Magus Incognito in Latin means "the magician who wants to go unnoticed" and is the pseudonym used by the author of the book "The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians" and everything indicates that it was William Atkinson, since the way this book is written is the same as William Atkinson, who:
-      he abused the use of quotation marks and capital letters,
-      his explanations were once confused and cumbersome,
-      he putting aphorisms pretending that they came from an ancient esoteric teaching, when in fact most of the time he had elaborated them himself.
And this book also addresses the same themes that Atkinson had already exposed several times in his previous works, mainly: The Arcane Teachings, The Kybalion, The Yogi Philosophy and The Raja Yoga.
And also in this book he repeats the same mistakes Atkinson had already made in his previous books.
And just as in the Kybalion, in this book there is also a list of the seven universal laws (nothing more than here they are supposedly "the seven Rosicrucian cosmic principles" while in the Kybalion they were supposedly "the seven hermetic universal principles").
And this book was published by Advanced Thought Publishing, which was William Atkinson's publisher.
In conclusion: everything indicates that this book was written by William Atkinson.
Also, William Atkinson liked to use pseudonyms, but curiously he only used this pseudonym "Magus Incognito" once for this book, and perhaps that is because he did not know what else to say about the Rosicrucians since it shows that he knew very little about them.
And later this pseudonym was taken up by the international lawyer and legal adviser George Mentz who is a follower of Atkinson and who has published several books on how to attract abundance, health and happiness, but I could not tell you how good his books are.

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