship is to develop, it must first be psychological rather than physical.
Before actual, political dictatorship can arise in a republic, the minds of the people must be prepared and molded by propaganda of many kinds.
Anything which tends to keep people in an apathetic frame of mind, away from contact with reality, easily lends itself to some future political dictatorship.
For this reason, various peace proposals, non-resistance programs, metaphysical and religious teachings may peculiarly become good soils for the growth of some future dictatorship.
This is not said, of course, to reflect on any sincere effort toward peace or to discourage any true religious worship. But in so far as these matters may come under control of selfish individuals or misguided ones, there is naturally some danger that the unthinking mass of followers may be led into programs which make for slavery instead of freedom.
The Ballard cult is one of those psychological influences in America which is drawing, or attempting to draw, people’s attention away from fundamentals; and by use of what virtually amounts to hypnotic control over their followers is preventing them from looking sanely at the problems which confront our Nation.
Expecting their individual and national salvation to come as a miraculous visitation from heaven in the form of some mighty “Master” who will straighten out their problems if they decree loud enough, the Ballard I AM-ers are lying supinely on their backs blissfully awaiting the inevitable disaster which would result if all of us turned our independence over to fake “psychic Masters” and scheming human beings.
To prevent such a dictatorship from arising in America, either from the present Ballard cult or some other setup, we need to be awake and alert as to what is going on. We must be keenly aware of the insidious, undercover methods of those who would enslave us. We must not let this insidious thing which is attempting to sweep in from Europe, Asia, and from the psychically-disturbed world around us disarm our independence.
We must beware of movements and cults which outwardly come in sheep’s clothing of goodness, but inwardly are as ravenous as wolves.
We must not let the world confusion break down our faith in God, or in our own inherent, divinely-given wisdom to work out of any disorder which may now or later confront us.
We must realize that America’s problems are our own; and we cannot leave them for God to solve for us, any more than a school child can be permitted to turn his lessons over to his father or teacher for solution.
Nor should we ever let any so-called “Master” —ascended or unascended— rule over our lives for us; for no real Master of the Divine Wisdom would ever interfere with a pupil’s God-given right of independent and initiative action.
For all these rights of independence and freedom the early pioneers of this nation fought. They revolted against political and religious tyranny, which resulted in a Declaration of Rights which gave the American people the greatest amount of freedom and independence of any nation on earth.
Let us, therefore, be jealous of any and all these rights and privileges which we so far have held on to, and not permit the heel of any dictator within or without our borders, physical or psychic, to crush out this spirit of independence in freedom-loving America.
(Psychic Dictatorship in America, chapter 28)

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